
On the 23rd April 2014 we will be performing scheduled upgrades in order to maintain the security of your cPanel service.

The upgrade will affect PHP and MySQL software. The following actions need to be taken to ensure continuity of your site.

PHP upgrade to 5.4
You will need to check your site and ensure it is functioning as expected. Further information on PHP can be found below.

MySQL upgrade to 5.5
You will need to delete and re-add your MySQL User if you use PDO module with PHP to connect to your MySQL database. Failure to do so would result in you not being able to access your site as your MySQL password will no longer work and the site will cease to function until the User has been changed.

More information on how to do this can be found in your e-mail correspondence.

We apologise for any inconvenience this important upgrade may cause.

Start: Wed, 23rd Apr 2014 04:00
End: Wed, 23rd Apr 2014 09:00
Edited: Thu, 3rd Apr 2014 09:32
Status: Outage
Maintenance: Planned

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