
CBS Films has revealed seven new poster designs for their upcoming Seven Psychopaths, the follow-up to the Golden Globe-winning In Bruges by Irish playwright-turned-filmmaker Martin McDonagh. The comedy follows a struggling screenwriter [Colin Farrell] who inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends [Christopher Walken & Sam Rockwell] kidnap a gangster’s [Woody Harrelson] beloved Shih Tzu. The movie also co-stars Abbie Cornish, Tom Waits, Zeljko Ivanek, Olga Kurylenko & will premiere in the Midnight Madness track at the Toronto International Film Festival before hitting theaters this October 12th. Hit the jump for the details.

Synopsis: "From Oscar-winning writer and director Martin McDonagh comes a star-studded, blood-drenched, black comedy. Marty (Colin Farrell) is a struggling writer who dreams of finishing his screenplay Seven Psychopaths. All he needs is a little focus and inspiration. Billy (Sam Rockwell) is Marty’s best friend, an unemployed actor and part time dog thief, who wants to help Marty by any means necessary. Hans (Christopher Walken) is Billy’s partner in crime. A religious man with a violent past. Charlie is the psychopathetic gangster whose beloved dog, Billy and Hans have just stolen. Charlie’s unpredictable, extremely violent and wouldn’t think twice about killing anyone or anything associated with the theft. Marty is going to get all the focus and inspiration he needs, just as long as he lives to tell the tale."

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