
Bid4theKids School Auction, Saturday, November 5th:

Purchase your tickets today!This event has sold out in years past, so don’t delay!

Raffle tickets are on sale now! 50/50 Raffle tickets are $100 each. ONLY 100 tickets will be sold! Possibility of winning up to $5,000! Email stark8878@yahoo.com to buy now!

Auction volunteers still needed! If you are able to help the décor committee with set up or clean up following the event, please contact Amanda Grask  or Holli Wilson.

Live bidding opens 10/31/16  If you are unable to attend the event, bidding tickets are available for $25 and you can pick up your items on Sunday November 6th between 10-12pm. Buy your bidding ticket @ www.bid4thekids.org!

Non-public transportation reimbursement forms are due by December 1. Parents, if you live 2 miles or more from St. Francis, please complete the form and submit to the school district in which you reside. This is done twice a year.  If you have questions regarding your reimbursement, please contact your resident school district.

Order your 2016-2017 SFA Yearbook online (school code:12546417). Yearbooks cost $23.00 per book and will be delivered to students in May.

Submit photos from school sponsored events to be considered for the yearbook by clicking here (school activation code is AEWDQX).  Thanks in advance for your help!

Box Tops and Labels for Education contest will end February 15th. Please trim box tops and labels for education (the bar code must be included) and place in well-sealed bags/envelopes that are labelled with your child’s teacher’s name. At the end of the school year, the class with the most will win an ice cream party!

SCRIP CLIPS: Upcoming order dates: Nov. 7, 14, 28.  The holidays are right around the corner! Purchase Scrip for your Thanksgiving festivities and travel (Hyvee, Fareway, Kum & Go, and Casey’s are a few top sellers!) Also stock up on gift cards for shopping at your favorite Black Friday stores. Scrip offers cards for: Target, Toys “R” Us, Scheels, Younkers, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Nordstrom, Amazon.com, Kohl’s, Pottery Barn & many more! While you shop, earn rebates for your family and St. Francis Home and School.

Scrip is still seeking a Co-Chair to train to become the Coordinator for the next school year. Please contact Crystal Putze  if you are interested .

For order forms or to learn more about how Scrip works, click on the links below:

Scrip Agreement: if you haven’t already done so, please complete the form and return to the office with your next order.

Order Form: Submit your order and check (payable to SFA Home and School) with your child by Monday at 10am for Friday delivery. Thank you for all your support of the SCRIP program throughout the year!

Please contact Crystal Putze with any questions.

Catholic Youth Camp registration is opening at noon on November 15th!

Fatima Statue Visit and Silent Pre-Election Prayer Vigil: Sunday, November 6th, 1:30-6. What at you praying for? Health concerns? Hurricane victims? A peaceful election? God’s direction? Let Our Lady be of help!

Please join us for an extraordinary day of graces, healing, and prayer to Our Lady, for our country and our families. Whatever your prayer needs, you are invited to the quiet of our sanctuary for a unique and powerful prayer afternoon-come for some or stay for all.

In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children in Fatima, Portugal, telling them to be fervent in prayer, especially the daily Rosary. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Fatima is the home from which Mary chose to speak to us in modern times.” A beautiful statue was sculpted in 1947 in her honor to carry the blessings of Fatima throughout the world.

This statue, a precious image created for the purposes of traveling to spread Our Lady’s message of hope, peace, and salvation, will be displayed during this special prayer time at St. Francis on November 6 as part of the Fatima Centennial Tour for Peace.

We hope you’ll stop in for some or all of the afternoon which includes a procession and welcome remarks at 1:30, a Rosary at 2:00, followed by silent prayer from 2:30 -5, and concluding with a closing Rosary and benediction from 5:30-6.

Be a part of this miraculous prayer opportunity with the presence of Mary…”the favors She performs along the way are such that we can hardly believe what we are seeing with our eyes.” (Pope Pius XII, 1951). Learn more at fatimatourforpeace.com.

Fatima Statue Visit and Silent Pre-Election Prayer Vigil

1:30 Procession of Statue

1:40 Statue Custodian Welcome and Presentation

2:00 Rosary (led by members of Monday rosary group)

2:30 – 5:15 Silent prayer (come and go as you wish)

5:15 Rosary (led by members of Monday rosary group)

5:45 Statue Custodian closing comments

5:50 Recession

6:00 End

A GREEN bin for CONNECTION CAFÉ is located outside the school office. Donate unused hotel toiletries (mini shampoos, soap, lotion, toothpaste, etc.) to either of the GREEN bins by school office or in the Gathering Space by the Church.

The Connection Café serves the homeless and low income community downtown.

Each day, over 100 meals are served to men, women and children.

Once a month, a group from St. Francis of Assisi Church, serves a warm meal and brings supplies to the Connection Café?

Each month, an email is sent out requesting help with food and supply donations, along with an opportunity to serve the warm meal.

Students can receive service hours by baking cookies, making the main dish, bagging trail mix, or bagging laundry detergent.

If you have questions or want to get added onto the distribution list, please contact Stacey Dorsey.

Thanks again for all of your generous contributions!

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