
July 21,2015


On Today's Program

General wants internment camps for 'radicalized' Americans

Huge progressive and former Democratic presidential candidate Ret. Gen. Wesley Clarke made some shocking comments on MSNBC, calling for "radicalized" Americans to be placed in internment camps. It's a scary term and one really has to ask where the line will be drawn on this kind of thinking. See the video and get Glenn's reaction on these shocking comments HERE.

The NEW 40 Day, 40 Night Challenge: Day 2

We are now on Day 2 of our 40 Day Challenge — a challenge that will prepare our hearts, minds, and bodies for the historic journey that begins on 8/28 in Birmingham, Alabama. Remember, as long as we have one another and the full armor of God, "who can stand against us"? See today's readings and what action you need to take now HERE.

A fan didn't like Buck's take on Donald Trump, and he responded in the classiest way possible

A lot of pundits have been knocking Donald Trump's conservative credentials in recent days, yet his poll numbers keep climbing. Clearly, The Donald's tough talk has connected with people's frustrations. On his radio show, Buck Sexton joined many of the voices criticizing Trump's record. Buck got a lot of pushback from listeners, and decided to post a letter he wrote to one Team Buck member who took issue with his comments said on radio. It's not the sarcastic or frustrated argument you've probably been seeing from Trump critics, but a well-written and (seemingly) final word on the subject. READ

Kanzius Cancer Machine gets its first human trial

Newsweek reports, "His body ravaged by chemotherapy treatments, retired radio engineer John Kanzius spent months in his basement in 2003 cobbling together a makeshift tumor-killing machine. Kanzius had no medical background. He had been a ham radio operator and the owner of a television and radio station company. But he had leukemia, and he did not want to die." Get the latest on this incredible story that Glenn has been talking about for years HERE.

Sponsored: Today Only - Free Survival Food

Stores can't keep this new line of 25-year survival food in stock. Lucky for you, I managed to get some 4-meal sample packs FREE today only for readers of this newsletter. Click Here To Claim Your Free Survival Food Before They're Gone

The Dumbest Politician EVER

Stu filled in for Glenn on TV last night and hosted an impromptu award show, recognizing the Dumbest Politician Ever along with a lifetime achievement award in the category. You won't believe the "gaffe" this politician made that secured the award — WATCH.

Enabling the Enemy: A new era of foreign policy?
President Obama came into office promising a new era of American foreign policy in the Middle East. He said he'd restore America's standing in the world, but after 6 years has he made any progress? Or is he repeating the exact same mistakes America has made in the past by enabling the enemy of our enemy? WATCH

Follow Stu on Facebook!
Sure, most people run contests or giveaways to get you to like their Facebook page, but Stu's got something better: Unfiltered, entertaining and enlightening commentary, videos, and insight on the news of the day, plus a behind-the-scenes look at what he's doing around the studio. Not enough for you? Sometimes he posts photos of his much more adorable kids. What are you waiting for? Go HERE and click 'LIKE.'

TRAFFICKING TERROR: More great programming coming up TOMORROW!
Tune in TOMORROW at 8PM to watch For The Record: Zero Footprint and learn how Libya became a launching point for terrorism. Following at 8:30PM ET is For The Record: The Boston Blueprint, an important episode explaining why Boston is such a hotbed for terror. WATCH

The NEW 40 Day, 40 Night Challenge: Day 1
"I want to invite you to join me in a historic journey that begins 40 days and forty nights from now in Birmingham Alabama," Glenn writes. "On the same streets once filled with Martin Luther King and thousands of Americans willing to stand for the hard and unpopular truth, we will launch a new movement, one based on the rights for all mankind and based on the same self-evident truths that motivated our countries past civil rights icons." MORE

What's going to happen 8.28 and 8.29 in Birmingham, Alabama?
We are now 39 days away from the 8.28 event in Birmingham, Alabama. Glenn wants as many people to join him there as possible. What's being planned for the big event? Take and look and make sure you don't miss out! MORE

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