
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A Saudi couple left their baby in the car while they went to a movie in Texas.

The couple was not arrested due to cultural differences. Wow!

“A video of a baby left in a locked car in Southern Texas has gone viral and so has the reason why the parents of the child weren’t arrested.”

KUTV reported:

A couple from Saudi Arabia was watching a movie at a theater in Corpus Christi, Texas on Saturday night. While they were watching the movie, they left their baby locked inside, according to police. While the baby was unharmed, it hasn’t stopped people from being outraged at why officers didn’t hold the couple, who is not from this country, accountable.

“It wasn’t an accident and there wasn’t an arrest … it seems this time, culture played an unexpected factor,” KIII-TV reports.

Here’s more…

Police Officers said they discovered it was an eight-month-old girl and she was left inside for 46 minutes outside the Texas theater before her 29-year-old father and 17-year-old mother came out with their other four-year-old child. The couple told police it is normal behavior in Saudi Arabia.

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