

EquationDrug is one of the main espionage platforms used by the Equation Group, a highly sophisticated threat actor that has been engaged in multiple CNE (computer network exploitation) operations dating back to 2001, and perhaps as early as 1996. (See full report here [PDF]).

EquationDrug, which is still in use, dates back to 2003, although the more modern GrayFish platform is being pushed to new victims.

EquationDrug represents the main espionage platform from the #EquationAPT Group


It's important to note that EquationDrug is not just a Trojan, but a full espionage platform, which includes a framework for conducting cyberespionage activities by deploying specific modules on the machines of selected victims. The concept of a cyberespionage platform is neither new nor unique. Other threat actors known to use such sophisticated platforms include Regin and Epic Turla.

The EquationDrug platform can be extended through plugins (or modules). It is pre-built with a default set of plugins supporting a number of basic cyberespionage functions. These include common features such as file collection and the making of screenshots. Sophistication is added by storing stolen data inside a custom-encrypted virtual file system before it is sent to the command and control servers.

The name "EquationDrug" or "Equestre" was assigned to this framework by Kaspersky Lab researchers. The only reference left by the framework developers was a short string "UR", as seen in several string artifacts left in the binaries.

Platform Architecture

The EquationDrug platform includes dozens of executables, configurations and protected storage locations. Putting all the pieces of this puzzle together in the right order may take time for those who are not familiar with the platform.

The platform includes executables, configurations and protected storage locations #EquationAPT


The architecture of the whole framework resembles a mini-operating system with kernel-mode and user-mode components carefully interacting with each other via a custom message-passing interface. The platform includes a set of drivers, a platform core (orchestrator) and a number of plugins. Every plugin has a unique ID and version number that defines a set of functions it can provide. Some of the plugins depend on others and might not work unless dependencies are resolved.

Similar to popular OS kernel designs, such as on Unix-based systems, some of the essential modules are statically linked to the platform core, while others are loaded on demand.

The hypothesis that these attackers have been active since the 90s seems realistic #EquationAPT


The platform is started by the kernel mode driver component ("msndsrv.sys" on Windows 2000 or above and "mssvc32.vxd" on Windows 9x). The driver then waits for the system to start and initiates execution of the user-mode loader "mscfg32.exe". The loader then starts the platform's central module (an orchestrator) from the "mscfg32.dll" module. Additional drivers and libraries may be loaded by different components of the platform, either built-in or auxiliary.

Platform Components

The EquationDrug platform can be as sophisticated as a space station, but it appears to be of no use without its cyberespionage features. This function is provided by plugin modules that are part of the massive framework described above. We discovered dozens of plugins and each is a sophisticated element that can communicate with the core and become aware of the availability of other plugins.

The plugins we discovered probably represent just a fraction of the attackers' potential. Each plugin is assigned a unique plugin ID number (WORD), such as 0x8000, 0x8002, 0x8004, 0x8006, etc. All plugin IDs are even numbers and they all start from byte 0x80. The biggest plugin ID we have seen is 0x80CA. To date, we have found 30 unique plugin IDs in total. Considering the fact that the developers assigned plugin IDs incrementally, and assuming that other plugin IDs were assigned to modules that we have not yet discovered, it's not hard to calculate that 86 modules have yet to be discovered.

86 modules have yet to be discovered #EquationAPT


The most interesting modules we have seen contain the following functionality:

Network traffic interception for stealing or re-routing.

Reverse DNS resolution (DNS PTR records).

Computer management:

Start/stop processes

Load drivers and libraries

Manage files and directories

System information gathering:

OS version

Computer name

User name


Keyboard layout


Process list

Browsing network resources and enumerating and accessing shares.

WMI information gathering.

Collection of cached passwords.

Enumeration of processes and other system objects.

Monitoring LIVE user activity in web browsers.

Low-level NTFS filesystem access based on the popular Sleuthkit framework.

Monitoring removable storage drives.

Passive network backdoor (runs Equation shellcode from raw traffic).

HDD and SSD firmware manipulation.

Keylogging and clipboard monitoring.

