
Weed + Video Games = True Love. Whether you're sinking into the couch with an indica or blasting through synaptic hula hoops on a sweet sativa, video games are fun to play when you're high.

The only problem? Choosing the best video games to play when you're high can be as much of an existential crisis as choosing the best snack: they're ALL good, man. Yet, there are some clear standouts. Rank your bake-n-play favorites! Vote up the best video games to play when you're stoned.

The Best Video Games to Play When You're High,

Mario Kart Wii

Stoned driving: not cool, unless it's Mario Kart. Drift and draft your way around colorful obstacles courses with your favorite Nintendo characters to an energetic race soundtrack; what's not to enjoy? Shh, we won't talk about Rainbow Road.

World of Warcraft

Playing World of Warcraft high is not unlike time travel: suddenly, it's 12 hours later and you have vague memories of taking down an enormous spider with the help of a panda. Blizzard's MMORPG continues to pump out premium content, so you're unlikely to run out of things to do (hence the marathon sessions). The character creator alone can be quicksand for the meticulous stoner.


What better way to while away a high than building your own world, block by block? Let your artistic side run wild with abstract creations, go full survivalist with an underground bunker guarded by spiders - whatever you want, Minecraft is your dominion. Make a point to hike to the highest spot in you world to watch the sunrise. Just don't piss off any Creepers along the way.

Portal 2

As funny as it is frustrating, Portal 2 makes good use of a hybrid high. Let the indica calm your turret- and laser-induced stress while the sativa helps you keep up with the witty dialogue and clever puzzles. Best of all, if you plan ahead for the munchies, the cake *won't* be a lie.


Get lost in FEZ, a meandering, atmospheric puzzle platformer featuring some absolutely beautiful pixel environments and music to match. Unlike most traditional 2D platformers, you can rotate the world of FEZ for a new twist (sorry) on platforming. The nicest thing about playing FEZ while high? Death is but a brief blip before you're respawned at the nearest ledge. Phew. Stress-free.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Load up your texture mods and let the good times roll with this beautiful, open world ARPG. Maybe your bong rips have put you in the mood for slaying some dragons; maybe you just want to harvest lavender for a few hours and enjoy the scenery. With over 300 hours of gameplay, Skyrim makes it pretty easy to find some quest or task to suit your buzz.

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Make like Towelie and grab your best giggly bud - as in the kind of weed that makes you giggle, but you could also grab your best giggly friend (or guy or pal). South Park: The Stick of Truth has all the bones of a classic RPG, topped with the hilarious trimmings of that infamous South Park humor. While you're good and high, take the time to read the item descriptions. Easter eggs, mmkay?

The Stanley Parable

With the right weed, a bout of The Stanley Parable can be the most hilarious thing ever. Brilliantly written and narrated, TSP invites you (Stanley) on a journey through your office to figure out why all of your coworkers have disappeared. The story sounds simple enough, but... well, you'll hear all about it from the narrator. Best paired with your favorite uplifting bud, as the hallway routes could spark claustrophobia for some stoned players.

Monument Valley

Talk about getting in the zone. The mobile puzzle platformer Monument Valley features stunning levels of impossible geometry alongside a dreamy soundtrack and minimalist art style. Equally minimalist in its story, the emphasis is on figuring out the clever puzzles of each monument dreamscape. Don't be surprised if you can't pull yourself away from your tablet and finish the game in one stoned sitting.

Zelda (Any Zelda, Let's Be Real)

From the original NES game to Skyward Sword and 25 years of games in between, Zelda is a timeless selection when you're good and baked. Ingenious dungeon design spans the series, more often than not accompanied by a stellar soundtrack. And some of the cleverest writing in games lives in Zelda's dialog boxes (the ones you're not button-stabbing your way through - looking at you, Kaepora Gaebora). The glorious symbiosis of Link and dank makes even Zelda II: The Adventure of Link tolerable! Weed wonders never cease.

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