
The cost of SharePoint servers, data security and technical talent can be painful in times when expenses run wild and budget cuts loom. Some IT teams spend as much as 51% of their day fixing and managing servers, monopolizing valuable resources your business needs to innovate. Fpweb.net SharePoint hosting plans help you get off the server-spending treadmill and save significant money compared to on-premises SharePoint deployments.

Fpweb.net Hosting SharePoint Server

On-Premises SharePoint Deployment

Public Cloud SharePoint Environment


Predictable Costs

We take care of hardware, repairs, replacements and upgrades to save you thousands.

Unexpected Expenses

Unpredictable large capital outlays and out-of-pocket expenses that strain your business.

Consumption Based

Only get charged for what you use. Not ideal for production environments that need to be highly available. Better for testing/development. Insufficient security & performance.


Deploy in Days

Our rapid deployment ensures that your SharePoint solution will be up and running in a matter of days.

Delayed for Months

Be prepared for a complex installation process and a time-consuming deployment process.

Deploy in Hours

Many pre-defined server images to fit your needs. Can be deployed and ready in hours or less. Lack of customization to fit your needs.


SharePoint Experts 24x7x365

With the most SharePoint expertise in the hosting industry, our staff of experts free up your resources.

High Staffing Costs

Your in-house IT may not have the experience to manage SharePoint.

Support Not Included

Infrastructure only. Must manage with in-house IT or find third-party support.


Turnkey SharePoint

Everything needed for the best SharePoint experience: Worry-free support and carefree maintenance.

Complex Configurations

Continuously adding to the IT environment can become complex, time consuming, and confusing.


On-demand deployment, scalability, and availability.



Custom-fit, secure, compliant infrastructure to safeguard your brand and business.


Most organizations lack the budget and staff to prevent cyber attacks. Without state-of-the-art security & expertise, your data will be compromised.


Unsure exactly where your data lives. Most public cloud environments are shared and use Software Defined Networking (SDN) rather than hardware defined.


Sweet Spot

People:No need to hire

Expertise:No need to train

Infrastructure:No need to buy

OpEx vs. CapEx:Operational expense

You Own It




OpEx vs. CapEx:Capital expense

Cheap & Easy




OpEx vs. CapEx:Operational expense

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