Browser history, cached passwords and form auto-fill data collection.

Code Artifacts

During our research we paid attention to unique identifiers and codenames used by the developers in the malware. Most of this information is carefully protected with obfuscation or encryption algorithms to prevent quick recognition, but anyone who breaks through this layer of encryption may discover some interesting internal strings, as demonstrated below:

Some other interesting text strings include:

SkyhookChow Target
SkyhookChow Payload






To install: run with no arguments

Attempting to drop
SFCriteria_Check failed!

Error detected! Uninstalling...

Timeout waiting for the "canInstallNow" event from the implant-specific EXE!

Trying to call privilege lib...

Hiding directory

Hiding plugin...

Merging plugin...

Merging old plugin key...

Couldn't reset canInstallNowEvent!

Performing UR-specific pre-install...

Work complete.

Merged transport manager state.


Some other names, such as kernel object and file names, abbreviations, resource code page and several generic messages, point to English-speaking developers. Due to the limited number of such text strings it's hard to tell reliably if the developers were native English speakers.

Link Timestamp Analysis

We have gathered a reasonably large number of executable samples to which we have been able to apply link timestamp analysis.

A link timestamp is a 4-bytes value stored in an executable file header. This value is automatically set by compiler software when a developer builds a new executable. The value contains a detailed timestamp including minutes and even seconds of compilation time (think of it as the file's moment of birth).

Link timestamp analysis require the collection of the timestamps of all available executables, grouping them according to certain criteria, such as the hour or day of the week, and putting them on a chart. Below are some charts built using this approach.

Can we trust this information? The answer is: not fully, because the link timestamp can be altered by the developer in a way that's not always possible to spot. However, certain indicators such as matching the year on the timestamp with the support of technology popular in that year leads  us to believe that the timestamps were, at the very least, not wholly replaced. Looking at this from the other side, the easiest option for the developer is to wipe the timestamp completely, replacing it with zeroes. This was not found in the case of EquationDrug. In fact, the timestamps look very realistic and match the working days and hours of a well-organized software developer from timezone UTC-3 or UTC-4, if you assume that they come to work at 8 or 9 am.

The timestamps match the working days of software developer from timezone UTC-3 or UTC-4 #EquationAPT


And finally, in case you are wondering if the developers work on public holidays, you can check this for yourself against the full list of their working dates:


















































































EquationDrug represents the main espionage platform from the Equation Group. It's been in use for over 10 years, replacing EquationLaser until it was replaced itself by the even more sophisticated GrayFish platform.

The EquationDrug case demonstrates an interesting trend: a growth in code sophistication #EquationAPT


The EquationDrug case demonstrates an interesting trend that we have been seeing while analyzing supposedly nation-state cyberattack tools: a growth in code sophistication. It is clear that nation-state attackers are looking for better stability, invisibility, reliability and universality in their cyberespionage tools. You can make a basic browser password-stealer or a sniffer within days.  However, nation-states are focused on creating frameworks for wrapping such code into something that can be customized on live systems and provide a reliable way to store all components and data in encrypted  form, inaccessible to normal users. While traditional cybercriminals mass-distribute emails with malicious attachments or infect websites on a large scale, nation-states create automatic systems infecting only selected users. While traditional cybercriminals typically reuse one malicious file for all victims, nation-states prepare malware unique to each victim and even implement restrictions preventing decryption and execution outside of the target computer.

Nation-state attackers create automatic systems infecting only selected users #EquationAPT


Sophistication of the framework is what makes this type of actor different from traditional cybercriminals, who prefer to focus on payload and malware capabilities such as implementing a long list of custom third-party software credential database parsers.

The difference in tactics between cybercriminals and nation-state attackers appears to be due to relative resource availability. It's known that cybercriminals attempt to infect as many users as possible and that they can sometimes compromise hundreds of thousands of systems. It would will take many years to check all those machines manually, analyzing who owns them, what data is stored on them, and what custom software they run.

