
I spent the day getting ready for a party.

Siley and I were all low-key. We stayed in pajamas most of the day. I did a little cleaning up, which is the main reason I try to have company now and then.

But I also feel like I don't want things to ever be too perfect, cause that's just now how we roll.

And I don't feel as comfortable in someone's home if every single thing is spotless.

But I digress.

It really was a relaxing, productive day.

And here's the honest truth, I thought of you guys. I wished I could have a big Us party, and give you all treats. Do you believe me? Does this sound cheesy?

So what. It's true.

I was standing there dipping oranges in chocolate and thinking that you guys are my friends and my people. It feels weird to have a party and not invite you'ns.

Just know you're loved, okay?

Said oranges.

Aren't they cute?

Well, they very nearly killed me.

Melting chocolate is not my forte, okay?

But they were DELISH.

I found this recipe here.

I did something I've never done in the history of the world and made the cranberry sauce a day ahead. WHAT? I did. I planned ahead.

I sort of made up the cranberry sauce recipe as I went. It was easy and YUM.

We also had hot tea.

So the snacks were the easiest ever, minus the whole chocolate debacle, but I really don't want to talk about that.


I burned the chocolate.

Then I started over and it was perfect.

So I wisely thought, "I think I'll add some heavy cream! It will make it even smoother and glossier!"


So by that time, all the good chocolate was ruined.

But luckily I had some chocolate chips.

So I went ahead and burned those, too.

It's just what I do.

This is my new friend, Jolene. We live in the same town. I ran into her at the coffee shop two weeks after I got back from Ethiopia and she was wearing Noonday and I totally recognized it. Turns out, she's a Noonday ambassador. Also, she has 3 little sweeties adopted from Ethiopia. Anyway, yada yada, I instantly loved her and immediately blurted out, "I want to host a trunk show."

I haven't hosted one of "those" invite-lots-of-friends kinds of parties in roughly 8 years. I'm usually just not into it.

But this company has such a heart. All of their pieces support artisans from developing countries. Their work keeps families intact. It provides money for food and needed medication.

This is orphan prevention.

It's advocating for the helpless.

It speaks to my heart.


I Can't.



Everything Noonday Sells.

I earned some credit with my sale tonight. This is one contender. It's between this one and 18 others.

This stuff is so statement-piecey. But there's something for everyone. There were some really beautiful, delicate pieces. I may have literally drooled on the Ethiopian collection made from recycled artillery shells.


 It's definitely not the same, but pretend you're choosing a mug from my thrift-store mug collection and I'll boil the water.

Have a look at the Noonday Collection stuff and buy something for your mother-in-law who has everything, or your best friend because she makes you a better person, or yourself, because you're just so money and you don't even know it.

At check-out, put Shannan Martin in the section "Trunk Show Name".


And one of these days, let's throw a big bash and party together for real.

But you gotta melt the chocolate.

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