The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest will be seeking qualified candidates to fill potential temporary jobs on the Forest during the 2014 field season. These potential positions will be filled to support programs in recreation and wilderness, trails, public information, timber, and range. There is separate Outreach document for Fire positions on Wallowa Whitman National Forest. This outreach document provides interested candidates with information on possible temporary jobs including the position title, series/grade, job duties/requirements, and contact information. General information is also provided for the forest, ranger districts, and local communities.
The positions available range from GS-3 – GS-5:
· The GS-3 requires 6+ months of pertinent experience or minimum 6 semester hours of coursework related to the job;
· The GS-4 requires 12+ months of pertinent experience or minimum 12 semester hours of coursework related to the job;
· The GS-5 requires 18+ months of pertinent experience or a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum 24 semester hours of coursework related to the job.
Gross hourly pay rates are as follows:
· GS-3: $12.07
· GS-4: $13.55
· GS-5: $15.15
The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest is one of the largest forests in Region 6. It has four Ranger Districts and one National Recreation Area. The Forest covers more than 2.3 million acres in three states and nine counties. The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest has a diverse program with high recreation use, several listed species, all or portions of four wilderness areas, grazing, mining, and a large fire program http://www.fs.usda.gov/wallowa-whitman/
The Forest maintains three main administrative offices in the communities of Baker City, Joseph, and La Grande. There are two satellite offices located in Riggins, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington.
Whitman Ranger District
Baker City, Oregon
The Whitman Ranger District Office is located in Baker City, Oregon which is situated in the mountains of Northeastern Oregon along the historic Oregon Trail. Surrounded by the Elkhorn, Blue, and Wallowa Mountain ranges, Baker has an elevation of approximately 3,500 feet. It is located on Interstate 84 within 2.5 hours of the Tri Cities (Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick, Washington) to the northwest, and within 2 hours of Boise, Idaho to the southeast. Baker City is a full service community with a population of approximately 10,000 people.
The Whitman Ranger District includes about 700,000 acres of national forest land and is a consolidation of the Unity, Baker, and Pine Ranger Districts. Its diverse and complex annual program of work typically includes several large integrated vegetation and fuels projects, administration of 40+ grazing allotments, the administration of 100+ mining claims, processing of several new mining Plans of Operations, many externally initiated special use projects, an active fire season, and a healthy dispersed and developed recreation program. The District has approximately 40 full-time employees and another 40-50 temporaries during the field season. The District also has a strong cooperative Youth Program with Baker County.
Position Title: Recreation/Trails Technician
Series: GS-462-3/4
Duty Station: Halfway, Oregon (2 positions), Baker City, Oregon (3 positions)
Job Duties/Requirements: Crew member of a trail/resource crew. Completes maintenance on motorized trails across the district and non-motorized trails in the back country, developed recreation sites, trailheads, and dispersed recreation sites. Resource work includes riparian area rehab, fence construction, and range improvement projects. These positions require extensive hiking, physical work, use of chainsaws, hand tools, and ATV’s and may require overnight camping away from duty station. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required. If needed to accomplish assigned work, employees will be trained and required to pass certification testing on use of chainsaws, crosscut saws, and ATVs.
Contact Person: Max Forgensi (541)523-1341 (mforgensi@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 2-3 Positions budget dependent
Position Title: Biological Aid
Series: GS-404-3
Duty Station: Baker City, Oregon
Job Duties/Requirements: Collection and monitoring of wildlife, fish, and vegetation field data. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required.
Contact Person: Josh White (541) 523-1340 (jpwhite@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Position
Position Title: Range Aid
Series: GS-455-3
Duty Station: Baker City, Oregon
Job Duties/Requirements: Completing inspections of livestock grazing allotments. Inspection, construction, and reconstruction of range improvements and collection of vegetation monitoring data. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required.
Contact Person: Josh White (541) 523-1340 (jpwhite@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Position
Position Title: Biological Science Aid
Series: GS-0404-2/3
Duty Station: Baker City, Oregon
Job Duties: Work with a Biological Science Technician identifying and treating invasive plants using mechanical methods and herbicide application.
Contact Person: Scott Schaefer (541) 523-1339 (sschaefer@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Position
Position Title: Forestry Aid
Series/Grade: GS-462-4
Duty Station: Baker City, OR Halfway, OR
Job Duties/Requirements: Marking and cruising of timber vegetation units on the Whitman RD. These positions require hiking on uneven terrain, physical work, use of chainsaws, hand tools, and possibly ATV’s. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required. If needed to accomplish assigned work, employees will be trained and required to be pass certification testing on use of chainsaws and ATVs.
