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No one lingers in front of a computer anymore; people have loaded schedules and places they have to go to, for the most part of the day. But they carry their smartphones and tablets with them. A good email marketing strategy has to effectively reach clients who are constantly on the move, and success may well come down to how catchy and adaptable to all kinds of devices these emails really are. I would like to tell you about a marketplace that offers exceptional deals to contributing web designers, and to clients in need of highly flexible and visually provocative email templates.


A huge opportunity for creative web designers

Stamplia is the brainchild of Kiwup, and it was launched quite recently (in April). The good news for web designers everywhere is that they offer a bounty of $30 for each and every template that is submitted and approved by the end of September, together with the promise of a 60% cut from every future sale. So why trouble myself with accommodating each client, when I could design whatever strikes my fancy instead, and get paid while Stamplia takes care of all the rest?

In order to become a contributor, one need only design a template meant for a subcategory of email newsletters, registration forms, or transactional emails, which will be assessed by their selection team. On uploading the template in a ZIP archive, the designer has to fill in some information about it (the specific type of template, its name, description, tags, colors, and price), and then he/she can preview-test it for over 25 email clients and mobile devices. If everything looks crisp in all instances, the template is ready to be submitted for validation.


The best source of email templates

This website holds the key to the future of email marketing because it provides a comprehensive set of pixel-perfect templates tailored for responsive emails. In other words, email templates are designed to recognize the receiver’s screen dimensions and display via @media Queries, and then adjust to the given setting without any loss in the intended clarity or quality. Hence, no mobile device or tablet in existence will prejudice the content’s integrity.  Besides, the templates are designed to be highly compatible with a wide variety of email providers, such as MailChimp or CampaignMonitor. And the new feature makes it possible for the buyer to export elected templates towards the email provider in just a matter of seconds.


On signing up and singling out a desirable template, the buyer can consult its adjacent Email Preview and Spam Test (to be at ease knowing that quality is beyond question), and then place the order.

However you look at it, there’s no denying that this fresh marketplace is a good solution for companies that would have their conversion rates skyrocket. But most of all, it’s such an attractive choice for the creative-minded people who wish to spend less energy on settling things with clients, and more time designing awesome things.

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