
So you read mom blogs and saw some of them advertising this “Ultimate Bundles” ebook thing and you weren’t sure of it was a scam or for real and so you did a search for “Ultimate [Homemaking/DIY/Healthy Living/etc] Bundle Review” and ended up on this blog post. If so, welcome.

NO – this is not a scam.

They’re able to offer so many books for so cheap bundled together because it’s basically one huge collective promotional push where authors and companies combine forces to advertise for everyone at the same time. And because most products offered are digital, they can sell them for as cheap as they want and still make money.

BUT – is it as awesome of a deal as many of the mom bloggers make it out to be? Well, that’s your call. See below.

How am I speaking so candidly about these Ultimate Bundles? Aren’t I trying to “sell” them to earn affiliate earnings?

1) I don’t actually make money on these because I’m not a good salesperson and my blog audience is too small. So I’m not worried about losing money by telling the truth and not selling any.

2) In the past, I’ve gotten quite a few hits from people searching for “ultimate bundle reviews”, so hey, I figure I’ll capitalize on this audience instead and maybe gather a few new readers through my blog.

Please note that I did not go through every.single.one of these ebooks/courses/bonuses in depth. Many I skimmed; some I didn’t look at at all. Either way, I hope it can be a good resource for someone out there trying to decide if they should purchase the bundle for themselves.

MY INITIAL THOUGHTS: I’ll be honest, I was originally not interested in this bundle. At first glance, it seemed like a bunch of cookbooks and I’m not really interested in ebook cookbooks. I mean, I like the idea of some of the collections, but I realistically will never look at them. Buuut….then I looked at the Bonuses and I really wanted some and so I decided it might be worth it to get the bundle.

Heads up – this Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Review is a very long post. Here’s the link to the official Ultimate Healthy Bundle page, though their site doesn’t easily list each individual book/course like I do here. Also note that wherever possible, I included Amazon links for your further review. Or you can click on the images to be taken to the main bundle page for more info.

(oh, and yes, that means affiliate links are ahead, which means that if you click and buy something, I get a few cents, no cost to you. I hope that’s ok. If not, you don’t have to click or buy anything. .)

As you’ll see – there is an AWFUL LOT of stuff included for $30 (oh yeah, the bundle is $30, I forgot to include that part ). Look through these below. If enough of the included items pique your interest, then the bundle will probably be worth it for you. If not, then don’t bother spending your money. (Do note that there is an early bird special on Wed. or Thurs. where you get a free upgrade from.pdf to eReader format though. Which is a pretty good deal for you if you do a lot of reading on a Kindle/Nook.)

Allergy-Free – I only glanced through a couple in this category. For the most part, these are all cookbooks. If you need allergy-friendly recipes then you might like all these. If not, then you might end up skipping over most of this section.

A Backyard Summer ($4.99)

Allergy Free & Delicious ($9.99)

Beyond Grain & Dairy ($16.97)

Beyond the Cereal Box: Gluten-Free and Family-Friendly Recipes for Breakfast ($6.99)

Go Grain Free ($76) – this is an ecourse, though I have not looked through it yet.

Nine Easy Steps to Delicious Gluten-Free Living ($5.50)

Nutritionally Wealthy Recipes ($2.99)

The Grain Free Lunch Box ($9.95)

The Grain-Free Snacker ($24.97)

An Overview of Food Allergies for Parents in Need of Answers (Amazon link) ($4.99) – I did look a bit through this one, and I think it was the only non-recipe book. I’ve been lucky to not need to know much about food allergies, but I’d imagine that if I found myself thrown into the world of food allergiers that this would be a good basic overview to start with. 30 pages.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils for Families ($95.00) – this is an online course, not an ebook. It’s a full-blown online course, very similar to The Healthy Home course that was included in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle earlier this year. Only this one covers essential oils specifically in depth rather than just an overall healthy home. I’ve still never gotten around to going through The Healthy Home course, so I can’t vouch for it, but I can say that it looks pretty darn in-depth.

How to Protect Your Family from Colds and Flu Using Essential Oils ($50.00) – this is also an online course. I’m didn’t look into it too much, so I don’t know how this is different that the Essential Oils for Families course above, but this one seems to be a bit simpler and might be a better place to start if you’re no ready to dive into essential oils as much? Not sure. But looks decent.

