
(4 Day Event) Oct 29, 2015 - Apr 28, 2016

The ELD Standards (2012) and ELA/ELD Framework, adopted in July 2014, inform changes that need to occur in programs and instruction for English learners.

This professional learning opportunity will assist English learner leaders responsible for systems and instructional change in understanding the transformation that needs to happen for programs for English learners under the guidance and vision of the new ELA/ELD Framework. Outcomes

Participants will:

* build foundational resources

* implement needs assessments

* establish new professional learning opportunities

* expand collaborations between all stakeholders

* network with other district/site/teacher EL leaders

Prior Knowledge: This professional development is considered part of the Transition phase of the ELD standards therefore participants should already have a solid understanding of the proficiency level descriptors and format of the ELD Standards.

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