
Hypothyroidism is a state in which the thyroid gland does not produce a sufficient amount of the thyroid hormones thyronine and triiodothyronine
Iodine deficiency
is often cited as the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide but
it can be caused by many other factors. It can result from the lack of a
thyroid gland or from iodine-131 treatment, and can also be associated with increased stress. Severe hypothyroidism in infants can result in cretinism.

A 2011 study concluded that about 8% of women over 50 and men over 65
in the UK suffer from an under-active thyroid and that as many as
100,000 of these people could benefit from treatment they are currently
not receiving.

Now a program that works - an effective treatment to stop this agony in your life.

What to Expect on the Hypothyroidism Revolution Program…

Hypothyroidism Revolution Phase 1

During Phase 1 of the Hypothyroidism Revolution Program, the magic
begins to happen as you begin to notice many positive changes occurring.
You will begin your progressive transition towards the ideal thyroid healing diet that will give your thyroid the big boost that it needs to help your cells produce more than enough energy for you.
By the end of Phase 1, your energy levels will be rapidly on the rise and you will feel amazingly satisfied with zero food cravings.

You will feel in control again as your mood drastically improves and
any sign of depression and anxiety begin to disappear. Your family and
friends are going to notice some major positive changes in you.

You will also begin to experience many of the outer changes that come with improved thyroid function. You’re skin will begin to clear up and glow while your hair and nails will begin to look healthy again.

As you ease into the thyroid healing diet, you will
progressively remove the foods that suppress your thyroid, disrupt your
hormone pathways, cause digestive upset and irritation, and cause toxic
byproducts that congest your liver. At the same time, you will be
progressively adding the foods that will be supplying your cells with
the right balance and combination of nutrients that they need to thrive
and produce endless amounts of energy.

Hypothyroidism Revolution Phase 2

Phase 2 of the Hypothyroidism Revolution Program is all about accelerating your results to a whole new level. If you thought that you felt good during Phase 1, this phase is going to have you feeling like a completely different person.
You will be introduced to the 3 key nutrients necessary for reversing those nasty negative hormonal cycles that are currently holding your thyroid hostage. You will be sleeping like baby, wake up feeling completely refreshed, enjoy and experience a huge boost in energy all day long.

You will also watch firsthand as your thyroid heals as you track your thyroid function throughout this process.

As you make the transition into the full thyroid healing diet using
all of the provided resources (recipes, meal plans, diet calculators),
you will begin to fine tune your diet to your specific needs that will
leave you feeling your absolute best.

At the end of Phase 2 you can rest assured that you have reversed years of accelerated aging, leaving you 10 to 20 years younger while adding precious years to your life.

Hypothyroidism Revolution Phase 3

You are already a brand new person and Phase 3 of the Hypothyroidism Revolution Program is all about continuing to build upon the foundation that you just built.

You will begin to implement minor changes designed to help fortify and protect your new found health for life.

You will begin to incorporate healthy lifestyle factors such as the “right” kind of exercise
that helps boost your thyroid instead of the “wrong” kinds of exercise
that are so common today which only drive your thyroid into the ground.

But most importantly, in the end you’ll take a step back and look at where you started and see the major transformation that has occurred during the program and celebrate the fact that you will never have to be that person ever again.

Warning! This Is Not A Magic Pill or Powder!

The internet is literally littered with various thyroid drugs and
supplements that all claim to be THE answer to hypothyroidism. But I
think that we can both agree that if these magic solutions really
worked, then you wouldn’t be reading this right now. These companies are
merely feeding off the human desire for that magical “quick fix solution” that we both know does NOT exist.

In fact, about 95% of thyroid supplements out there actually cause more damage to your thyroid and leave you even more hypothyroid than before you started using them.

My program is based entirely on a functional and holistic approach to correcting hypothyroidism by eliminating ALL underlying causes, which simply put, drugs and supplements alone do not eliminate.