Printable Essential Oil Reference Guide ($7.00) – this is a nice little 5 page printable guide listing which EOs are safe for infants, children, and in pregnancy. I’ll probably print this out for my own use. Do I think it’s worth 7 bucks though? Eh, not really. Helpful, yes, but I probably wouldn’t pay for this.

The Beginners’ Book of Essential Oils ($9.97) – While this looked like it probably had a ton of good information in it (with 131 pages), eh, there weren’t a lot of pictures or charts in it and I feel like I’d need a printed copy in order to actually retain the info in it.

The Truth About Essential Oil Safety ($9.99) – In my skimming of this book, I thought it was great and kind of wish I had a printed copy. While I’m kind of a fan of essential oils, I definitely think that A LOT of people use them without having any idea of how to use them safely. I like that this book contains so much information and helpful little charts and graphics. Good info on how much to dilute EOs and with what carrier oil, as well as which EOs can be dangerous if used incorrectly and why. Seriously, I need a printed copy of this as a reference guide. 99 pages.

Fitness & Weight Loss – I also did not really look through this section at all. Just not my thing really, I guess. So I unfortunately can’t comment on this section much either way.

27 Body Transformation Habits You Can’t Ignore ($9.00)

7 Day Diet Plan ($25.00)

Foundational Five ($19.95)

Healthy Moving Core Workshop ($79.00)

Love Your Body: The Imperfect Girl’s Guide to Positive Body Image ($8.00)

MASH Up 45 Day Challenge Digital Bundle  ($45.00)

Metabolic Bodyweight Blasters ($49.00)

Never Gymless ($19.95)

OPENutrition Challenge ($37.00)

Thrive90 Fitness Program ($47.00) – ok I DID actually click on this link and check it out. I love the idea making fitness a part of your marriage together, but eh, I don’t respond to this kind of fitness motivation. It feels gimmicky to me. But I’ve never gotten into fitness routines or videos or programs at all, and other people seem to do really well with them. So who knows. But I’d much rather prefer something along these lines: Happy Couple Workout (*not part of the bundle, just my own little recommendation shout out*)

Healthy Kids – I didn’t get through all of these, just the main ones that I was interested in.

10 Super Starter Purees for Baby ($3.99)

Cleansing for Conception (Amazon link) ($6.95) 99 pages. Stressed how cleansing/detoxing can help restore hormonal balance. The first half of this book seemed to be about why cleansing is important and instructions for doing so, as well as ingredients and herbs that are helpful. The book then dives into other ways of cleansing other than diet like saunas, oil pulling, body brushing, stress, etc. They didn’t get back to conception until 2/3 of the way through the ebook. One thing that was strange though, is that the book claimed that both women and men’s reproductive systems can be affected 90-100 days before conception. It’s true that a man’s sperm take ~3 months to develop so prior illness/lifestyle can affect the current sample, but the female side does not work like this. While it may take a few months for woman’s ovulation patterns to improve, there is no such thing as a “90 day time period” to ensure better egg quality. Still…I think that overall this book encourages good practices which will only help to improve fertility over time (hormonal fertility, I should state – physical issues, like blocked tubes or varicoceles, will not be helped by these methods).

Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert (Amazon link) ($12.50) – I only scrolled through this briefly, but I’m impressed at its length! 205 pages! There’s also a lot of really good reviews on Amazon, if that’s saying anything. Basically, if you’re thinking about doing the cloth diaper thing, this book is probably one you should read.

Go Diaper Free: A Simple Handbook for Elimination Communication (Amazon link) ($30.00) – wow, this is 471 pages! That’s awesome for an ebook! Also lots of great reviews on Amazon…I’m thinking this might be the “go-to guide” as far as ECing. While I’m not opposed to the idea of EC, it’s not something that I’ve ever gotten into either. But it does sound intriguing. Don’t know what EC is? Ha, um, go look it up.

Great Pregnancy ($67.00) – this is an ecouse. I didn’t look into it yet, so I’m not really sure what it covers.

