
To have your event or meeting listed, send details to fbemiss@civitasmedia.com or call 826-1000 ext. 1481.


10 a.m.: Show-Me Mad Tatters, University Extension Office Conference Room, 1012A Thompson Blvd.

Noon: Sedalia Rotary Club, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

3 p.m.: Boonslick Regional Library, After to School Lego Club for children ages 4 to 11, downstairs in the Children’s Department. For more information call 827-7323.

3 p.m.: Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, (TOPS) Chapter 102, Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St.

6 p.m.: Cornerstone Celebrate Recovery, a Bible-based 12-step program for Hurts, Habits and Hangups. Meal and child care provided; Cornerstone Baptist Church, 827-4833.

6 p.m.: Smithton Senior Citizens Group Pitch and Pool, Smithton Senior Center on Washington Street.

6:30 p.m.: Memory Lane Foundation for Suicide Prevention Support Group Meetings, at State Fair Community College. For building and room number please like our Facebook page or go to the website under the events tab or call, 596-5173.

6:30 p.m.: Show-Me Crafters, Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St.

6:30 p.m.: Show Me Sound, Sweet Adelines International; Wesley United Methodist Church, 1322 W. Broadway Blvd.

6:45 p.m.: Knights of Columbus Council 831, Knights Hall, 1708 Elm Hills Blvd.

7 p.m.: American Legion Post 642, 2016 W. Main St.; executive meeting at 6 p.m.

7 p.m.: Sedalia Chorale Rehearsal, rehearsal room 67 in the Stauffacher Center.

7 p.m.: Serenity Seekers Al-Anon, Ditzfeld Center 417 W. Pettis St.

7:30 p.m.: BRHC Grief Support Group, 601 E. 14th St.


6:30 a.m.: Sunrise Optimist, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

8 a.m.: Business Network International, at Heckart Family Center, 902 S. Ohio Ave.

11 a.m.: Compass Club, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

Noon: Never Too Old Gang, New Hope Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 664 E. 16th St.

Noon: Sedalia Noon Day Optimist Club, Best Western State Fair Inn (Gambler’s Room), 3120 S. Limit Ave.

12:10 p.m.: Nicotine Anonymous; John and Bernice Ditzfeld Center, 417 W. Pettis St.

3:30 and 5:30 p.m.: Weight Watchers; and 11:45 a.m., Thursdays; Parkview Christian Church, 1405 E. 16th St.

6 p.m.: Sedalia York Rite, Masonic temple, 601 W. Broadway Blvd.

7 p.m.: Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a 12-step fellowship of men and at the First United Methodist Church Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St.; for more information call Barbra at 827-6522.

7 p.m.: Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary, Lincoln.

7 p.m.: Loyal Order of Moose Sedalia Lodge 1494 at the lodge, 119 Winchester Dr.

7 p.m.: Mid-Mo Speakers Club, Boonslick Regional Library conference room, 219 W. Third St.

8 p.m.: Cole Camp Steam and Antique Tractor Club, Showgrounds Clubhouse in Cole Camp.


10 to 11:30 a.m.: An Alzheimer’s Support Group will meet the Missouri Veterans Home in Warrensburg, 1300 Veterans Rd. For more information call 429-4657 or email phil.selby@dps.mo.gov.

10 a.m.: TOPS Chapter 958, First Baptist Church, 200 E. Sixth St.

11 a.m.: National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees Unit 42 for lunch; meeting at noon, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

Noon: Sedalia Lions Club, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

5:30 p.m.: Amigos de Cristo, Teen Mom Classes at 3003 W. 11th Street, 826-2788.

6:30 p.m.: Sedalia RC Flyers, Central Missouri Electric, 2270 North U.S. Highway 65. Visitors welcome

6:30 p.m.: West Central Beekeepers Association meeting in Yeater Room 148 SFCC on the campus of State Fair Community College.

7 p.m.: Sedalia Lodge 236, Sedalia Masonic Center, 601 W. Broadway Blvd.

7:30 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous Because We Care, also meets at 7 p.m. on Sunday at 7 p.m.; First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave. For more information, call 221-2221.

8 p.m.: Sedalia Alcoholic Anonymous, 517 S. Lafayette, meets Wednesday through Saturday; pot-luck on first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. for more information call 826-9608. All closed meetings; non-smoking.


10 a.m.: Retired Masons, card playing, followed by contributive luncheon, Masonic lodge.

