
Phew! It's been a busy month of travels! I feel like October is just flying by. Last weekend, five of us piled into our car for a road trip out to Walker, Minnesota! We headed out there with two of Eric's bandmates (Mat and Steve) and one of my best friends/Steve's fiancé, Laura. It was a full car but it was so much fun to head out on the road with them. It was a perfect time for a road trip too because the colors were beautiful, especially once we hit Minnesota!

The reason we headed to Walker, MN was because Eric's band (Steve Rivers Band) was competing in a national competition called The Texaco Country Showdown. They won city and state, and competed in the midwest regionals! Unfortunately we didn't win this round, but it was a great weekend nevertheless. We spent a lot of good quality time together and got to check out Minneapolis and Walker. I'm definitely a fan of Minnesota!

I wore jeans all weekend. Jeans and plaid! We were stuck in the car for most of the trip, so I just wanted to be comfortable. To me, jeans are the most comfortable thing I can wear. Except for straight up jammies and I'm not about to be that chick that walks into a gas station in matching flannel. Eric and I had a little bit of free time on Saturday before the competition, so we took a little drive to snap some photos. I was in awe at how beautiful it was in Walker. Very small town, but I felt right at home. It reminded me a lot of Michigan. It was exciting to see a glimpse of the fall colors that we'll be seeing here this next week!

We were going to take a trip up to Michigan's great northwest corner this upcoming weekend, but I decided against it last minute. After our long weekend in Saint Louis, and our weekend in Minnesota... I'm ready to be home this weekend. So much of my stuff is still unpacked, I have heaps of laundry and I haven't done anything fun at home yet like visit our local apple orchard, pick pumpkins or anything! So a lot of that is on my to-do list for this weekend. I'm just hoping the weather cooperates!

Well - thank you to everyone to endorsed my idea on Start Garden! The week ended today at noon, and I'm not sure when I'll hear back but I'll keep you guys updated! If I don't get the funding, I think I might put the idea on hold for the rest of this year at least. A lot of friends have encouraged me to start a Kickstarter, but it doesn't feel right to me for some reason. It's one of those "if it's meant to be, it'll happen" type situations. I'm really happy with my career, my blog, my relationships and to be honest, I could spend more time working on the already-good things in my life instead of diving into new ventures. But! We'll see. I can never sit still for too long. ;)

Outfit details:

Forever21 jacket

Thrifted plaid

AE Skinny Skinny Jegging

Bandera Boots c/o Minnetonka Moccasins

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