
The Journal Diaries is a blog segment where we get a sneak peek into the journals, notebooks, organizers, and diaries from people all over the world. (Click here for past posts.) My special guest today is Wen yea from Malaysia.

- Tell is a little more about yourself.
My name's Wen yea. I'm 22 years old girl and currently live in Kuala Lumpur, which is the federal capital of Malaysia.

- When did you first start using the Midori Traveler's Notebook, and why?
I love to do anything based on the mood most of the time. To be honest, I never finished one notebook since I was small. That is because I just can't stick to one notebook design for a long period and I will get bored easily.

However, I started to journal when I found out traveler's notebook on Lindasnote's Instagram last year. The own customize concept of the notebook caught my eyes follow by its notebook design. I really love the simple yet nice quality of leather with a number of refill selections. So I started to research where can I get it since it's not available in Malaysia during that time. That's how my journaling life starts.

Till today, I have tried blank, lined, Kraft paper, watercolor paper, weekly refills and even cheap doted refills from China. Just within one and a half year, I finished up to 15 refills (so unbelievable!).

- What do you like most about the Midori Traveler's Notebook?
Besides the simple concept and good quality of leather as I mentioned earlier, I love their size the most. Regular size of the TN notebooks allows me to carry it around wherever I go. Moreover, it can fit standard size travel brochures, receipts, movie/bus/train tickets perfectly.

Although there are so many traveler's notebook users out there, every notebook still looks different because of the scratches, marks, and customization which only belong to its owner.

- Do you carry the notebook everywhere you go, or do you keep it mostly at home?
Besides shopping and friend gathering, I almost bring it everywhere I go. That is because inspiration can come from anywhere! So I need to write it down before I forget.

Mostly I love to journal in it at home when there is free time but I will also mark down some random ideas when I go to some restaurant and coffee house. Sometimes I can even stay up to a few hours in the café just sketching or journaling!

- What to you like to journal about?
I love to journal my daily routines in different ways as following:

Weekly Planner refill: I use it as a planner as well as a diary. I will list down my current to-do-lists, to-buy-lists, random thoughts and ideas as a guideline for what I am going to do in the following days. For the diary part, I always write down the place I went, how much I spent, date of postcard or mail to receive & send out, and sometimes feelings at the moment.

Blank/Doted refill: I love to use it as an elaboration of some of the special moments of my daily life. For instance, travel, long lost meet up with friends, gatherings, movie dates, and newly discovered café & food experience.

- How often do you use the traveler's notebook?
I use my traveler's notebook almost everyday. When I was a student, I used it as a study planner to write down the subject, class venue, break time, assignment brief and pass up dateline. When I started to work, I use it as a business planner by jotting down all the to-do-lists and some meeting record.

Recently, I love to carry my TN with me especially during reading time in the morning after having my breakfast and mostly after dinner.

- What is your favorite stationery tool at the moment?
I didn't own many stationery tools, but I do have some favorite tools! Watercolor and waterbrush are definitely one of my favorite stationery at this moment. To be specific, I am currently using Faber Castell watercolor pencils and I have a pocket watercolor set of Daler Rowney too.

For sketching and writing, Unipin fine line pigment ink pen 0.1 is just perfect for me because it is waterproof and suitable for application of watercolors right after sketching. Besides that, Rotring mechanical pencil (from my brother) and Midori brass pencil (gift from my boyfriend) are my favorite pen for sketching recently. Last but not least, masking tape is a must have item during journaling.

- Other than journaling, what are some other hobbies you enjoy?
Besides journaling, I love movies and music. And I do love postcards! I participated in Postcrossing this year. It's a postcards exchange project that allows everyone to send and receive postcards from random places in the world. The best thing of this project is that I can learn more about different country's tradition, cultural, world heritage and best travel spots by exchange of postcards with random random people. So much fun!


Thank you so much, Wen yea, for sharing your Traveler's Notebook us! And for all you wonderful readers looking to connect, you can  find more of Wen yea's journalings through her Instagram gallery, @wenyea.

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