For example, your diet plays a bigger role in your hypothyroidism
than your realize and when you simply replace the wrong foods that are
suppressing your thyroid with the right foods that promote your thyroid
and you put an end to your hormonal imbalances, then you can not only
heal your thyroid but also provide your cells with everything that they
need to produce more energy than you can ever imagine.

The Hypothyroidism Revolution Program is really about eliminating the
years of damage that are separating you from your old happy and healthy
self so that the real you can shine again.

And I’m not going to even ask you to do it alone. Along the way, I will provide you with more support than you can imagine ensuring your success. Nobody else provides this level of support, motivation, and inspiration.

Here’s What You Get…

The Hypothyroidism Revolution Quick Start Kit

don’t believe you should have to learn and understand complex science
and physiology in order to reap the benefits, which is why I designed
this Quick Start Kit so that you can focus on getting results first.

This Quick Start Kit is like your personal guide designed to hold your hand and walk you through the entire program.

It takes away any confusion you might have and helps to keep you on track, every step of the way.

1. 60 Day Step-By-Step Daily Plan

This 60 Day Step-By-Step Daily Plan is the very effective and
efficient process that I use to walk my clients through this program
from start to finish.

It also contains the key to success for the entire program which you don’t want to miss.
In this Quick-Start Guide, you will also discover:

The most important key to ensuring your success with the Program

How to finally start feeling amazing by properly transitioning to thyroid healing diet

How to accelerate your results leaving you feeling years younger

How to easily maintain the new you for life

2. Quick-Start Diet Guide

This Quick-Start Diet Guide is designed to remove any confusion you
could possible have about your diet by giving you the nuts and bolts of
the thyroid healing diet in a condensed version that you can easily
carry with you.

Learn exactly what foods you are eating today that are damaging your
thyroid and what foods you should be eating to help it heal.
In this Quick-Start Guide, you will also discover:

The 16 foods that are suppressing your thyroid and continually causing damage

The 21 foods that will give your thyroid the boost that it desperately needs

A special trick that you can do to help protect yourself while eating out at restaurants

The perfect balance of nutrients necessary for optimal thyroid health

3. Quick-Start Resource Guide

I’ve spent years accumulating a list of the best resources that I
both use personally and share with my clients to make their lives

There’s no sense in leaving you to do the dirty grunt work when I’ve
already done it for you. So, I’m more than happy to make your life
easier and help you save far more than the cost of this program by
helping you get the best prices.
In this Quick-Start Guide, you will also discover:

Where to find the highest quality foods for the same price or less than the cheap unhealthier versions

How to easily get your hands on 1 of the most important foods that is almost impossible to find

How to determine which household products that you use daily are toxic and damaging your thyroid

How to replace those toxic products with non-toxic alternatives to give your thyroid a break

4. Quick-Start Supplement Guide

If you know me then you’ve probably heard me say many times that
supplements were never designed to replace a healthy diet; they were
designed to supplement a healthy diet.

This Quick-Start Supplement Guide is designed to work together with
the thyroid healing diet to maximize your results. Using some very
specific supplements, you can really speed up the healing process.
In this Quick-Start Guide, you will also discover:

The best nutritional supplements to help speed up the healing process

The best food based supplement alternatives for delivering the most important nutrients for your thyroid

Exactly how to use the 3 key nutrients necessary to reset the negative hormonal cycles punishing your thyroid

Where to get any of the recommended supplements at the cheapest prices

The Complete Hypothyroidism Revolution Program

This is your owner’s manual to healing your thyroid. It is going to
take you through everything that you need to know about the
Hypothyroidism Revolution Program in simple and easy to understand
terms. There’s no medical jargon to confuse you.

There’s a reason why this Program is so revolutionary and that’s
because it contains so much cutting-edge information that it’s going to
blow your mind. Instead of continuing to be misled and lied to by the
media and big corporations who care only about their own profits and NOT
your health, I’m going to expose you to information based entirely on
independent research that paints a very different picture.

This Complete Program is truly the bible of how to heal your thyroid,
stop the disease process, and achieve optimal health for life.

