The Drool-o-tron™ signaled us with its blaring sirens and flashing lights. The blinking letters of the wall display said WorldNetDaily (WND) — thus the jolly buffoon logo above this post.
Our last post on this topic was Prepare To Meet Thy Doom, Part 2. You know what it’s about. According to WND, some preacher whose book and DVD they’re promoting has “discovered” the astounding fact that certain Jewish holidays somehow always seem to coincide with dates when there are lunar eclipses. (Duh — they’re based on a Lunar calendar.) Not only that, but because a rare (but predictable) sequence of four lunar eclipses is coming up this year and next, he’s announcing The End of the World!
WND’s latest on this is Just a matter of time: End of history upon us? It repeats a lot of what they’ve said before, so we’ll skip most of it. but we’ll give you their newest ranting, with some bold font added for emphasis. Here we go:
For thousands of years, Bible believers have understood that there will be a definite signs of the end of human civilization, but various views exist on just what those signs will be. Now another potential sign looms just on the horizon: Blood moons.
Blood moons? Aaaargh!! In case you’re wondering, the reddish color of a full Lunar eclipse was discussed in our last post about this. The sun, which is behind the Earth (while one is looking at a Lunar eclipse), shines around Earth’s circumference, where it appears (to observers there) like dawn or dusk, and that’s the color of the sunlight being projected onto the Moon. Scripture writers didn’t know that, and to them, when the Moon was the color of “rosy-fingered dawn,” it looked like the color of blood. Okay, back to WND:
Scripture mentions mysterious signs in the sky at the time of the end. Three times in the New Testament, we read specifically about the moon turning blood red: Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20; and Revelation 6:12.
Aaaargh!! It’s the time of the end! Let’s read on:
Into these passages stepped a quiet pastor, Mark Biltz. Now, almost to his startled surprise, his new book, “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” is shattering sales records as readers can’t get enough of the subject. [Omitting a link for buying the rev's book from WND, autographed by the rev himself.] In short, Biltz outlines why strange signs in the sky alert the observer to coinciding events in Israel. It’s a subject that is sweeping the Bible prophecy community, but not confined to it: A broad audience has been reached with news that we might be on the cusp of history’s end.
Aaaargh!! We’re on the cusp of history’s end! WND continues:
We are in a “hot” cycle, as it were, with 2014/2015 another season of the blood moons upon us. Consider that this same phenomenon existed in 1492 when the Jews were expelled from Spain; in 1948 when Israel was reborn; and in the famed Six Day War of 1967. With the Iranian threat hanging over the Jewish state, not to mention other dramatic situations for Israel, observers of the blood moon story are naturally on pins and needles.
WND doesn’t mention it in this article, but the first of those eclipses is coming on 15 April, less than two weeks from now. You can get all the information you need from NASA: Total Lunar Eclipse of April 15. Here’s more from WND:
Biltz deftly explains much of the Jewish roots of Christianity, and since many in the American church today have no clue of such things, it’s a valuable insight for understanding the blood moon phenomenon.
People don’t know about Christianity’s Jewish roots? [*Sigh*] One last excerpt:
Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries, in Washington state, has lectured all over the world, and one of the more important facts about his story is that he is the first to uncover the blood moons impact. As with most popular subjects, there are other titles on this subject, but it would be hard to find another anywhere near as thorough and absorbing as “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs.” [Another link where you can buy the book from WND.]
So there you are. If you hurry, you can order the rev’s book and maybe receive it before the first of the portentous eclipses. And then …
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