Hi All,
One of the things that I'd love to see on the roadmap, or at least the
brainstorm, for PHP.next is some kind of review of error handling. I've
been thinking about this for a while, but hestitated to post until I had
a positive suggestion, not just a list of whinges.
By "error handling", I guess I actually mean "message handling", or
something - everything from E_ERROR down to E_STRICT is currently just a
string of text, with a few ini settings and the ability to register a
single global handler. A lot of the time, this is fine, because these
messages should simply be displayed on the developer's screen, or
appended to the production server's log; but sometimes, it's useful to
know that certain non-fatal things happened - as evidenced by the
existence of ad hoc facilities like libxml_get_errors().
I think the core of PHP could do more to help with this, standardising
things and making them more flexible for the user.
The basic gist I'm suggesting below is that we review and classify all
the existing messages, and promote them from fragile strings into more
useful "message events", with a filtered listener system providing
everything we currently have and more.
Sorry it's got a bit long; consider it a draft RFC ;)
Exceptions for fatals?
I know there was a big discussion about this a while back, and I didn't
read all of it, so I'm not going to go into it here. However, if we were
to review the classification of errors, a proper hierarchy of Exception
classes might be somewhere to put what are currently fatal errors. I
mention this first just to point out that most of what I'm about to
discuss doesn't apply so well to fatal errors, since they can't be
handled in the same ways.
Review of severity
There are currently a lot of errors, warnings, notices, etc in PHP, but
which ones have which severity sometimes feels a bit arbitrary and
inconsistent. I think it would be good to have clear guidelines of what
those severities should mean, and which messages should therefore fall
under which. Severities can also change over time as circumstances
alter. For instance, it bugs me that referencing an undefined class
constant is a fatal error, but referencing an undefined global (or
namespace) constant is only a Notice; code relying on unquoted string
literals has been considered badly written for longer than I've known
PHP, so perhaps it's time to either remove the fallback completely, or
at least raise the message to Warning level.
Classification of messages
The assumption which underpins a lot of what follows is that errors can
and should be classified by type as well as severity. At the moment, the
messages have no identity, they are just strings; this makes handling
them convoluted and fragile - unless you are just logging or displaying
everything that happened, you have to perform a string match, often
masking out variable parts of the message with a regex or prefix-only
match. Ideally, it should be possible to improve the wording for human
consumption without breaking machine handling of that type of event.
My suggestion is that each existing message could be assigned a
"namespace" (the extension name, or section of core), a "type" within
that namespace (analagous to an Exception sub-class), and an ID (like
the numeric code of an exception). The human readable message could then
be tweaked, translated, etc, without appearing to be a completely new
message to any code trying to handle it. Note that applying this to
existing code is mostly trivial as far as assigning a namespace and
message ID to each string; the only hard decision would be assigning
"types" to group similar but non-identical messages in larger extensions.
Treating messages as events
Given the above structured representation of messages, it ought to be
possible to replace the current one-at-a-time set_error_handler() with
something more like a set of registered event listeners. Every time a
message was raised, the object representing it would be passed, in turn,
to all interested listener callbacks. It might be a good idea to let
listeners define the order they are called via a relative priority.
The object passed could be mutable, like an Event in JavaScript, so a
listener could, say, lower the severity of a particular message; it
could also have methods to stop other listeners from being called at
all. Also, since this was brought up a lot as an advantage of
exceptions, it would presumably be possible to include the stack trace
of each message - perhaps only collecting it if a listener expressed an
interest in such when it was registered.
Various existing functionality could be implemented in core, but
expressed as "pseudo-listeners" - not callbacks per se, but registerable
with the same system - e.g. "display_plain", "display_html",
"write_to_log", etc. A "collect" pseudo-listener could implement the
same kind of behaviour as libxml_use_internal_errors(true), pushing each
message into some kind of collection object for later access.
Selectivity of handling
The power of the above scheme would come if you could register a
"message listener" not just for a set of severities, but for a
particular namespace, type, or even single message ID. As each listener
was registered, the options selected could be saved as a value+mask pair
- if you want everything in the libxml namespace with severity warning,
the mask would be blank for type and ID; despatching an event would
involve calculating the "fingerprint" of the current message, iterating
through the registered list of handlers, and calling any of them that
The advantage to this is two-fold: first, it means less boilerplate code
in the listener functions, since the input is pre-filtered; and second,
it's much more efficient to not fire a callback from the engine than it
is to fire a callback which performs some boilerplate logic and decides
to do nothing.
This code is called frequently, so needs to be very efficient; however,
some logic of this sort presumably already happens to check the various
user settings and the severity mask provided to set_error_handler(). I
imagine some pre-optimisation could also happen when listeners are
registered and unregistered - special cases for zero listeners, or one
unfiltered listener, for instance.
Sidenote: selectivity of catch() blocks?
While thinking about the above, it occurred to me it would be nice to
have a syntax for catching exceptions by their code as well as their
class. Basically, a sugar for this boilerplate:
catch ( FooException $e ) {
if ( $e->getCode() != FooException::EX_NO_FOOS ) {
throw $e;
/* handle lack of foos ... */
Any thoughts?
Lexical scope
Most error handling is dynamically scoped - "from now until I tell you
otherwise, treat these messages like this" - but occasionally it would
be nice to have it lexically scoped, as in "for any message raised
directly in this file, or set of lines, do this". The use case I have in
mind is legacy code, such as an old PEAR module which you plan to
replace wholesale, but are unlikely to patch - I want to be able to set
a flag on include saying "this file is poorly written third party code,
please don't display warnings about it".
Since messages already pass through the file path and line number they
occurred on, this could in principle be implemented as part of the
pre-filtering discussed above. This would make the "fingerprint" to be
matched a lot longer, or the check more complex; perhaps a hash of the
file path would be more efficient; also, if no registered listener had
such a filter in its mask, all filename-related logic could be optimised
Alternatively, it could be stored in a completely separate list, and
swapped into the main list when code in the relevant file was executing.
An interesting thought on lexical scope is that with the right syntax, a
listener could be registered at compile-time, rather than run-time:
rather than registering a listener when line 50 is executed, and
unregistering it when line 55 is executed, a block spanning lines 50-55
could register a permanent listener, masked for all except those lines.
The infamous "shut up" operator (@)
No discussion of error-handling would be complete without mentioning
this little oddity, although I admit to a slight ignorance of exactly
how it works, and why it causes the compiler to skip optimisations.
(e.g. https://gist.github.com/nikic/6699370)
One thought I had was that you could have a special syntax that could
register a high-priority "discard" pseudo-listener for a few lines of
lexical scope (hopefully that makes sense if you've read this far);
something like this:
suppress_messages {
$fh = fopen('foo');
That wouldn't be quite the same as the current @ operator - if you
replaced fopen() with a user-defined wrapper, you'd need dynamic scope
again - but it would replace some use cases. I'm not sure if it would
actually make sense or not, but it gives you an idea of where my mind is
going with the whole "listener"/"pseudo-listener" concept.
So, thank you for reading this far (assuming you actually did).
Thoughts? Feedback? Brickbats?
Rowan Collins
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