The Hypothyroidism Revolution Program Manual contains 16 chapters and here’s a quick glimpse into it…

1. Understanding the Truth About Hypothyroidism

Do you really believe that the only consequence of hypothyroidism is a lack of energy? Think again!

It’s important to understand the dark side of hypothyroidism that few
people talk about and the more serious consequences involved.

Yes, the truth is scary but consider yourself lucky because after
reading this, you’re going to be decades ahead of the medical community.
In this Section, you will also discover:

How hypothyroidism is tied directly into many of the major disease processes including cancer and heart disease

How your thyroid system functions and the many roadblocks that get in its way to cause hypothyroidism

The exact reason why hypothyroidism goes undiagnosed in more than 40% of the population

And the truth about thyroid lab testing and why it’s so inaccurate and useless

2. The Secret Causes of Hypothyroidism

There are actually a number of underlying causes of hypothyroidism
and this section exposes them all. When you understand the underlying
cause(s) then correcting them becomes easy and you’ll finally stop
hypothyroidism at the source.

You’ll be amazed to find how many of the diets and exercise programs
that everyone considers to be completely healthy are actually
responsible for a large portion of the hypothyroidism that is so
prevalent today.
In this Section, you will also discover:

The 2 commonly promoted “health” foods that are the worst at damaging your thyroid

The 3 highly publicized and promoted “healthy” weight loss diets that shut your thyroid down

The 1 so called “healthy” nutrient wrongly claimed to be the answer
to your problems which can actually worsen your hypothyroidism

3 crucial hormones pathways that all hypothyroidism sufferers struggle with and must be corrected to heal your thyroid

3. The Ugly Truth About Hypothyroidism Testing

Every day, thousands and thousands of people suffer from the grueling
symptoms of hypothyroidism and suspect themselves to be hypothyroid but
lab tests and their doctor continue to tell them otherwise.

Instead of getting the help and attention that they need, they are
unknowingly and wrongfully misdiagnosed because of the completely
inaccurate and unscientific thyroid tests being used today.
In this Section, you will also discover:

Why Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) labs are useless

The only 2 ways to accurately measure your thyroid function which happen to be free

Why you’re wasting your hard earned money on extensive Free T3/T4 thyroid panels

The 2 WRONG ways to diagnose hypothyroidism which unfortunately are used by 99% of the population

4. The Missing Key to Treating Hypothyroidism

The sad reality is that 99% of hypothyroidism treatments available
today are ineffective, especially long term, because they are all
missing key pieces to the hypothyroidism puzzle.

And to make matters worse, most treatment options available today
actually cause even more damage to your thyroid. This explains why so
many people try multiple treatments only to find their health and their
symptoms getting worse.
In this Section, you will also discover:

The 3 most common treatments used today that are unknowingly damaging your thyroid

The fail-safe 3 Step Hypothyroidism Treatment Process that works every single time

The 1 missing key that everyone is missing which is sabotaging your results

5. The Big FAT Lie

It’s true. You’ve been told nothing but Big FAT Lies for your entire
life. So, it’s time to air out this dirty laundry so that you can see
the truth about fats in your diet and how pretty much all of the
so-called “healthy” fats that you are eating are damaging your thyroid
and ruining your health.

This has become one of the most epidemic nutritional problems in
today’s society with quite possibly the most negative effect on your
thyroid and health than anything else.
In this Section, you will also discover:

Why the right fats in your diet are not only important but essential for healing your thyroid

The 1 type of fat that you eat everyday and that is a major cause of hypothyroidism

10 sources of fat that you should avoid like the plague

The 1 fat that doctors are now prescribing that is not only toxic but suppresses your immune system

6. Clearing Up The Carb Confusion

Fats use to be the most controversial nutrient for the past few
decades. Today, fats have taken a backseat to the new king of
controversy, Carbs.

