
Hi Everyone,

I have only just discovered this site. I lost my mum in Nov 2013 :(

In 2006 mum was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer, and was given only 3 months to live. But after being referred to UCLH was operated on and given chemo etc..... My brother, sister and I all took it in turns to sleep nights with mum for the first 6 months after her op, so she wouldn't be alone. She did not want to leave her home. She battled and struggled through the years, and fought with sheer determination to stay with us, being admitted into hospital more times than I can remember. She defied all odds,science and all doctors predictions on numerous occasions. We were told over the years so many times by doctors that mum only had weeks to live, we must have grieved so many times at that news alone! It was a roller coaster 7 years that's for sure! I am self employed and work from home, so when mum was first diagnosed I automatically became her carer. For 7 years I would pick her up every morning and take her to my home, spending the day with with her,and my son and daughter when they were not at work and uni. My dad died of Lung cancer just before the birth of my daughter 21 years ago, I was devastated, and was there every day to support my mum, as we live in the same town. So my son and daughter have seen their nan virtually every day of their life, they are missing her smiling face and sense of humour so much, We are such a close family, sometimes the loss of my mum is too hard to bare. I cant seem to wake up without thinking of my mum, I often dream of her, but then wake up to find she's not here, and can't help crying. After caring for my mum for so many years, and having a daily routine, I still go to grab my car keys in the morning to pick her up, then suddenly realise what I'm doing and burst out crying. I had a partial abdominal hysterectomy in Sept 2013, and was unable to look after mum for 4/5/weeks, and I went on holiday to a friends wedding and to recover from my op. Ironically after being with mum all of that time, she unexpectedly passed away while I was on holiday on the other side of the world, I'm still trying to come to terms with that one? Actually don't know whether I can? cant believe I was away!  my world has been turned upside down! I'm trying to stay strong for my children, but sometimes just feel so lost and weak!!    

Sorry for going on a bit, but just finding every day really hard :( Love you mum and Dad XX

You are the brightest stars in the sky XX

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