This week, President Obama kicked off his “jobs and opportunity” tour in Austin. During his visit to our great state, I hope the President recognized that our nation would best benefit from using Texas as an economic model rather than taking the path of his home state of Illinois, which has an unemployment rate of 9.5%.
Our philosophies of cutting government spending instead of raising taxes and enacting only sensible regulations has led us to be rated first for business and second for average personal income growth. As you know, the most effective way to truly help the working poor and middle class is to continually increase average personal income through economic growth. Texas has become a beacon for economic prosperity and opportunity, outpacing Illinois and other states which enact policies of higher taxes and out-of-control government spending.
Instead of pursuing the same failed tax-and-spend policies, it is my hope that the President’s visit to our business-friendly state will remind him that in order to reenergize our economy and grow jobs, we must prioritize entrepreneurship and free-enterprise over unions and big government. I urge him to return to Washington willing to work with House Republicans to remove government as a barrier to job growth in order to give all North Texas families confidence for a brighter future.
Helping Families Maintain Work-Life Balance
On Wednesday, the House passed the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013 to give private-sectors employees the option to choose compensatory time off in lieu of monetary overtime compensation. For more than 25 years, public-sector workers have had this flexibility, and I believe that private-sector workers should have the same opportunity.
As a father, I understand that there are times and circumstances when working parents need a voluntary tool to manage their many responsibilities. Whether your weeks are filled with ballet recitals, school plays or caring for an aging parent, you should have the flexibility to balance work and family life. That is why I was proud to be a cosponsor of this important bill to make life easier for many North Texas working families. To watch my remarks in the House Rules Committee on the Working Families Flexibility Act, click here.
Full Faith and Credit Act
As you may know, the House convened for a Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday to hear an official address by the Republic of Korea’s President, Park Geun-hye. Her Excellency’s speech was a great reminder of the vital role that the United States plays in international policy and the essential role we hold in the global economy.
As the world’s leading power, our reputation as a prosperous nation must be protected even during these difficult economic times. That is why I joined my colleagues in supporting the Full Faith and Credit Act this week, a bill that guarantees the timely payment of our federal debt obligations. The fact remains that the bulk of our debt is held here within the United States—with 25% of the total debt held solely by the Federal Reserve and Social Security. In addition to these domestic holders, foreign investors account for roughly one-third of our outstanding debt.
For far too long, the United States has lived beyond its means, which has placed our nation in the position of having to finance an enormous national debt. As your representative in Congress, I will continue to not only work to ensure that our nation does not default on paying its bills and debt obligations, but I will also continue working to bring our budget into balance by reducing our out-of-control spending. Visit my website to learn more about the Full Faith and Credit Act.
Click here to view my remarks on economic freedom
Global Down Syndrome Foundation Gala
As you may know, I am a strong advocate in Congress for people with disabilities. As the father of a young man with Down syndrome, I greatly appreciate the work of the many organizations that are dedicated to research, awareness and support for all of the special needs community. I'm also thankful for a government that encourages taxpayers to take care of the needs of one another by incentivizing charitable donations through our tax code rather than by overtaxing individuals in order to provide inadequate care for those in need.
Congressman Pete Sessions with his son Alex at the Gala
This week, I was delighted to attend the Global Down Syndrome Foundation “Be Beautiful Be Yourself” Gala with my family, Congressional colleagues and several outstanding advocates from across the country. The highlight of my evening was being a part of the event’s fashion show where I walked the runway with Patrick Boyle, a young man from Maryland with Down syndrome. It was inspiring to hear about the accomplishments of all the individuals with Down syndrome in attendance. This event served as a reminder that we must continue to work to give our loved ones the tools they need to develop to the best of their abilities. To view more photos from this year’s gala, visit my Facebook page.
Have a good weekend.
Pete Sessions