
Photo: Bo Lynne's Grocery store rests partially underwater in St. Marks, Fla., on Sept. 2 after hurricane Hermine passed through. Credit: Joe Rondone/Tallahassee Democrat via USA TODAY NETWORK/Reuters

While the U.S. has been in a major hurricane drought since 2005, those top-level storms have actually become more common in the Atlantic basin. The reason could be linked to rising sea surface temperatures -- fueled in part by global warming -- as seen in ocean buoy data collected along the U.S. coast.

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Hurricane Wilma

-- which at one point was the strongest tropical cyclone ever recorded in the Atlantic basin -- was the last major hurricane to pummel the U.S., roaring ashore in Florida as a Category 3 storm on Oct. 24, 2005. Since that date, no Category 3 or higher storm -- what the National Hurricane Center defines as major hurricanes — has hit anywhere in the U.S.

But that streak is deceiving. The incidence of major hurricanes has essentially doubled across the Atlantic basin since 1970, potentially linked to rising sea surface temperatures there. It just happens that fewer of those storms hit the U.S.

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Of course, in the decade since Wilma struck, plenty of other storms have had a major impact. Hurricane Ike and Superstorm Sandy were among the costliest storms on record, but neither was technically categorized a major hurricane. And Hurricane Hermine, though only a Category 1 when it recently hit Florida, caused significant damage. It also ended the state's nearly 11-year streak without any hurricane making landfall.

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In addition to the rise in major hurricanes in the Atlantic basin, the average number of named hurricanes each year has increased to about seven storms from five storms, though the exact reasons for this rise are still the subject of research.

Other ocean basins have also seen changes to their seasons. Landfalling typhoons have become

more intense in the northwest Pacific

while Hawaii has

seen a string of hurricanes

and tropical storms swing dangerously close to the island in recent years.

One notable quirk in the Atlantic basin is the lack of Category 5 storms. The Atlantic basin hasn't had a Category 5 storm form since Hurricane Felix in September 2007. That's not to say storms haven't gotten close to Category 5 status, though. Last year's Hurricane Joaquin had winds peak at 155 mph, just 2 mph shy of the threshold for being labeled a Category 5.

Natural changes like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation as well as more familiar shifts like El Niño are responsible for some of the year-to-year fluctuations in the number of hurricanes. Other factors like dust from the Sahara that serve to limit the formation of storms can also have a major impact on an individual hurricane season.

But the background signal of climate change could be playing a role. Climate models suggest that hurricane intensity should increase as the world warms, and that the most intense storms will become a bigger proportion of the total. The relatively short time period of quality hurricane records makes detecting such trends difficult, though. There is also research that suggests that aerosols in the atmosphere could be

having an opposite effect

to warming, effectively masking any trend to date.

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Most of the heat being trapped at the Earth's surface by human greenhouse gas emissions is absorbed by the oceans. Large swaths of the seas have warmed 1-3°F over the past 100 years. In the Gulf of Mexico, buoy data from the peak of hurricane season -- August through October -- shows waters have warmed 1-2°F in the past 40 years alone.

In the Atlantic, temperatures have warmed as much as 4°F over that period. While at single buoys the water may have warmed faster or slower than other locations, globally, there is a clear trend toward higher sea surface temperatures. That trend is likely to continue and scientists project that it could help increase the number of intense hurricanes while possibly reducing the overall number of all storms.

Analysis by Kasturi Shah and Jennifer Brady

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SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE

You've heard a lot about how human-driven climate change will lead to hotter temperatures, cause sea levels to rise and make storms more intense. But it's projected to have plenty of other unpleasant and even disastrous effects as well. Here are 10 of them.

Scientists believe that rising temperatures will lead to increased evaporation of the Great Lakes' water, and precipitation won't make up the difference. That means we're likely to see declines in water levels over the next century, and one study predicts they may drop as much as 8 feet.

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Carolina Biological Supply Company, via Flickr

Thanks to climate change, jumbo-sized ragweed plants will spew out more pollen for a longer, more miserable allergy season.

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CDC/ Dr. Scott Smith

By altering the wild environment, climate change makes it easier for newly mutated microbes to jump between species, and it's likely that as a result, diseases will emerge and spread across the globe even more rapidly.



RZuljani via Wikimedia Commons

A recent Nature article reported that male Australian central bearded dragons have been growing female genitalia because of rising temperatures, a phenomenon that had not previously been observed in that species.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Rising sea levels are wiping out beaches all over the world already. Importing fresh sand and building them up again is only a temporary solution. To make matters worse, there's currently a sand shortage, due to demand from fracking, glass and cement making.



SB_Johnny via Wikimedia Commons

Bark beetles are eating old growth forests, because the winters aren't cold enough to kill them off. So more trees like this American Elm will die.

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Axel Rouvin via Wikimedia Commons

Warmer temperatures mean there will be more water vapor trapped in the atmosphere, leading to more lightning. A University of California-Berkeley study predicts that lightning strikes will increase by about 12 percent for every degree Celsius gained.

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Patrick Gruban, via Wikimedia Commons

Wine grape harvests are being hurt. Regions that have historically supplied the world's best wine will no longer be hospitable climates to grow wine grapes, according to research by the Environmental Defense Fund and others.



rohsstreetcafe via Wikimedia Commons

Coffee flavor depends upon really narrow conditions of temperature and moisture, and climate change is going to wreak havoc with that. Worse yet, as coffee growing regions become warmer, pests that couldn't survive in the past will ravage the crops. This is already being seen in Costa Rica, India and Ethiopia, which have experienced sharp declines in crop yields.

California Drought by the Numbers



John Pallister/USGS, via Wikimedia Commons

Scientists say that as ice sheets and glaciers melt, the weight that's removed from the Earth's crust changes the stresses upon volcanoes. That unloading effect can trigger eruptions.

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