Contact person: John Jesenko (541) 523-1380 (jjesenko@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 2 Positions
Wallowa Mountains Office
Joseph, Oregon
The Wallowa Mountains Office (WMO) which is the headquarters for the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (NRA), Eagle Cap Ranger District and Wallowa Valley Ranger District is located in Joseph, Oregon. There are also offices and facilities located in Enterprise, Oregon, Clarkston, Washington and Riggins, Idaho which serve the WMO and NRA. The Town of Joseph is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by the Eagle Cap and Wallowa Mountain ranges. Joseph is about a one hour drive from La Grande, two hours from Pendleton and two hours from Lewiston, ID. The population of Joseph is approximately 1,200 and nearby Enterprise is 2,000. Other nearby communities include Lostine, Wallowa, and Imnaha. Wallowa Valley is surrounded by the Eagle Cap Mountains and boasts Oregon’s largest Wilderness (Eagle Cap), the clearest lake (Wallowa Lake), the steepest tram (Mt. Howard), the deepest gorge (Hells Canyon) and the greenest valley (Wallowa) east of the Cascades.
The Wallowa Mountains Office employs approximately 45 permanent employees. During the summer, a large seasonal workforce is hired at various offices and duty stations to assist with fire, fuels, recreation, trails, wilderness, timber, fisheries, and rangeland management projects.
The Wallowa Mountain Office and NRA Staff manages a very complex natural resource program including fire, timber, range, recreation and wilderness, trails, heritage, aquatics, wildlife, botany, weeds, and panning. Much of the Eagle Cap Wilderness and Hells Canyon National Recreation Area is located in remote locations making access sometimes challenging.
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (NRA)
Clarkston, WA & Riggins, ID Offices
Position Title: Information Receptionist
Series/Grade: GS-0304-04 & GS-0304-03
Duty Station: Oxbow, OR (Hells Canyon Launch and Visitor Center)
Job Duties/Requirements: These two positions serve as receptionists for the visitor center where they answer public questions and provide interpretation for the Hells canyon NRA. The receptionists also work at the launch where they provide river permits by accessing the National Recreation Reservation System online and issue boat tags. They also inspect float-boat parties for required equipment prior to their launch.
Number of Positions: 1 Positions
Contact Person: Michael Ball, (509)758-0616, mtball@fs.fed.us
Position Title: Forestry Technician/ Recreation – Float Patrol
Series/Grade: GS-0462-04
Duty Station: Clarkston, WA
Job Duties/Requirements: Patrol the Snake River of Hells Canyon with float boats. Make visitor contact with as many recreationists as possible, answers questions and provide interpretation of the Hells Canyon NRA. Cleans and maintains river recreation sites and beaches. Rafting experience and proficiency is required.
Number of Positions: 3 Positions
Contact Person: Michael Ball, (509)758-0616, mtball@fs.fed.us
Position Title: Information Receptionist
Series/Grade: GS-0304-03
Duty Station: 1 position in Clarkston, WA and 1 position in Riggins, ID.
Job Duties/Requirements: These positions serve as front desk employees to greet visitors, answer questions, provide information concerning Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, sell recreation passes and wood cutting permits and answer the telephone. The employee also performs administrative office tasks such as filing, data input, and general clerical duties.
Number of Positions: 1 Position
Contact Person: Michael Ball, (509)758-0616, mtball@fs.fed.us
Wallowa Valley Ranger District
Joseph, OR
Position Title: Forestry Technician
Series/Grade: GS-462-4 or 5
Duty Station: Joseph, Oregon
Job Duties/Requirements: Assist in Timber sale layout, marking, and timber stand evaluations. Help layout and GPS pre-commercial thinning units. This position requires long days, being able to hike over rough terrain, carry several quarts of marking paint, work with a compass, releskope, clinometer etc. able to follow marking guides and work in a small group. Employees may assist in initial attack firefighting. These positions require hiking on uneven terrain, physical work, use of chainsaws, hand tools, and possibly ATV’s. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required. If needed to accomplish assigned work, employees will be trained and required to be pass certification testing on use of chainsaws and ATVs.
Number of Positions: 1-2 Positions
Contact Person: Kent Berkey (541)426-5669 kberkey@fs.fed.us
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area
Joseph, OR
Position Title: Recreation Technician (Developed Recreation)
Series: GS-462-3/4/5
Duty Station: Joseph, OR
Job Duties/Requirements: These positions serve as developed recreation crew members on the Wallowa Mountains Zone. Employees work in support of the developed recreation program in work that includes: cleaning & maintaining campground & trailhead facilities; developed site hazard mitigation; providing information & education to visitors. These positions will typically work a 4/10 schedule, including weekend days and are home at night. Referral lists will be pulled between February-April.
Contact Person: Sweyn Wall (541)426-5523 (swall@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1-2 Positions
Position Title: Recreation Technician (Interpretive Ranger)
Series: GS-462-3/4/5
Duty Station: Joseph, OR
Job Duties/Requirements: This position serves on a 1-2 member team working on the Oregon side of Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (HCNRA). Employees will provide interpretive information & education targeting visitors to the HCNRA. Duties include targeting high use destinations within the Area, as well as participating in a variety of local events. This position involves a substantial amount of driving on backcountry roads to access the Area. Employees will typically work a 4/10 schedule, including weekend days and are home at night. Referral lists will be pulled between February-April.