Cybercriminals probably don't even have enough disk space to collect all the potentially interesting data from the victims hit by their large scale infections. That is why cybercriminals prefer to extract tiny chunks of the most important data (credentials, credit card numbers, etc) on the machine of the victim and transfer only few kilobytes from each compromised host. Such data, when combined from all users, normally takes up gigabytes of disk space.

Nation-state attackers have sufficient resources to store as much data as they want. They have access to virtually unlimited data storage. However, they don't need, and often try to avoid, infecting random users, for the obvious reason of avoiding attention and remaining invisible. Implementing custom data format parsers in the malware not only doesn't help them find all the valuable data on the victim's machine, but may also attract extra attention from security software running on the system. They mostly prefer to have a generic remote system management tool that can copy any information they might need even if it causes some redundancy. However, copying large volumes of information might slow down network connection and attract attention, especially in some countries with poorly developed internet infrastructure. To date, nation-state attackers have had to balance between these two poles: copying victims' entire hard drives while stealing only tiny bits of passwords and keys.

Nation-state attackers use a remote system management tool that can copy any information they need #EquationAPT


Now, if you wonder why EquationDrug, a powerful cyberespionage platform, doesn't include Skype or ICQ password stealing-capability, the answer is that they most likely copy the database as a whole and parse on the server-side. We believe that this will become a unique trademark of nation-state attackers in the future.

Some code paths in EquationDrug modules lead to OS version checks including a test for Windows 95, which is accepted as one of supported platforms. While some other checks will not pass on Windows 95, the presence of this code means that this OS was supported in some earlier variants of the malware. Considering this and the existence of components designed to run on Windows 9x (such as VXD-files), as well as compilation timestamps dating back to early 2000s, the hypothesis  that these attackers have been active since the 90s seems realistic. This makes the current attacker an outstanding actor operating longer than any other in the field.

Technical Details

Kernel mode stage 0 (Windows 9x) - mssvc32.vxd




6 710 bytes


Linear Executable (LE)

This VXD driver handles only two control messages: W32_DeviceIoControl and Dynamic_Init. The DeviceIoControl part is not completely implemented and the driver is only able to check for some known control codes.  However it does nothing. This handler looks more like a code stub rather than actual payload.

On the Dynamic_Init event, the driver retrieves the location of the user-mode loader executable from the following registry value:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] Config

If the value is not present in the registry, it uses the following fallback string hardcoded in the binary:


Next, it installs a callback procedure using Windows function _SHELL_CallAtAppyTime. This procedure will be called when CPU is running in ring-3 mode, so that a new executable (loader process) can be started via the traditional way. This is a standard trick that was used by developers in the 90s to initiate a call to DLL export in ring-3 from ring-0 in Windows 9x OS family.

Kernel mode stage 0 and rootkit (Windows 2000 and above) - msndsrv.sys




105 392 bytes


PE32 Native


2008.01.23 14:12:33 (GMT)



This module can create log files in the following known locations:

%systemroot%\system32\msperf32.dat (default location)

The driver acts as the first stage of the EquationDrug platform on Windows 2000+ and implements rootkit functions for hiding the components of the platform. Additionally, it implements a NDIS driver for filtering network traffic.

When started and initialized, the driver retrieves the location of the user-mode loader executable from the registry value:

[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\%driver name%] Config

The %driver name% is not hardcoded and is obtained dynamically from the current module name, which means that different instances may check different registry keys and this may not be a reliable way to check for infection. The sample we analyzed used "msndsrv" as the %driver name%.

Next, it crafts and injects a shellcode in "services.exe" or "winlogon.exe". The shellcode is designed to spawn the loader process from the executable called "mscfg32.exe".

The rootkit code in the driver hooks several Native API functions that lets it hide or protect registry keys, files and running processes. The components of EquationDrug can modify the list of protected objects by sending DeviceIoControl messages to the driver. The driver also maintains a persistent list of protected objects that is stored in the following registry values:

[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\%driver name%] 1

[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\%driver name%] 2

These values are also protected by the rootkit. They can be revealed by booting Windows in Safe Mode.

