Well, he is a well-known intellectual lightweight although well versed in popularism, having previously edited a red-top British tabloid. Private Eye calls him "Piers Moron", which is perhaps a little unkind. Now he is established in the USA as a television something-or-other and he is running foul of Christianity. Oh dear!
During an interview with mega-pastor Rick Warren on CNN host Piers Morgan has exclaimed that the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are ‘inherently flawed.’ Perhaps Morgan, like many liberals of the day are tired of being told that it is they, along with the rest of humanity, which are inherently flawed with something the bible calls the sin nature. (Romans 3: 23)
No one escapes this moral malady, but many today would like to have it all be explained away by scientists, apostate ministers and priests and every yellow journalist that jubilantly justifies their jaundiced junk jibe through the media, and the internet. But according to the bible, the message will not go away until the very return of the Lord Jesus Christ in victory.
After adopting swelling titles and tagging their names with letters, the scientist, who can neither prove or disprove the existence of God, have broken out to become the high priests and ultimate authorities of all things...
...It is unlikely that those who presume to tell us what happened eight billion years ago will have any idea when the prophesied arrival of the antichrist, that final world ruler empowered by the god of this world, will come on the scene. Most scientists of the day have no idea what the last election in America really means, the future is a mythical mist in which man pulls himself up to the stars by shear technological genius, at the same time never once noting their ever-descending trek into all that is perverted, wicked and Godless is far outpacing their technological advances.
Forget the idea that politics and religion don’t mix, politics can’t even get the attention of the scientist unless it is some fake farcical pseudo-scientific cause like the dangers of global warming. Some say we’re going toward a big freeze while others insist we’re about to get toasted.
Will a scientist warn the world that the moral deprivation of a nation or the world has heated up to the point of ignition? Don’t hold your breath, just go out and hug a tree, praise a wind generator or plug in your Chevy Volt while a generation with a head full of stars goes to hell in a hand basket...
...It may seem entertaining to hear Piers Morgan attempting to void God’s word and the constitution in this day where nothing is sacred. It might almost seem funny to hear the gays have yanked every verse of the bible about the sin of homosexuality and produced their own, ‘Queen James” version, but there is nothing at all even remotely humorous in this warning. To wit:
“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” (Rev 11: 18)
Prophetic warnings may seem weakened because of a few foolish ministers who decide to name dates against the warning of Christ who said no man will know the exact day or hour of his return. Likewise the passing of the new millennium or the much touted Mayan calendar may embolden the scoffers, but the prophetic remains on course. Not even Piers Morgan can do much about that.