
We learned about this from a post by Klinghoffer at the Discoveroids’ blog: Casey Luskin on Darwinists and the “Heckler’s Veto”. Klinghoffer gushes embarrassingly about something Casey wrote in a college newspaper.

Rather than bother with Klinghoffer’s praise, we’ll go right to Casey’s article. It appears in The College Fix. We can’t figure out if it’s some kind of college counter-culture newspaper or what it is. Anyway, Casey’s piece is Heckler’s Veto: Latest Tool To Suppress Dissent From Darwinism On College Campuses.

Klinghoffer praised Casey’s oh so clever phrase by saying:

I had not come across that formulation before — the “heckler’s veto” — but of course it gets the situation exactly right [quote from Casey's article].

Okay, let’s forget about Klinghoffer. Here are some excerpts from what Casey wrote, with bold font added by us:

Academic freedom is now threatened for credible scientists to teach and publish dissent from neo-Darwinian theory. I’m not talking about Uncle Joe who runs the Bible-science museum out in Montana. And I am not merely complaining about a lack of academic freedom at the high school level. I’m talking about scientists who work at, and hold Ph.D.’s from, the same research establishments as leading evolutionary biologists.

Not a very promising beginning. It looks like the same old complaint — Nobody takes us seriously. Waaaaaaaa! It would be so much easier for the Discoveroids if they’d come up with some evidence that contradicted Darwin’s theory. Then everyone would pay attention to them. But until they do that, nobody cares about their “theory,” so all they can do is complain that everyone is bullying them — or using the “heckler’s veto.” Anyway, let’s continue a bit to see what Klinghoffer is so excited about:

Some of the most prominent examples of discrimination against Darwin-doubting scientists in the past decade have occurred at respected institutions like Iowa State University, the Smithsonian, and Jet Propulsion Lab. Indeed, three recent incidents show this is a growing trend that isn’t going away.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! He’s referring to Guillermo Gonzalez, and the Sternberg peer review controversy, and who could forget Coppedge v Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Are those Casey’s “most prominent” examples of “discrimination” against creationists? No, he’s got more:

This past spring, Eric Hedin, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Ball State University, was quietly teaching a course he’d taught since 2007. Titled “The Boundaries of Science,” the interdisciplinary course aimed to “give a scientifically accurate introduction to the origin and development of the physical universe (cosmology) which has led up to the formation of Earth as a uniquely suitable environment to support life.” As part of this investigation, the course would allow students to learn about intelligent design.

Yes, yes. We know all about that one too. This isn’t our latest post on that situation, but it’s got a good summary — Ball State Imbroglio Update — 03 Oct 2013. Casey is presenting a dreary catalog of creationist catastrophes. He continues:

These incidents mark a disturbing trend. Darwin defenders – from elite scientists to rank-and-file activists – are using a heckler’s veto to intimidate academic institutions into shutting down scientific inquiry over life’s origins.

It’s a cruel world when brilliant, path-breaking visionaries like those Casey listed are hooted, jeered, and silenced. Here’s more:

People who are confident the evidence is on their side don’t normally seek to deny academic freedom to those who hold dissenting viewpoints. But students and the public are losing out on important opportunities to investigate the how humans arose.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! All the evidence supports evolution. None — absolutely zero — supports the Discoveroids’ mystical intelligent designer — blessed be he! — or any other version of creationism. They’ve got plenty of martyrs, but no data. It seems that martyrdom is their data. Casey closes with this:

The real loser, however, is free speech and freedom of scientific inquiry. In their eager crusade to shut down scientific debate over evolution, Darwin Lobbyists may be sacrificing the very values that undergird our free and prosperous society.

The astrologers, faith healers, and moon-landing deniers feel the same way. They just can’t get any traction in academia. It’s a dirty rotten shame. We can see why Klinghoffer was so enthusiastic about Casey’s column. Speaking of Klinghoffer, he wrapped up his Discoveroid post by moaning:

The notion that scientists are free to investigate Darwinian theory objectively is a joke.

Really? Is anyone interfering with the Discoveroids’ investigations? Anyone?

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