The driver contains the following unused strings:



User-mode loader - mscfg32.exe, svchost32.exe




22 016 bytes




2008.01.23 14:26:05 (GMT)



This module opens a unique event named "D0385CB7-B834-45d1-A501-1A1700E6C34E". If the event exists, it waits for 10 seconds and attempts to open a file whose name can be decrypted as "\\.\MSNDSRV". If the device file is successfully opened, the code issues a device request with IOCTL code 0x80000194 and no parameters.

This module uses RC5 in CBC-like mode with a key length of 96-bit for string encryption.

Careful analysis reveals some bits of uninitialized memory found next to encryption key locations. This is unused but partly meaningful memory, because it seems to contain short chunks of strings resembling some local filepaths:

"rver\8" (probably part of "Server\8..." string)

"LInj" (could be a part of "DLLInjector" or similar)

It's apparent that some parts of the code were designed to run on Windows 9x, for example a call to RegisterServiceProcess Windows API function makes sense only on Windows 9x OS family, because this API function doesn't exist on Windows NT platform.

The module uses a unique algorithm for generating registry value names. The code contains strings, such as "SkyhookChow Target", that are converted to GUID-like strings by calculating SHA1 hash and using its hexadecimal representation as a string. The resulting strings are used as actual registry value names in [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] registry key.

Sample registry value names:

Original String

GUID-like registry value name

SkyhookChow Target


SkyhookChow Payload


These registry values are encrypted using an RC5 algorithm using a hardcoded 1024-bit key with 24 rounds.

The registry value:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] {F4CF0326-6DCD-EEC8-5323-01CEDB66741A-B55F6F12} ("SkyhookChow Payload")

should contain the location of the orchestrator DLL file ("mscfg32.dll"). If the value is not present a default value "%SYSTEM%\mscfg32.dll" is used.

The registry value:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] {B6F5CD13-A74D-8B82-A6AA-6FA1BE2484C1-6832DF06} ("SkyhookChow Target")

may contain the location of the executable file that will be used as a "shell" process for the orchestrator library.

The module attempts to start the "shell" process in suspended mode. If there is no "SkyhookChow Target" value or the specified executable fails to start, the module tries different failsafe locations of the programs that can be used instead:

Default browser set in the registry [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\{current @default value}\shell\open\command]



Spoolsv service binary from the [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler] ImagePath registry value.

Default html file handler from [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\htmlfile\shell\open\command]registry value.

Internet Explorer path from [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\] IEXPLORE.EXE registry value.

Next, the module injects extra code into a newly started target process. The injected code loads the payload DLL ("mscfg32.dll") into the target process and waits for the parent process to exit. When the parent process quits, it unloads the payload DLL and exits as well. The rest of the logic relies on the loaded DLL in that new process. See the description of the "mscfg32.dll" module below.

The module communicates with the Stage0/Rootkit driver "msndsrv.sys" by sending DeviceIoControl messages to the device "\\.\MSNDSRV". It activates the rootkit for its own process, for the target process holding the orchestrator and for all the files involved.

Platform orchestrator - mscfg32.dll, svchost32.dll




249 856 bytes




2008.01.24 22:11:34 (GMT)



Creates mutex: "01C482BA-BD31-4874-A08B-A93EA5BCE511", or terminates if one already exists.

Writes a timestamped log file to one of the following locations:




Value of [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] D

The file "~yh56816.tmp" retains the history of execution. It comprises debug records of simple structure:

Stage: DWORD | DateTimeLow: DWORD | DateTimeHigh: DWORD

Basically, it logs the execution of every stage of the orchestrator and the time of execution. The Stage is an integer number starting from 1.

This module spawns a new thread in the DllMain function which contains the main function body. The procedure disables application error popups shown by the default exception handler. This is probably done only in the "Release" version of the malware, because the following code generates exceptions that are reported to the user if application error popups are not disabled. We assume that the "Debug" version of the code doesn't suppress error popups when exception occurs as this helps with the debugging of the code.

The module checks the OS version and if it encounters an unsupported operating system the code generates an exception which terminates the application. The list of OS versions that pass this test:

Windows 95/98/ME

Windows NT 4.0 and above.

