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We’re closing in to the finish line of this series!

Find all posts in the 52 Ways for More Serenity in Life and Home listed here.

Week #44  Define your family’s purpose

Many, many years ago, I read Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families.  For several reasons, the book impacted me significantly, and I excitedly shared the author’s thoughts with my husband!

Together, we decided to put into practice one of Covey’s suggestions – write a family mission statement.  The children got involved (those who were around at the time), and we wrote some thoughts out.

If you haven’t already, I’d like to encourage you to do something similar. Purposefully defining your family’s vision is powerful!  The words don’t have to be elaborate or long — just thoughts which reflect your family’s goals.

You say who you are, which in turn defines who you are not.

Your family will have focus.

It’s kind of like writing a manifesto.

For the last 10 years, our family mission statement has hung on a wall in our home:

We enjoy relationship with God and with one another.  We love to laugh, take & share, play, work, worship, and have fun together.

We develop our abilities and talents to honor God and to help those in need.  We will generously share what we have with others.

We want to be a positive example to all who know us.

We value each member of our family, and recognize that each individual is needed.

We actively guard our commitments to one another, and place a high priority on our family life.

We have not at all lived these statements perfectly — far from it!  Yet, the words are reminders of our goals, only made reality by God’s grace.

If you’ve written some words for your family to focus on, be sure to review them every so often.  Remind one another of your purpose, and why you choose to live how you do.

The fruit will prayerfully be more connectedness and peace within the family.

Week #45  Define your home’s purpose

Piggy-backing on thoughts above, think about doing the same for your home – yes, the physical space in which you live.

Have you given thought to the purpose of your home?

I know we’re encouraged in our society to work on our physical space.  To organize it, beautify it, and make it a haven.  Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with this!

But to what end?  

My friend Lindsay has written a beautiful article on the purpose of the home, and I won’t try to improve on it, but instead, send you right over to read!  Lindsay’s study of Scripture led her to find several purposes for our homes:

a place of rest

a place to cultivate learning

a place where thankfulness dwells

a place to welcome strangers

a place to minister to the church

a place that reflects our eternal home

Amazing, isn’t it!?  

Our home is one of God’s many gifts to us, and one tool we can use to bless others. People are desperate for places of refuge and rest from chaos….first, those who live in our homes, and so many around us.

Seek to establish (or just remind yourself) of your home’s primary purpose in the current season of your life.  Then prayerfully decide how you’ll go about living out this focus with action!


Actions steps are within the encouragements above…

More to Read: …and I highly recommend the book 7 Habits for Highly Effective Families and Lindsay’s post!


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