
Look what we just found at the website of Fox News Radio — of all places. They have a story headlined Kentucky ‘Creation Museum’ Out Of Money?

Whether the headline’s implication is true or not, the mere fact that Fox would carry such a story is shocking. Is it possible that the creationist empire run by Ken Ham (ol’ Hambo), the ayatollah of Appalachia, is actually facing financial ruin? This will sadden millions who are fans of ol’ Hambo, his on-line ministry Answers in Genesis (AIG), and the infamous, mind-boggling Creation Museum.

How could such a holy, God-favored enterprise be in trouble? Let’s find out what’s going on. Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us for emphasis:

According to blogger Phyranula, it looks that way.

M’god. A news organization — Fox! — is giving credit to PZ Myers. This may be a first! The Fox story continues:

We’ve been getting rumblings about this for some time now: Ken Ham’s Creation “Museum” is struggling. This is not surprising. It’s initial success was due to novelty and capitalizing on controversy, but all of that is fading. … You have to spend money to make money, but they’re in the position now of having to pour more wealth into their enterprise than they can get out of it. It’s doomed to the fate of Holy Land USA and Heritage USA.

Doomed? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! One more excerpt:

Interestingly, the reason for the slowing traffic seems to be creationism itself, since the main exhibit has literally not changed in 5 years. Most museums’ exhibits change as new discoveries are made, as artifacts travel from other museums to visit, or as adjustments in scientific thinking are made.

Huh? That’s supposed to be one of the great strengths of creationism — it never changes. But even Fox is saying that’s a problem for Hambo’s enterprise. It’s quite understandable, really. How many times does even a creationist want to keep going back to (and paying admission for) the same museum to see the same exhibit of the same Adam & Eve? We should think that even once is more than enough.

Ah, but Hambo isn’t one to stand still and let his empire sink into the ooze from which it came. He’s fighting back! We found this at Cincinnati.com, a website shared by several Gannett newspapers. We can’t tell which one carries this story — maybe it’s all of them: Creation Museum’s new zip line course stretches over 2 miles. They say:

The new zip line course at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, claimed to be the biggest in the Midwest, opens Thursday. Ken Ham, founder and president of Answers in Genesis, the Apologetics Ministry that built the Creation Museum, said the goal is to attract people who otherwise might not visit the facility.

Does anyone here know what a “zip line course” is? We never heard of such things, but they’re probably very popular among the dumbest, least educated, and most inbred people in the world, because Hambo thinks that’s what will bring visitors back to his creationist theme park.

Perhaps some of you are wondering: If Hambo’s operation fades away, what will your Curmudgeon write about? Have no fear, dear reader — we shall never run out of material. [*Start preacher mode*] As the moth is drawn to the flame, the bee to the blossom, the electron to the proton, so too does the sucker seek the charlatan. Verily, ’tis a law of nature. Creationists will always be with us. [*End preacher mode*]

Copyright © 2013. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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