Contact Person: Sweyn Wall (541)426-5523 (swall@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Positions
Position Title: Wilderness Technician (Trails)
Series: GS-462-3/4/5
Duty Station: Joseph, OR
Job Duties/Requirements: These positions serve on a 2-3 person Trail Crews working on Hells Canyon, Eagle Cap and Wallowa Valley Ranger Districts. Employees will perform trail work or supervise crew members in work that includes: backcountry trail maintenance supported by backpack, stock or OHV; trail construction and visitor contacts. These positions will typically work 8 day hitches in the backcountry. Referral lists will be pulled between February-April.
Contact Person: John Hollenbeak (541)426-5520 (jhollenbeak@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 2-3 Positions
Position Title: Wilderness Technician (Wilderness Ranger)
Series: GS-462-3/4/5
Duty Station: Joseph, OR
Job Duties/Requirements: These positions serve as both solo- and crew-based wilderness rangers in the Eagle Cap and Hells Canyon Wilderness areas. Duties include: public contact, wilderness restoration, light trail maintenance and resource inventory. Employees will typically work 8 hour days, including weekends, often for 5 to 10 day hitches in the backcountry. Referral lists will be pulled between February-April.
Contact Person: Sweyn Wall (541)426-5523 (swall@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Position
La Grande Ranger District
La Grande, Oregon
The La Grande Ranger District office is located in La Grande, Oregon. La Grande lies in the Grande Ronde valley surrounded by the Blue Mountains and Wallowa Mountains. The town’s name comes from an early French settler, Charles Dause, who often used the phrase “La Grande” to describe the area’s beauty. The culturally diverse population numbers approximately 12,500 residents, not including those who travel here to attend Eastern Oregon University.
Unique attributes of the district include the Oregon Trail Interpretive Park at the Blue Mountain Crossing where visitors can observe and walk along some of the best preserved portions of the historic Oregon Trail. Starkey Experimental Forest is also located on the district and is managed in conjunction with the La Grande Forestry and Range Sciences Lab for research purposes.
The La Grande Ranger District employs approximately 50 full-time employees. Professionals working at La Grande Ranger District include fire, wildlife and fisheries, archeology, engineering, botany, GIS, range, recreation, and planning. In addition, the district is home to the La Grande and Union Interagency Hotshot fire crews. During the summer months, an additional 100 seasonal employees are hired for work on fire, recreation, range, timber, and fisheries field crews.
Position Title: Biological Aid/Biological Science Technician (Fisheries)
Series: GS-404-3/4
Duty Station: La Grande, Oregon
Job Duties: Work as member of aquatic inventory crew collecting and monitoring stream and aquatic habitat information across the Blue Mountain tri-forest area. All positions are full-time starting on June 16th and continue through late September. The stream inventory crews are required to camp for a significant amount of time throughout the summer (generally 10 work weeks) with little or no amenities. Data collection includes taking numerous stream measurements, measuring stream discharge, identifying riparian vegetation and snorkeling to identify aquatic species. Backpacking into areas to complete surveys may be a necessity. Navigation to work areas using a map, compass and GPS is a must. Day to day requirements include hiking on rugged, slippery, steep terrain in varying weather conditions for numerous hours at a time while collecting quality data. It is anticipated that jobs will be posted on www.usajobs.com beginning in early March.
Contact Person: Kayla Morinaga (541) 962-8536 (kmorinaga@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 3-4 Positions
Position Title: Recreation/Trails Technician
Series: GS-462-3/4 (STEP)
Duty Station: La Grande, Oregon
Job Duties: Completes maintenance on both motorized and non-motorized trails in the back country, developed recreation sites, trailheads, and dispersed recreation sites as part of a recreation work crew. Resource work includes riparian area rehab, fence construction, and range improvement projects. Position requires extensive hiking, physical work, use of chainsaw, hand tools and ATV’s and may require overnight camping away from duty station.
Contact Person: Arlene Blumton (541)962-8522( ablumton@fs.fed.us )
Number of Positions: 2-4 Positions
Position Title: Range Aid
Series: GS-455-3/4
Duty Station: La Grande
Job Duties/Requirements: Completing inspections of livestock grazing allotments. Inspection, construction, and reconstruction of range improvements and collection of vegetation monitoring data. Plant identification and work with hazardous materials. Work boots, work pants, and long sleeve shirts are required.
Contact Person: Aric Johnson (541) 962-8517 ajjohnson@fs.fed.us
Number of Positions: 2 Positions
Position Title: Engineering Technician
Series: GS-0802-3/4
Duty Station: La Grande
Job Duties/Requirements: Road maintenance on forest roads. Cutting logs out of roadway, brushing, pot hole patching and sign installation.
Contact Person: Mark Gomez (541)962-8591 magomez@fs.fed.us
Number of Positions: 2 Positions
Position Title: Biological Science Aid
Series: GS-0404-2/3
Duty Station: La Grande, Oregon
Job Duties: Work with a Biological Science Technician identifying and treating invasive plants using mechanical methods and herbicide application.
Contact Person: Scott Schaefer (541) 962-8550 (sschaefer@fs.fed.us)
Number of Positions: 1 Position