
In the movie business there are great actors and great directors; when two of these tremendously talented people come together to make a film, the result is often a classic. When a great actor/director team continues to pair up and make films, the result is a legend. To add to this list, click Info View.

From Scorcese & De Niro to Burton & Depp, there's no denying that certain actor/director teams have a unsaid spark between them (the director able to coax the best performance from the actor and he in turn being able to translate a director's vision into that stellar performance). Point is: there are some truly great director/actor combos out there.

Let's get something straight: this is not a list of all the best directors of all time or the best actors and actresses ever, this is a list of the all-time best actor/director collaborations. These are movie directors who work with the same actors over and over again because of the tremendous results they get. Now bear in mind, there are times when even the top actor/director duos slip up and make a less-than-epic film (*cough*The Terminal*cough*), but on the whole, these creative teams are behind many of the best movies of all time.

If your favorite director/actor team didn't make the list, feel free to add them and let others vote on their effectiveness at delivering great performances together. And before you ask, yes, Steven Spielberg/Harrison Ford and all the other actors/directors who are linked by sequels were intentional omissions. That's not a choice to work together, it's a contract. Now go forth and make your choices for the top actor and director collaborators.

The Coen Brothers / John Goodman

Barton Fink, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski, and The Hudsucker Proxy

Alfred Hitchcock / Cary Grant

North by Northwest, Notorious, Suspicion, and To Catch a Thief

Alfred Hitchcock / James Stewart

Vertigo, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Rope, and Rear Window

Mel Brooks / Gene Wilder

Young Frankenstein, The Producers, and Blazing Saddles

John Ford / John Wayne

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Searchers, Rio Grande, The Quiet Man, How the West Was Won, Stagecoach, Fort Apache

Quentin Tarantino / Samuel L. Jackson

Django Unchained, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill Vol. 2

Steven Spielberg / Tom Hanks

Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can, Band of Brothers, The Terminal

Clint Eastwood / Clint Eastwood

Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Unforgiven, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Bridges of Madison County

Martin Scorsese / Robert De Niro

Cape Fear, Casino, GoodFellas, Mean Streets, New York, New York, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy

Martin Scorsese / Leonardo DiCaprio

The Departed, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, Shutter Island

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