If the module runs on Win9x, it executes Win9x-specific function RegisterServiceProcess to hide from the Windows Task Manager application. If the module is NOT running on WinNT6.0+, it then attempts to open a virtual device file with one of the following names:

\\.\MSSVC32 on Win9x

\\.\MSNDSRV on WinNT

If the device file is successfully opened, the module activates a rootkit for its process and for the file location "%SYSTEM%\unilay.dll" local path. This is followed by finding and terminating a process named "winproc.exe" which is the name of another component of the platform. Note that this part of the code is executed only on platforms different from WinNT 6.x (Windows Vista and later).

The module was designed to fetch or update its main configuration data from different places. There are some default values set inside the code, such as some timeout values and the following C&Cs:


These default values can be overwritten later.

Next, it locates a data section called "Share2" in the current module and verifies the starting magic number. If it is 0x63959700, it then decrypts the rest of the data in the section and interprets it as a configuration block. However, data from the next location can override all previous settings. This is a registry value with special name.

The naming of the registry location is the same GUID-like SHA1 value as the one used in the loader ("mscfg32.exe"), and is produced from the source string "Configuration":

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] {42E14DD3-F07A-78F1-7659-26AE141569AC-E0B3EE89}

The configuration block stored in the registry value is encrypted using RC5 with the 1024-bit key. Both the loader and the orchestrator share the same key for encrypting and decrypting the registry values in the "MemSubSys" key.

The decrypted configuration block consists of a series of tagged configuration records in the following format:

[RecordType:DWORD][RecordSize: DWORD][RecordValue: %RecordSize%]

We retrieved a copy of a configuration block and decrypted and partly interpreted it. We are including the results for one of the configuration blocks:

Time value: 1 year 0 months 1 days 22 hours 6 mins 52 secs. The orchestrator is expected to set this field to the time of initial configuration.
Binaries: 3x1024-bit encryption keys

1b8e7818dad6345c53c2707a2c44648eee700d5cf34fea6a19a3fa0a6a871c72963fdded 91e2703c82b7747b8793e3063700da32cfb8d907dcce1beb36edd575418d1134ef188b 27ec3ce23711a656b0a8bf28921fbf1c39b4c90ad561e4174ed90f26ce11245bb9deb4b 4720403f47ca865ec8bbd3c1df9d93d042ff5b52ec6

05000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

ed04953f3452068ae6439f04c7904c8be5e98e66e2cd0f267d65240aeed88bd4d3c6105 c99950dd42ccde4bc6bbaf9f6cb1b4e628d943e91f8f97f2aff705fdd25e3af6ba0bc4fd13 d67a2bcb751bb8f21f3d4b66c599f3e572802911394d142f8cf3a299d6d4558f9f0f01634 9afd1888472f4f8c729ffe913f670931f1a227
C&C domain: www[dot]waeservices[dot]com
C&C IP address:
C&C port: 443
Timestamp: 2010-12-08 11:35:57
Tool Reference: VTT/82055898/STEALTHFIGHTER/ 2008-10-16/14:59:06.229-04:00
TimeoutA: 25200 sec (7 hours)
TimeoutB: 32400 sec (9 hours)
TimeoutC: 3600 sec (1 hour)
TimeoutD: 172800 sec (48 hours)

+Several Unknown Values

Other configuration blocks we discovered contained similar information, with only some unique values:

Timestamp: 2009-11-23 14:10:15
Tool Reference: Manual/DRINKPARSLEY/2008-09-30/10:06:46.468-04:00
Tool Reference: VTT/82053737/STRAITACID/2008-09-03/10:44:56.361-04:00
Tool Reference: STRAITSHOOTER30.ex_
Tool Reference: VTT/82051410/LUTEUSOBSTOS/2008-07-30/17:27:23.715-04:00
Tool Reference: BACKSNARF_AB25

During the next step, the module obtains PE file version information from the resource section. It loads the version info using hard-coded module names, which are supposed to match the current module name:

SVCHOST32.DLL for Windows 9x

MSCFG32.DLL for Windows NT

If file version information is available, it gets language-specific values of the PrivateBuild block. The codepage and languages that are verified: Unicode, LANG_NEUTRAL and LANG_ENGLISH_US. When this check passes, the module gets @default registry value from the following location:

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{091FD378-422D-A36E-8487-83B57ADD2109}] TypeLib

If the key is not found, the code checks for registry value TypeLib in the following key:


If such a value is found, it is then deleted along with the Version value if it exists in the same key.

