
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A University of North Florida student made an impassioned plea at a recent UNF Student Government Association meeting against having a Chick-fil-A on campus.

The decision to have the restaurant on campus is stirring a debate due to politics of same-sex marriage and the expressed
position of Chick-fil-A president and COO Dan Cathy.

In July, Cathy said that his privately owned company is "guilty as charged" in support of what he called the biblical definition of the family unit.

Earlier this month, a Chicago lawmaker said that Chick-fil-A is re-evaluating the
multimillion-dollar donations the company gives to anti-gay marriage
activists and other groups with "political agendas," after Cathy's pro-traditional marriage comments created a
firestorm in the fast-food world between LGBT supporters and
gay-marriage opponents.

Alex Tarter, a junior majoring in psychology, told the UNF SGA on Monday that Cathy

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