
I reviewed Bookoo Yard sales and classifieds website, in exchange for honest review. I received a premiere membership, in addition to a t-shirt for participation in the campaign.

Bookoo is a yard sales and classifieds website. You sign up, using the city, which is closet to you, similar to Craigslist. You can even import your Craigslist ads into Bookoo. You can post and respond to ads. The website also has a barter, free, lost and found, wanted, and yard sale section.

A basic membership to Bookoo is free, but you can also sign up for premiere memberships. A basic membership lets you post ads and 1 photo per ad. A basic membership can post up to 10 ads. A premium membership lets you post 5 photos, unlimited items, longer descriptions, etc. The premium membership is $8 for a monthly membership. $20 dollars for 3 months, and $35 dollars for 6 months. The website has some very nice items, for example, children's clothes. Nice.

Another great feature is the availability calender. You can set your availability to when people can meet with you. You also have the money tree, which allows you to track sales.

I posted a few ads on the site (wanted and for sale). I have not had any hits yet except for Kalen's old bassinet, but the person changed their mind. That was weird for me. Someone had sent a message Saturday night, asking about the bassinet. I posted the bassinet online for free. I responded back, I can meet up after church on Sunday, after 12 pm. During Sunday School, my phone kept vibrating, and I checked the messages. The person wanted more pictures of the bassinet. I wasn't sure how many more photos was needed of a simple bassinet. I took pictures from all angles. I texted back, I could take more pics once I got home from church. The person then texted back, they did not want the bassinet. I was not sure what I did wrong, but hopefully I will get another hit on the bassinet.

I also put my candy safe online. I bought the safe a few years ago to store Brad's candy in. It is a 40 dollar safe. The last time, I checked Wal-mart, the same safe was $58 dollars. I don't need the safe anymore since I stopped buying Brad all that candy. Instead of buying 20-30 dollars worth of candy each month, I buy 1 to 2 packs. It also did not help Brad learned how to open the lock with the keys, he took out my purse lol.

The website also offers ways to earn a premium membership, such as placing a decal on the back of your car. The decal is $5 and you get a free life-time premiere membership. I may buy one to put on my mama's car, when she not looking :-). You also can pass out business cards to your peers, family, and others. Another way is to refer friends. You can earn a week for each 5 valid friends, who join.

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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