Some people can’t seem to live without them while some people claim
that they are the food of the devil himself. The honest truth is that
there are “good” carbs and “bad” carbs. However, it also has to do with
how you use carbohydrates in your diet which can make all the
difference. Eating the right carbs at the right times is also essential.
In this Section, you will also discover:

The #1 demonized carb that you are being told to avoid like the plague and why you can’t heal your thyroid without it

The 3 kinds of carbs that you eat daily which are well known for their thyroid suppressing toxins

The most healthy and essential sugar that your thyroid can’t function without

The truth about food allergies and sensitivities and how to easily overcome them which is going to blow your mind

7. Therapeutic Power Foods to Boost Your Thyroid

There are a few foods that are known to quickly stimulate your
thyroid to help you start seeing immediate result. When you have them to
use at your disposal then you can give your thyroid the big kick-start
it needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

I highly recommend that you begin to incorporate these foods into
your daily diet to start reaping the many rewards that they all have to
In this Section, you will also discover:

The 1 super powerful food that can drastically increase your energy when used correctly or damage your thyroid if not

The #1 recipe for supplying your body with loads of thyroid stimulating nutrients

One of the most controversial food items that your cells are starving for while your doctor tells you to avoid it at all costs

The #1 recipe for restoring balance to one of the most detrimental negative hormonal cycles

8. Breaking the Vicious Hormone Cycle

Right now, you have some major hormonal imbalances that are driving
your thyroid straight into the ground, all day every day, 24/7. You will
never overcome hypothyroidism and heal your thyroid until you take care
of these negative hormonal cycles first.

Restoring proper hormonal balance has been completely overlooked by
the medical community for decades. Now it’s time for you to gain the
upper hand on your hormones.
In this Section, you will also discover:

The 2 Harmful Hormones that are holding your thyroid hostage

The 3 nutrients that you need to knock those Harmful Hormone out of the picture

The 4 key nutrients necessary to produce an abundance of happy, healthy, and highly protective hormones

Why ignoring your hormones is not only a detriment to your thyroid but also a detriment to your health

9. The Truth About Weight Loss & Hypothyroidism

If you suffer from uncontrollable weight gain or weight loss resistance then there’s actually a good reason why.

Have you tried all of the latest diets with little success? Or maybe
you did see some initial success only to gain all the weight back plus
more in the end?

There’s a good reason why and I’m going to show you what truly healthy weight loss really takes.
In this Section, you will also discover:

The 3 most commonly used weight loss diets today that wreck your thyroid in the process

The ONLY healthy way to lose weight

5 simple weight loss tips to help you get the scale moving the right direction

How to lose that stubborn belly fat once and for all

And Let’s Not Forget About Your Done-For-You Recipes, Meal Plans, Diet Calculators, and Resources

1. The Hypothyroidism Revolution Cookbook

This is my personal thyroid healing cookbook that I used to overcome
my own hypothyroidism and I can’t wait to share it with you.

It contains 48 delicious and thyroid healthy recipes including 6
dessert recipes that are some of the most healing recipes in the
cookbook. It doesn’t get any better than that. I hope you’re in the mood
for ice cream, custard, and cheesecake.

It’s all about balance and each recipe of my cookbook has been
specifically balanced with respect to each nutrient to ensure that your
thyroid and body produce endless energy.

2. Done-For-You Meal Plans

you think I was just going to hand you a cookbook and send you on your
way? No way! I wanted to make this as easy as possible.

I’ve included Done-For-You meal plans using the recipes straight out
the Hypothyroidism Revolution Cookbook to make your life easy as pie (or
ice cream at least).

I’ve formulated two sets of meal plans, one for men and one for women
since your dietary needs are going to very. But you get both so that
even your loved ones can embark on this journey with you and feel the
amazing effects for themselves, firsthand.

It doesn’t get much easier than this… or does it?

3. Hypothyroidism Revolution Shopping List

sure you can easily imagine that I’m quite the busy person. And one
thing that I hate more than anything is wasting valuable time. So when I
have to go shopping, I use this Hypothyroidism Revolution Shopping List
to make it as easy as possible. It’s hard enough to remember what you
are supposed to be eating when you start a new diet.

