
Christmas Wish List for Writers

Missy Tippens

photo credit: iStock/abzee

It's that time again. Your family will ask you what you want for Christmas. And you may also be buying gifts for your critique partners. So what's a writer to do?

Look no further! Here's your one-stop shopping guide for writers!

I polled writer friends and also scoured the Internet to give you ideas. I hope you have fun with it!

First, a word from Ruth Logan Herne:

"My favorite gift for writers is chocolate. You know me, I'm not big on craft books, I don't like thingamajiggers and whatchamacallits because they gather dust. And I don't dust! :) I like things simple, old-style, 'sit-the-butt-in-a-chair-and-write' is my mantra! The endless parade of extras hold nothing for the Ruthy-writers of this world! Chocolate and coffee = this writer's happy smile!"

So in honor of Ruthy, here are some of my favorite chocolate sites:

And my favorite coffee right now: Barista Prime (I use K-cups)

photo credit: iStock/semenovp

Next, Mary Connealy sent me several suggestions, including memberships or subscriptions at sites writers like to use like photo sites (iStock, Crestock, Bigstock, etc) or…
Amazon Prime

And software like Photoshop

Or gift cards writers can use:
iTunes (gift cards are found at most retail stores, even at the grocery and drugstore)
Christian Book
Best Buy
Office Depot/ Office Max

Mary Also suggested some practical items such as an external hard drive, an ergonomic desk chair. This is my amazing chair (watch for sales). Or a Keurig. Or some nice tea (I love Teavana.)

Or what about asking for a getaway to a local hotel with permission to go into your writers cave to write guilt-free!

Mary and I also discussed how nice it would be to have a spa day or even just a facial! So check out spas in your local area and request a gift certificate.

Ginny Yttrup shared with me that she makes jewelry using vintage typewriter keys She has a couple of bracelets titled Word Count with charms specifically related to writing/reading. She also makes custom orders using specific typewriter keys as initials or…whatever. Click here for her beautiful Etsy shop!

Bracelet from Ginny Yttrup's Etsy store

Sandra Robbins has given a fun, inexpensive gift to writer friends, a hat that tells the world you're a writer. Click here.

James Scott Bell has a great gift suggestion for suspense writers. A gun mug! It's a ceramic mug with a pistol grip.

Susan Page Davis shared another cute mug, the What Deadline? mug from Tumbleweed. This one totally cracked me up. :) Click here.

Photo from Tumbleweed Gifts

Deborah Raney sent me this list of several gift cards she'd love to receive:

Starbucks (No explanation needed.)

Papa John’s (For those nights I’m on deadline and don’t feel like cooking.)

Levenger (Unique writing and office supplies.)

Felix Doolittle (Wonderful, whimsical business cards, address labels, stationery.)

Etsy for The Pendant Garden (Charming pendants with book and typewriter themes.)

item from The Pendant Garden

Linda Ford put in her order for these metal bookends for writers…click here.

Bookends from Knob Creek Metal Arts

Sunni Jeffers sent me several great links to sites that suggest gifts for writers:
Cafe Press
This Pinterest board from Laura Davis
This Pinterest board from Sara Miller

Sunni has also shared some she'd like to add to her own list:

Library pillow

Body knife set

Rosie’s Pendants - quotes in a necklace

Ernest Hemingway key chain

Jane Austen necklace

Calligraphy nib pen earrings

Debby Giusti gave me three wonderful suggestions…

"A kitchen timer to set for thirty minutes of non-stop writing. The tick-tick-tick pushes me to keep going, and usually when it dings, I'm so engrossed in the story that I set it for thirty more minutes.

A plush throw to cuddle under on cold nights when I'm at my computer into the wee hours.

An insulated glass with straw to ensure I drink lots of water while I'm working. BTW, I drink more when I use a straw."

So I (Missy again) went looking for the items Debby mentioned. I found these:


Plush Throw

Cup with straw

Karen Ball says these beautiful pens are wonderful! Click here.

photo credit: iStock/abzee

Judy Miller sent me some great ideas! She recommends all writers and readers keep a wish list at their favorite bookseller site so they can share it with family and friends. Here are those books she can't do without plus some other writerly items:

Synonym Finder by J. I. Rodale

Flip Dictionary, by Kipfer

English Through the Ages, William Brohaugh

American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

Jewelry from Tab Typewriter Key Jewelry

A large dry erase board or cork board for story building

A roll-about library cart to keep reference books for your current project close at hand. Judy really likes this one, but says it’s a little pricey: click here.

Of course, a gift card to a book store, Amazon, or an office supply is always appreciated

For authors of historical fiction, books on fashion or manners during the century they prefer is something Judy enjoys.

Missy again. Something I recently heard of was a craft subscription service where they send you a new DIY craft project to do each month. Maybe this could inspire our creativity! Whimseybox.

Photo from Nivea.com

While writing, I like to keep a nice hand lotion and lip balm nearby. These would make great stocking stuffers (hint, hint, Santa!). Here are two of my favorites:

The Body Shop Hand Cream (my fav is coconut)

Nivea Lip Butter

What about you? What do you want for Christmas? Dream big and share with us. Also let me know if you'd like to be entered to win a copy of Hope for the Holidays Contemporary or Historical collection(e-book) or A Recipe for Romance (e-book or print)! And, by the way, these would make GREAT Christmas gifts! :)

Visit me and sign up for my quarterly newsletter at www.missytippens.com.

P.S. I do NOT have any affiliation with any of these gift items other than the last two books. :) I'm just passing along recommendations and not profiting (other than any royalty earned on the Hope for the Holidays book. All proceeds from A Recipe for Romance go to Big Brothers Big Sisters.)

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