Phil Rosenberg posted a blog post
Job Search Checklist - Item #5: Resume response rate
An excerpt from reCareered's 8/20/12 newsletter that discusses how to calculate and evaluate how effectively your job search campaign and resume are working ... Next step on your job search checklist ... learn how to calculate and evaluate your resume response rate.Your resume response rate measures the effectiveness of your resume and job search. When your resume response rate is low, few employers are responding to your resume ... so you're not getting many interviews.Your resume response rate is also the feedback you're missing, if you're only getting feedback from friends and from those who do interview you.If you really want to improve your job search, you need to get feedback from employers who rejected your resume. Don't expect employers to jump at the chance to call or email you to tell you why your resume wasn't even seen by human eyes.Instead, the feedback you get from employers who declined to interview you and the employers who didn't even see your resume at all (because it was stuck in the employer's ATS) ... that's the feedback you get from your resume response rate.If you're not consistently generating a few interview invitations each week (with hiring managers, in addition to HR/recruiter interviews), learning more about your resume response rate is critical - in order to improve a metric, you've got to understand it first.Learn how to calculate and evaluate your resume response rate, by reading:Read more in reCareered's 8/20/12 newsletter ...See More