

BlackHat 2017 - Las Vegas

Big Data is Getting Bigger - Visualization is Getting Easier - Learn How!

Dates: July 22-23 & 24-25

Location: Las Vegas, USA


Big data and security intelligence are the two very hot topics in security. We are collecting more and more information from both the infrastructure, but increasingly also directly from our applications. This vast amount of data gets increasingly hard to understand. Terms like map reduce, hadoop, spark, elasticsearch, data science, etc. are part of many discussions. But what are those technologies and techniques? And what do they have to do with security analytics/intelligence? We will see that none of these technologies are sufficient in our quest to defend our networks and information. Data visualization is the only approach that scales to the ever changing threat landscape and infrastructure configurations. Using big data visualization techniques, you uncover hidden patterns of data, identify emerging vulnerabilities and attacks, and respond decisively with countermeasures that are far more likely to succeed than conventional methods. Something that is increasingly referred to as hunting. The attendees will learn about log analysis, big data, information visualization, data sources for IT security, and learn how to generate visual representations of IT data. The training is filled with hands-on exercises utilizing the DAVIX live CD.

What's New?

The workshop is being heavily updated over the next months. Check back here to see a list of new topics:

Security Analytics - UEBA, Scoring, Anomaly Detection


Data Science

10 Challenges with SIEM and Big Data for Security

Big Data - How do you navigate the ever growing landscape of Hadoop and big data technologies? Tajo, Apache Arrow, Apache Drill, Druid, PrestoDB from Facebook, Kudu, etc. We'll sort you out.


The syllabus is not 100% fixed yet. Stay tuned for some updates.

Day 1:

Log Analysis

Data Sources Discussion - including PCAP, Firewall, IDS, Threat Intelligence (TI) Feeds, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, etc.

Data Analysis and Visualization Linux (DAVIX)

Log Data Processing (CSVKit, ...)

SIEM, and Big Data

Log Management and SIEM Overview

LogStash (Elastic Stack) and Moloch

Big Data - Hadoop, Spark, ElasticSearch, Hive, Impala

Data Science

Introduction to Data Science

Introduction to Data Science with R


Day 2:


Information Visualization History

Visualization Theory

Data Visualization Tools and Libraries (e.g., Mondrian, Gephi, AfterGlow, Graphiti)

Visualization Resources

Security Visualization Use-Cases

Perimeter Threat

Network Flow Analysis

Firewall Visualization

IDS/IPS Signature Analysis

Vulnerability Scans

Proxy Data

User Activity

Host-based Data Analysis

Sample of Tools and Techniques

Tools to gather data:

argus, nfdump, nfsen, and silk to process traffic flows

snort, bro, suricata as intrusion detection systems

p0f, npad for passive network analysis

iptables, pf, pix as examples of firewalls

OSSEC, collectd, graphite for host data

We are also using a number of visualization tools to analyze example data in the labs:

graphviz, tulip, cytoscape, and gephi



mondrian, ggobi

Under the log management section, we are going to discuss:

rsyslog, syslog-ng, nxlog

logstash as part of the elastic stack, moloch

commercial log management and SIEM solutions

The section on big data is covering the following:

hadoop (HDFS, map-reduce, HBase, Hive, Impala, Zookeper)

search engines like: elastic search, Solr

key-value stores like MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.


The Spark ecosystem



Raffael Marty is vice president of security analytics at Sophos, and is responsible for all strategic efforts around security analytics for the company and its products. He is based in San Francisco, Calif. Marty is one of the world's most recognized authorities on security data analytics, big data and visualization. His team at Sophos spans these domains to help build products that provide Internet security solutions to Sophos' vast global customer base.

Previously, Marty launched pixlcloud, a visual analytics platform, and Loggly, a cloud-based log management solution. With a track record at companies including IBM Research, ArcSight, and Splunk, he is thoroughly familiar with established practices and emerging trends in the big data and security analytics space. Marty is the author of Applied Security Visualization and a frequent speaker at academic and industry events. Zen meditation has become an important part of Raffy's life, sometimes leading to insights not in data but in life.

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