
Everyone loves Easter eggs. No, not the pastel-colored creations you hide around the yard for kids at Easter, but the hidden references in films that are inserted by directors to pay homage and give a little wink to the audience. In the horror film genre, some of the scariest and most memorable movies are made by people who are very reverent of horror movie history. This is why you'll probably find more Easter eggs in horror movies than any other movie genre. What are the best horror film Easter eggs? Now's your chance to vote!

So lets take a walk down memory lane (aka Elm Street) and see how many of these horrific Easter eggs you've noticed in fright flicks over the years. Does Dr. Loomis's name ring a bell in Halloween? Do you swear you've seen that Evil Dead Oldsmobile in more than one movie? Was that really Simon Pegg as a zombie in Land of the Dead? The answers may surprise you, and some of these are hidden in plain sight for the die-hard fan to spot.

What are you waiting for? You might as well investigate a strange noise outside or say "I'll be right back" and seal your fate. Don't hesitate and vote up your favorite Easter eggs and horror film hidden features below!

Simon Pegg Plays a Zombie in Land of the Dead

If you've seen Shaun of the Dead, it's obvious that Simon Pegg is a huge fan of George A. Romero's Dead franchise. The admiration is reciprocated since Romero cast Pegg as a zombie (pictured, left) in 2005's Land of the Dead.

Freddy's Glove Is in Ash's Tool Shed in Evil Dead 2

In the original A Nightmare on Elm Street, Nancy tries to stay awake and is watching a trailer for Evil Dead on her bedroom TV. To return the favor, Sam Raimi put Freddy's razor glove on the wall of the tool shed in which Ash gets "groovy" in Evil Dead 2.

Alfred Hitchcock Looms Outside Marion Crane's Office in Psycho

Alfred Hitchcock has a cameo appearance in many of his films. In the iconic thriller Psycho, the Master of Suspense stands outside the office of Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) just before she decides to make a run for it... all the way to the Bates Motel and that infamous shower.

The Hidden Messages in The Shining Are Allegedly a Confession from Stanley Kubrick

There are so many theories about the supposed hidden messages in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining that an entire documentary, Room 237, was made to cover them all. One of the more crackpot theories is that Kubrick had the character Danny wear an Apollo mission sweater as a way for the director confessing to his part in faking the moon landing, which was supposedly filmed - where else? - on Stage 237.

The Entire Plot of The Thing Is Given Away in the First Few Minutes

In the opening scene of John Carpenter's The Thing, a Norwegian exploration team is trying to shoot and kill an Alaskan husky running through the snow. The Americans stop them, but if they - or the audience - were able to understand Norwegian, the movie would have been spoiled. The Norwegians are shouting, "Get the hell away! It's not a dog! It's imitating a dog! It's not real! Get away, idiots!"

An Alien Skull Appears in the Trophy Room of Predator 2

If you look closely in a Predator's trophy room in Predator 2, you can see a xenomorph skull from the Alien franchise. This caused fanboys to geek out over the possibility of an Alien-Predator crossover film. Years later, they got their wish - for better or worse - with AVP: Alien vs. Predator and its sequel AVPR: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Might Have Cinema's First True Easter Egg

Do the "Time Warp" back to the filming of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and you may just find cinema's first Easter egg, albeit an unintentional one. During the filming of the horror musical, the cast had an Easter egg hunt on the set but apparently didn't find them all. Some showed up in the final film. Dammit, Janet!

The Batman-Superman Marquee in I Am Legend Was Prescient

Remember the Batman-Superman marquee in I Am Legend that got comic geeks in a tizzy about the possibility of such a thing happening? It's in there because I Am Legend producer Akiva Goldman was at one time involved in a planned Supes/Dark Knight team-up. That never came to pass, but now Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a movie that's really happening.

A Shout-out to The Monster Squad Appears on a Restroom Wall in Night of the Creeps

Night of the Creeps director Fred Dekker is such a fan of The Monster Squad that he put a shout-out to them in his movie. Here's the twist: Night of the Creeps came out one year before Monster Squad did. Creepy?

The Saw Doll Appears in Dead Silence

In 2007, James Wan directed Dead Silence, about the malevolent ghost of a murdered ventriloquist. Wan, who also directed Saw, seems to enjoy putting that movie's white-and-red-faced doll in his other movies... at least for a moment. Look closely and you can see the Saw doll sitting on the floor in Dead Silence.

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