Noon: Friends of Boonslick Regional Library, downstairs meeting room at Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St.

Noon: Kiwanis of Sedalia, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

Noon: Loyal Rebekah Lodge No. 260 for lunch; 1:30 p.m. meeting, lodge hall, 13th Street and Montgomery Avenue.

1:30 p.m.: Fair City Garden Club, in the downstairs meeting room, at Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St. New members welcome.

4:30 to 7:30 p.m.: A pancake and sausage supper, sponsored by the Green Ridge Community Fire Department, served at the Green Ridge School Cafeteria. The cost is $5 for adults and $2 for children ages 10 and under.

5:30 p.m.: Pettis County Republican Women will meet, for a light meal. Meeting will follow at the FCS Building, 2600 South Limit.

6 p.m.: The Place at the Lake, Benton County’s domestic and sexual violence abuse resource, monthly meeting, located at 201 E. Main St., Lincoln; 24 hour hotline 1-866-347-9044; other information call, 660-547-2611.

6 p.m.: Women in Crisis Group, call 827-5555 for location.

6:30 p.m.: Sedalia Cadet Squadron Civil Air Patrol, Civil Air Patrol building, U.S. Highway 50.

6:30 p.m.: Sedalia Duplicate Bridge Club, Sedalia Senior Center, 312 S. Washington Ave.

6:30 p.m.: Sedalia Landlords Inc., Community of Christ Church, 2000 S. Ingram Ave.

7 p.m.: Blind of Central Missouri, First United Methodist Church Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St.

7 p.m.: Fraternal Order of Eagles 4286, Lincoln.

7 p.m.: Hepatitis C Support Group, Pettis County Health Center, 911 E. 16th St.

7 p.m.: Sedalia Bible Academy, Boonslick Regional Library, 219 West Third St. For information call 826-9988.

7 p.m.: Senior dance, bring snacks. Dance located at Saline County Fairgrounds in Marshall.

7 p.m.: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2591 Ladies Auxiliary, VFW Post, 121 S. Ohio Ave.

7 p.m.: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2591, VFW Post, 121 S. Ohio Ave.

8 p.m.: Sedalia Al Anon Group,, at 517 S. LaFayette Ave., 826-9608. Meeting is open to all; non-smoking.


Noon: Lenten luncheon at First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave.

Noon: Pettis County Pachyderms, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.

Noon: Prayer for the Nation at Antioch Fellowship, 507 W. 24th St.

4 to 7:30 p.m.: Fish Frydays, Knights of Columbus Council No. 831, at South Limit Avenue and Elm Hills Boulevard. The Cost is $9.50 for adults and $5 for children ages 5 to 10. Dessert available for freewill donation.

6 p.m.: Warsaw Marine Corps League Leathernecks, 607 E. Jefferson St. in Warsaw.

7 p.m.: Senior dance hosted at the Sedalia Senior Center, 321 S. Washington Ave. Admission is $5 per person.


8 to 11 a.m.: All-you-can-eat breakfast American Legion Post 642, 2016 W. Main St. The cost is $6.

8 a.m.: Pettis County Democrat Breakfast Club, Golden Corral, 2004 W. Broadway Blvd.

8 a.m.: United Methodist Men, at Golden Corral, 2004 W. Broadway Blvd.

10 a.m.: Overeaters Anonymous, John and Bernice Ditzfeld Center, 417 W. Pettis St. For a ride, call 829-2527.

10 a.m.: Valley of Hope Support Group for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren at Community of Christ Church, 2000 S. Ingram Ave.

7:30 p.m.: Diamond B’s Square Dance, ABC Building, 200 W. Fourth St. For more information call Billie Jean, Taw 287-1443.

8 p.m.: Sedalia Alcoholic Anonymous, 517 S. Lafayette, meets Wednesday through Saturday; pot-luck on first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 826-9608. All closed meetings; non-smoking.


6 p.m.: Community Lenten Service, at La Monte United Methodist Church, 400 N. Main St. La Monte; The Rev. Wesley Wingfield, speaking; Grant Maledy with special music.

7 p.m.: Alcoholic Anonymous 12×12 Non-smoking group, Monday through Sunday; John and Bernice Ditzfeld Center, 417 W. Pettis St., 829-2527.

7 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous Because We Care, also meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday; First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave. For more information, call 221-2221.

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