No more trudging through the store wondering what you were supposed
to get, only to come home with foods that you didn’t need and missing a
number of foods that you need for tonight’s dinner.

All of the healthy foods are right there for you. There’s really no
sense in wasting what little energy you do have being frustrated and
upset at the grocery store.

4. Hypothyroidism Revolution Recipe Calculator

I actually thought of a way to make things even EASIER for you.
Cookbooks are great but they never help you customize the recipes for a
party of 10 or a party of 1. And what if you want to use a smaller
serving size?

That’s no longer a problem because I’ve created a custom recipe
calculator that lets you customize the serving size and amount of food
that you want to make each and every time.

Simply adjust the serving size to fit your needs and all of the
ingredient quantities and nutritional information automatically update
for you, eliminating all of the guesswork.

5. Hypothyroidism Revolution Meal Balance Calculator

to customize your diet to your own needs while still easily ensuring
that your meals are properly balanced with all of the necessary
nutrients that your thyroid needs and in the perfect proportions to make
sure that your thyroid is working to its full potential?

This calculator helps you do just that. You simply entire the foods
that you’ve eaten for any given meal or for the entire day and it will
do all the work for you. It will tell you exactly how balanced or
unbalanced your meals are so that you can easily work on fine tuning
them to your needs.

Plus You’ll Get All of The Tools and Resources That You Need to Track Your Progress

1. The Thyroid Function Progress Tracker

Not only are you about to learn exactly how to measure you progress
using the most accurate and scientific means possible, but you are going
to use this tool to track your progress as you go and in the comfort of
your own home.

Stop wasting your hard earned money on inaccurate tests when I show you how to do for free.

This tool also serves as a major source of motivation because you
will get to see your thyroid function improve while your energy
skyrockets and you achieve the level of health that you once thought was
impossible. If you want evidence that it’s working then here it is.

2. Daily Food Logs

By tracking your meals together with your thyroid function you can
effectively determine which meals give your thyroid the biggest boost
and provide you the most energy. And you can also determine which meals,
if any, aren’t working well for you.

This can be very useful for helping you to fine tune your diet for the absolutely best results in the least amount of time.

3. Hypothyroidism Symptom Checklist

This Hypothyroidism Symptom Checklist is extremely important for a couple of reasons.

For starters, it’s important to go through this checklist so that you
can associate any and all of your chronic health symptoms and their
connection to your hypothyroidism. Most of my clients suffer from
multiple symptoms that they never imagined could be caused by their

It also serves as a great progress tracking tool as you go through
the program and especially at the end. It can make all of the difference
to sit down and compare your list of symptoms before and after the
program to see just how far you have come.

When It’s All Said and Done You Will…

Take back your life by stopping hypothyroidism at the source!

Jump out of bed each morning ready to start your day with so much more energy!

Enjoy and embrace every second you have with your family and friends!

Erase years of accelerated aging and look and feel years younger!

Easily maintain boundless energy all day long!

Experience true happiness and calmness as you rid yourself of anxiety and depression!

Add healthy years to your life to spend with the ones that you love most!

Experience what it truly means to sleep like a baby!

Look and feel healthier than ever before!

Experience clear, smooth, and flawless skin, hair, and nails!

Allow your weight to normalize naturally in the only healthy and sustainable way!

Reduce or even eliminate your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, or autoimmune!

Say goodbye to digestive upset and food allergies that are imprisoning your life!

Develop a bullet-proof immune system making you more resistant to colds and infections!

Enjoy razor sharp mental clarity!

Put yourself back in the driver seat of your life so you can life it to the fullest!

And so much more…

Meet The Man Giving You A New Lease On Life…

Tom Brimeyer M.S.

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Author on Nutrition & Hormones

My name is Tom Brimeyer and I am a practitioner of functional medicine and health researcher and
I have been lucky enough to study with and learn from some of the most
widely sought after and knowledgeable doctors, health practitioners, and
health researchers in the world.