The string obtained from one of two possible registry values is processed as if this value is a CLSID-like string: the code takes the last 16 hexadecimal digits, splits them in two 8-chars values, converts them to binary form (two DWORDs) and reverses the order of bytes in each DWORD and XORs, the first value with 0x8ED400C0, and the second with 0x4FC2C17B.  Next, the first DWORD value becomes second and the second becomes first. In this order, they are stored in a structure in memory. These two values seem to be very important as they override a few values in the previously known configuration. If they don't exist, values from the current configuration replace them and are stored back in the registry following the reverse procedure:

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{091FD378-422D-A36E-8487-83B57ADD2109}\Version] is created and @default value is set to version obtained from file version information PrivateBuild field (i.e. This seems to be used as kit version number.

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{091FD378-422D-A36E-8487-83B57ADD2109}\Version] is created and @default value is set to a CLSID like string generated from the following:

Fixed prefix string: "{8C936AF9-243D-11D0-"

Two important DWORD values in the format of "%04X-%04X%08X}" string.

We collected and decrypted several samples of such values. According to the code, they are initialized with values of the Microsoft filetime format. So, we decided to interpret them as filetime values:

20101C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 7 month(s) 21 day(s) 23 hour(s) 32 min(s) 1 sec(s)

81E01C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 7 month(s) 8 day(s) 12 hour(s) 13 min(s) 5 sec(s)

E0001C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 7 month(s) 21 day(s) 1 hour(s) 6 min(s) 15 sec(s)

77101C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 5 month(s) 20 day(s) 19 hour(s) 15 min(s) 4 sec(s)

30F01C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 8 month(s) 0 day(s) 6 hour(s) 10 min(s) 33 sec(s)

C0901C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 8 month(s) 2 day(s) 6 hour(s) 29 min(s) 39 sec(s)

66701C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 6 month(s) 9 day(s) 2 hour(s) 10 min(s) 23 sec(s)

F6501C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 6 month(s) 6 day(s) 19 hour(s) 53 min(s) 22 sec(s)

01401C04EC2C17B: 1 year(s) 6 month(s) 25 day(s) 23 hour(s) 34 min(s) 13 sec(s)

After that, the module stores current time values in encrypted form in the registry value:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] {08DAB849-0E1E-A1F0-DCF1-457081E091DB-117DB663} (encoded SHA1 of "StartTime")

The module contains an additional compressed Windows DLL file in the resource section, which is extracted as "unilay.dll" (see below). This DLL exports a number of functions that are just wrappers of the system API used to work with files and the registry, and also start processes and load additional DLL files.

The orchestrator contains several built-in plugins that form the core of the platform. These are initialized in the first place, and then additional plugins are loaded. All the plugins are indexed in a single encrypted registry value:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemSubSys] 1

This value has information about all the components of the current kit. It may include Unicode strings with paths to extra DLLs which serve as plugins. Each DLL exports at least four functions which are imported by ordinal numbers from 1 to 4.

The structure of the registry value "1":

[Count:DWORD]{ [Plugin Id:WORD][Plugin Path Length:DWORD][Plugin Path String:VARIABLE] }

Plugins interact with each other and with the orchestrator by exchanging messages of pre-defined format. The message transport is implemented as a global object that contains four communication streams. Every stream contains a pair of kernel synchronization object handles (a semaphore with fixed maximum value defaulted to 1000 and a mutex) and a message queue as an array. A dedicated thread processes messages that appear in the message queues.

A message arrives in a parcel, represented as two DWORD values that contain the size of the message and a pointer to the message data. The message data starts with a DWORD identifying a class of message (a request, reply, etc).

