
List Of Linux post exploitation enumeration and exploit checking tools:

+ LinEnum v-0.5 Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks.

+ linexpchecker.py – Linux Local Privilege Escalation Exploit Checker : backported this script to work with Python 2.3.4.

+ Linux Exploit Suggester(linexpsuggester.pl); based on operating system release number.

+ linuxprivchecker.py — a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script. ( Updates 16/06/2015:Fix bad interpreter error in linprivchecker.py)

Example Output : linuxprivchecker.py — a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script

+ Unix-privesc-checker is a script that runs on Unix systems (tested on Solaris 9, HPUX 11, Various Linuxes, FreeBSD 6.2). Download here
Linenum.sh v-0.5 Script:

Linexpchecker.py Script:

Linexpsuggester.pl Script :

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;

our $VERSION = '0.9';

my %opts;
getopt( 'k,h', \%opts );
usage() if exists $opts{h};

my ( $khost, $is_partial ) = get_kernel();
print "\nKernel local: $khost\n\n";

my %exploits = get_exploits();
print 'Searching among ' . scalar keys(%exploits) . " exploits...\n\n";
print "Possible Exploits:\n";

foreach my $key ( sort keys %exploits ) {
foreach my $kernel ( @{ $exploits{$key}{vuln} } ) {

if ( $khost eq $kernel
or ( $is_partial and index($kernel,$khost) == 0 )
) {
print "[+] $key";
print " ($kernel)" if $is_partial;

my $alt = $exploits{$key}{alt};
my $cve = $exploits{$key}{cve};
my $mlw = $exploits{$key}{mil};
if ( $alt or $cve ) {
print "\n";
if ( $alt ) { print " Alt: $alt "; }
if ( $cve ) { print " CVE-$cve"; }
if ( $mlw ) { print "\n Source: $mlw"; }
print "\n";

## extra functions ##

sub get_kernel {
my $khost = '';

if ( exists $opts{k} ) {
$khost = $opts{k};
else {
$khost = `uname -r |cut -d"-" -f1`;
chomp $khost;

# partial kernels might be provided by the user,
# such as '2.4' or '2.6.'
my $is_partial = $khost =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.?\d?/ ? 0 : 1;
if ( $is_partial and substr($khost,-1) ne '.' ) {
$khost .= '.';
return ( $khost, $is_partial );

sub usage {
print <<"EOUSAGE";
Linux Exploit Suggester $VERSION
Usage: \t$0 [-h] [-k kernel]
[-h] help (this message)
[-k] kernel number eg. 2.6.28
You can also provide a partial kernel version (eg. 2.4)
to see all exploits available.

sub get_exploits {
return (
'w00t' => {
vuln => [
'2.4.10', '2.4.16', '2.4.17', '2.4.18',
'2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21',
'brk' => {
vuln => [ '2.4.10', '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21', '2.4.22' ],
'ave' => { vuln => [ '2.4.19', '2.4.20' ] },

'elflbl' => {
vuln => ['2.4.29'],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/744/',

'elfdump' => { vuln => ['2.4.27'] },
'elfcd' => { vuln => ['2.6.12'] },
'expand_stack' => { vuln => ['2.4.29'] },

'h00lyshit' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.8', '2.6.10', '2.6.11', '2.6.12',
'2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16',
cve => '2006-3626',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2013/',

'kdump' => { vuln => ['2.6.13'] },
'km2' => { vuln => [ '2.4.18', '2.4.22' ] },
'krad' =>
{ vuln => [ '2.6.5', '2.6.7', '2.6.8', '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.11' ] },

'krad3' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.5', '2.6.7', '2.6.8', '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.11' ],
mil => 'http://exploit-db.com/exploits/1397',

'local26' => { vuln => ['2.6.13'] },
'loko' => { vuln => [ '2.4.22', '2.4.23', '2.4.24' ] },

'mremap_pte' => {
vuln => [ '2.4.20', '2.2.24', '2.4.25', '2.4.26', '2.4.27' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/160/',

'newlocal' => { vuln => [ '2.4.17', '2.4.19' ] },
'ong_bak' => { vuln => ['2.6.5'] },
'ptrace' =>
{ vuln => [ '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21', '2.4.22' ] },
'ptrace_kmod' => {
vuln => [ '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21', '2.4.22' ],
cve => '2007-4573',
'ptrace_kmod2' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29', '2.6.30', '2.6.31',
'2.6.32', '2.6.33', '2.6.34',
alt => 'ia32syscall,robert_you_suck',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15023/',
cve => '2010-3301',
'ptrace24' => { vuln => ['2.4.9'] },
'pwned' => { vuln => ['2.6.11'] },
'py2' => { vuln => [ '2.6.9', '2.6.17', '2.6.15', '2.6.13' ] },
'raptor_prctl' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17' ],
cve => '2006-2451',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2031/',
'prctl' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2004/',
'prctl2' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2005/',
'prctl3' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2006/',
'prctl4' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/2011/',
'remap' => { vuln => ['2.4.'] },
'rip' => { vuln => ['2.2.'] },
'stackgrow2' => { vuln => [ '2.4.29', '2.6.10' ] },
'uselib24' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.10', '2.4.17', '2.4.22', '2.4.25', '2.4.27', '2.4.29' ]
'newsmp' => { vuln => ['2.6.'] },
'smpracer' => { vuln => ['2.4.29'] },
'loginx' => { vuln => ['2.4.22'] },
'exp.sh' => { vuln => [ '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.16', '2.6.13' ] },
'vmsplice1' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.17', '2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22',
'2.6.23', '2.6.24', '',
alt => 'jessica biel',
cve => '2008-0600',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/5092',
'vmsplice2' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.23', '2.6.24' ],
alt => 'diane_lane',
cve => '2008-0600',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/5093',
'vconsole' => {
vuln => ['2.6.'],
cve => '2009-1046',
'sctp' => {
vuln => ['2.6.26'],
cve => '2008-4113',
'ftrex' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.11', '2.6.12', '2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16',
'2.6.17', '2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22',
cve => '2008-4210',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/6851',
'exit_notify' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29' ],
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/8369',
'udev' => {
vuln => [ '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29' ],
alt => 'udev <1.4.1',
cve => '2009-1185',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/8478',