But it was through my own struggles with chronic health issues that I was introduced to functional medicine many years ago.

When I was younger, I was what I believed to be the perfect image of
health. It wasn’t until I entered the “real world” of working long hours
and starting my own family that my health took a turn for the worse.

I quickly found myself suffering from energy problems, having a
difficult time getting out of bed in the morning to go to work, hitting
energy lows every day after lunch, and by the time I dragged myself
through the door at night, all I wanted to do was sleep. I couldn’t
handle an ounce of stress without being overwhelmed with anxiety.

But as you can imagine, my 2 year old son who had enough energy to
light up a city block wanted to do nothing but play. I was riddled with
guilt and constantly beat myself up because I couldn’t be the parent
that I wanted to be and that hurt more than anything. Needless to say,
my family life was taking the brunt of it all.

But then I discovered the work of an independent researcher who
studied the effects of aging and began to implement some of the
nutritional and hormonal links to hypothyroidism that he had discovered.
Many of the simple changes that I made gave me the greatest results
with my energy.

I then spent many months digging deeper and deeper into his work and
putting together the very plan that not only helped me to overcome my
hypothyroidism but that I want to share with you today so that you can
do the same.

I began sharing this same plan with people over the internet and it quickly hit me that this was my calling in life.

And As of Today, I Have Helped More Than 7,200 People Across 51 Countries Around the World Overcome Chronic Health Problems…

Now I have made it my personal mission to inspire and educate more than 1 Million people
to take control and achieve true health by finding and fixing the
underlying cause of their health problems instead of being stuck relying
on prescription drugs that merely cover up their symptoms while their
health continues to suffer.

And as I continue to grow my work and practice to reach more and more
people, I look forward to being a major contributor to igniting what I
consider to be the inevitable coming of the Health Revolution.
I believe that a much needed radical shift in our mindset and
understanding of health is in the making. And I want you to join me.

But, Are You Right For This Program?

Let’s face it. This is the hands down, most comprehensive thyroid
therapy protocol that helps you get your life back by stopping
hypothyroidism at the source. This is not some blind toss of the dice
that works for a small subset of individuals while the rest end up
getting nowhere.

And this isn’t some long boring medical book that leaves you confused
and with more questions than when you started. It’s a results oriented
program that focuses on getting you RESULTS.

But let me be completely honest with you because this program is not right everyone.

This Revolutionary Program is ONLY meant for people who are serious
about saying goodbye to their hypothyroidism forever and making the
absolute most out of life. It takes some commitment to follow the
program as designed for maximum results.

Isn’t your health worth it?

After working with clients for years, it has become easy to spot
those who are what I like to call, a “victim” to hypothyroidism. Some of
my clients feed off of the attention of being sick and would rather
wallow in their own misery. They always come up with excuse after

If that’s you then please don’t waste your time or my time…

And if you’re looking to find the newest secret supplement or magic
pill then you’re definitely in the wrong place. There is no and never
will be a magic fix for your health.

If that’s what you’re looking for then you won’t find it here…
Unless you’re willing to make the effort to eliminate the
underlying cause your hypothyroidism and lay down a solid foundation of
health that will keep your thyroid healthy for life then you will never
achieve the permanent results that my clients achieve.

The choice is ultimately yours…

You can join me in the revolution today and take back your life and
your health and put an end to your suffering once and for all.

“I’m Ready to Get Started…What’s the Investment?”

No, you didn’t read that wrong. That’s exactly what this program is…
This program is an investment and arguable one of the best investments
you could ever possibly make…

For starters, you can’t put a value on adding happy and healthy years to your life but that’s only part of the investment.

I also want you to consider the frightening healthcare costs that are
rising at unsustainable levels each and every year. Medical costs are
the #1 cause of bankruptcy today (62% of all bankruptcies and 78% of
these people even had health insurance!) and it’s only getting worse as
healthcare costs continue to rise year after year. At this rate, it
won’t be long before no one will be able to afford healthcare…

Click Here to buy this!


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