The orchestrator contains the following built-in plugins (listed by internal ID): 8000, 8022, 8024, 803C, 8046, 800A, 8042, 8002, 8004, 8006, 8008, 8070, 808E. Several additional built-in modules have been discovered in newer versions of the orchestrator that was shipped with the GrayFish platform.

EquationDrug Plugins:

Plugin ID

File name




Core, basic API for other modules



C&C communication using Windows sockets



Additional message queue



Memory allocation / storage



C&C communication code based on DoubleFantasy, using WinInet API



C&C communication orchestrator



HTTP communication



System API: execute processes, load libraries, manipulate files and directories



Collects system information: OS version, computer name, user name, locale, keyboard layout, timezone, process lists



Management of the VFS backed by encrypted ".FON" files in the "Fonts\Extension" directory. Provides encryption using RC5 for these files



Network sniffer



Communication with the NDIS filter part of "msndsrv.sys"



Network exploration API, share enumeration and access



Compression library based on Nrv2d / UCL



Communication with the rootkit part of "msndsrv.sys"



Disk forensics and direct NTFS reader based on sources of SleuthKit



Additional encryption facilities for the file-backed VFS



Collects local system information, WMI information, cached passwords



Enumerates processes and system objects



Plugins for monitoring Internet Explorer and Mozilla browser activities



Compression library based on Zlib



Reverse (PTR record) DNS resolver



In-memory storage



In-memory storage



HDD / SSD firmware manipulation



Keylogger and clipboard monitoring (aka "GROK")



C&C communication via WinHTTP API



Extracts web history, Mozilla/Internet Explorer-saved form data and cached credentials



C&C communications interface via Windows sockets

Additional components


This module provides a compatibility layer for accessing system API functions for Windows 9x. It redirects Unicode ("W") variants of Windows API functions to corresponding ANSI variants by converting Unicode string parameters to multi-byte strings and calling the respective ANSI API.




9 728 bytes


2008.01.23 14:23:10 (GMT)


PE32 DLL, linker version 6.0 (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0)

Exported functions (redirected to ANSI variants):

100017EF: CopyFileW

10001039: CreateDirectoryW

10001111: CreateFileW

100011B3: CreateProcessW

10001177: DeleteFileW

10001516: FindFirstChangeNotificationW

10001466: FindFirstFileExW

10001300: FindFirstFileW

100014C6: FindNextFileW

10001564: GetCurrentDirectoryW

1000188F: GetFileAttributesW

100016C6: GetStartupInfoW

10001602: GetSystemDirectoryW

10001664: GetWindowsDirectoryW

10001853: LoadLibraryW

1000178B: MoveFileExW

1000172D: MoveFileW

10001913: RegCreateKeyExW

100019F5: RegDeleteKeyW

10001DDF: RegDeleteValueW

10001A39: RegEnumKeyExW

10001BE2: RegEnumValueW

1000199B: RegOpenKeyExW

10001B23: RegQueryInfoKeyW

10001D57: RegSetValueExW

100010D5: RemoveDirectoryW

10001E81: SHGetFileInfoW

100015C6: SetCurrentDirectoryW

100018CB: SetFileAttributesW

10001E23: lstrcmpW

Network-sniffer/patcher - atmdkdrv.sys





41 440, 43 840 bytes


PE32 Native


2009.04.16 17:19:30 (GMT)

2008.05.07 19:55:14 (GMT)

Version Info

FileDescription: Network Services

LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2000

InternalName: atmdkdrv.sys


FileDescription: CineMaster C 1.1 WDM Main Driver

LegalCopyright: Copyright 1999 RAVISENT Technologies Inc.

InternalName: ATMDKDRV.SYS

Creates a file storage "\SystemRoot\fonts\vgafixa1.fon". Its first word is set to 0x21 at the beginning of the DriverEntry function, and is replaced with 0x20 at the end of DriverEntry.

This driver appears to have been put together in "quick-and-dirty hack" style, using parts of the "mstcp32.sys" sniffer and other unknown drivers. It contains a lot of unused code which is partially broken or disabled. These include a broken "Dynamically disable/enable wind

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