'sock_sendpage2' => {
vuln => [
'2.4.4', '2.4.5', '2.4.6', '2.4.7', '2.4.8', '2.4.9',
'2.4.10', '2.4.11', '2.4.12', '2.4.13', '2.4.14', '2.4.15',
'2.4.16', '2.4.17', '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21',
'2.4.22', '2.4.23', '2.4.24', '2.4.25', '2.4.26', '2.4.27',
'2.4.28', '2.4.29', '2.4.30', '2.4.31', '2.4.32', '2.4.33',
'2.4.34', '2.4.35', '2.4.36', '2.4.37', '2.6.0', '2.6.1',
'2.6.2', '2.6.3', '2.6.4', '2.6.5', '2.6.6', '2.6.7',
'2.6.8', '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.11', '2.6.12', '2.6.13',
'2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17', '2.6.18', '2.6.19',
'2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22', '2.6.23', '2.6.24', '2.6.25',
'2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29', '2.6.30',
alt => 'proto_ops',
cve => '2009-2692',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/9436',

'sock_sendpage' => {
vuln => [
'2.4.4', '2.4.5', '2.4.6', '2.4.7', '2.4.8', '2.4.9',
'2.4.10', '2.4.11', '2.4.12', '2.4.13', '2.4.14', '2.4.15',
'2.4.16', '2.4.17', '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21',
'2.4.22', '2.4.23', '2.4.24', '2.4.25', '2.4.26', '2.4.27',
'2.4.28', '2.4.29', '2.4.30', '2.4.31', '2.4.32', '2.4.33',
'2.4.34', '2.4.35', '2.4.36', '2.4.37', '2.6.0', '2.6.1',
'2.6.2', '2.6.3', '2.6.4', '2.6.5', '2.6.6', '2.6.7',
'2.6.8', '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.11', '2.6.12', '2.6.13',
'2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17', '2.6.18', '2.6.19',
'2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22', '2.6.23', '2.6.24', '2.6.25',
'2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29', '2.6.30',
alt => 'wunderbar_emporium',
cve => '2009-2692',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/9435',
'udp_sendmsg_32bit' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.1', '2.6.2', '2.6.3', '2.6.4', '2.6.5', '2.6.6',
'2.6.7', '2.6.8', '2.6.9', '2.6.10', '2.6.11', '2.6.12',
'2.6.13', '2.6.14', '2.6.15', '2.6.16', '2.6.17', '2.6.18',
cve => '2009-2698',
mil =>
'pipe.c_32bit' => {
vuln => [
'2.4.4', '2.4.5', '2.4.6', '2.4.7', '2.4.8', '2.4.9',
'2.4.10', '2.4.11', '2.4.12', '2.4.13', '2.4.14', '2.4.15',
'2.4.16', '2.4.17', '2.4.18', '2.4.19', '2.4.20', '2.4.21',
'2.4.22', '2.4.23', '2.4.24', '2.4.25', '2.4.26', '2.4.27',
'2.4.28', '2.4.29', '2.4.30', '2.4.31', '2.4.32', '2.4.33',
'2.4.34', '2.4.35', '2.4.36', '2.4.37', '2.6.15', '2.6.16',
'2.6.17', '2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22',
'2.6.23', '2.6.24', '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28',
'2.6.29', '2.6.30', '2.6.31',
cve => '2009-3547',
mil =>
'do_pages_move' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22', '2.6.23',
'2.6.24', '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29',
'2.6.30', '2.6.31',
alt => 'sieve',
cve => '2010-0415',
mil => 'Spenders Enlightenment',
'reiserfs' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22', '2.6.23',
'2.6.24', '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29',
'2.6.30', '2.6.31', '2.6.32', '2.6.33', '2.6.34',
cve => '2010-1146',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12130/',
'can_bcm' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.18', '2.6.19', '2.6.20', '2.6.21', '2.6.22', '2.6.23',
'2.6.24', '2.6.25', '2.6.26', '2.6.27', '2.6.28', '2.6.29',
'2.6.30', '2.6.31', '2.6.32', '2.6.33', '2.6.34', '2.6.35',
cve => '2010-2959',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14814/',
'rds' => {
vuln => [
'2.6.30', '2.6.31', '2.6.32', '2.6.33',
'2.6.34', '2.6.35', '2.6.36',
mil => 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploi

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