Morning Sickness Remedies ($4.99) I skimmed through this briefly. I was lucky to not really experience much morning sickness with either or my pregnancies. With my first, I felt a bit “off”, like a lingering hangover and my appetite was all wonky, but never anything I’d describe as nausea. With my second, I did have some nausea (but never threw up) and dizziness. Strangely, I’d had a healthier diet with #2 than #1 and I started feeling better once I ate more carbs again. So in my mind, no carbs = morning sickness. But I’m sure I have no idea what I’m talking about and morning sickness seems to be different for each woman and each pregnancy. So I have no idea if this ebook if helpful or not. But it is 80 pages long, so at least a decent length.

Nourished Baby (2nd Edition) ($20.00)

Simple Guide to Fertility ($2.99) – only 19 pages. Also, in the intro on page 4 it mentions that this is a FREE ebook (probably originally meant to given as a newsletter signup bonus). Hmm…This book talked about basic steps and ingredients in doing a detox, but barely talked about fertility or made any mention how a detox could improve fertility. Cleansing for Conception, above, is the better of the two books.

The Breastfeeding Lifeline($5.95)

Homesteading – I didn’t get to all of these, but did look through a few.

2016 Homestead Management Printables  ($3.99) – nothing super special here, but I did like the Seed Sowing Calculator.

Chicken Hot Topics: Controversial Husbandry Practices (Amazon link) ($6.95) – 72 pages, but I only looked at the first few pages. I always tell KP that if we ever have a small bit of land that I want to have chickens! We’re unfortunately so far off from that day though that evening thumbing through this book now would do no good for my life. L But if you want to raise chickens, this looks like it’d a pretty great book. Good Amazon reviews too.

Food Preservation Made Simple ($3.95)

The Shoestring Gardener (Amazon link) ($10.95) – 311 pages. Very cute hand drawn illustrations throughout. This is my kind of gardening book! It’s like all the frugal, DIY gardening tips I’ve collected on Pinterest and put them into one book. I need a paper copy of this please! J Good reviews on Amazon.

The Simplest of Gardens ($3.99)

Urban Farming for Kids ($24.95) – this is an ecourse. My computer was being slow and I didn’t get to check out the course yet, but I’m interested. I live in a city and I like to garden and I have kids.

Your Custom Homestead ($8.99)

Natural Home – yeah, let’s just throw this out there that I’m not really a clean freak. I don’t consider “cleaning” as part of my daily life (I’m more of an occasional eek-someone’s-coming-over-hurry-and-pick-up-the-house), so I didn’t really look through many of the ones in this section.

Detox Your Home Handbook ($19.00)

DIY Natural Household Cleaners ($9.99)

DIY Personal Care Products: 5 Simple Recipes ($0.99)

Gift It From Scratch: Cleaning Products Edition ($4.50)

Living Green in an Artificial World ($9.99)

Safe & Simple ($4.99)

Simple Handcrafted Body Care ($6.00)

Simple Scrubs to Make and Give ($3.99)

Sustainability Starts at Home (Amazon link) ($7.99) – 162 pages. Ok, this one’s not too bad and didn’t make me feel guilty or overwhelmed. I like that it gives suggestions for every part of your life where you can make changes to be more self-sufficient and “sustainable” (so buzz word-y right now).

The Beginner’s Guide to Zero Waste Cooking (Amazon link) ($7.49) – 95 pages. There’s a lot of recipes in this one, but I still like it because it shows so many ways to use up leftovers and how to have as little food waste as possible.

Natural Remedies – I do like natural remedies, but I didn’t get to get through all of these.

Conquer Diabetes ($2.99)

Debunking PCOS ($9.95) – I was interested in this one. As someone with personal experience with PCOS, I’ve come to the determination that the the medical field often glosses over PCOS and instead of looking at root issues, will throw medication at it, like hormonal birth control or Clomid or Metformin, and hope it gets better. But I truly believe that there’s often some underlying issues going on with PCOS that diet can actually help and affect, either along with medication or in addition to it. I’ve personally seen this in dealing with my acne as well. This book is also touches on endometriosis. This is a short ebook, 32 pages, but it’s great and says so many of the things I’ve personally discovered about PCOS and hormonal imbalance over the years, but never seen anyone say outright. I definitely recommend this one and it goes hand in hand with my previous post about no longer using hormonal birth control. For me, I’ve found that I don’t need to necessarily go all-out gluten free (that kind of restrictive diet is just NOT for me and I’d never stick to it) – but that I notice significant improvements to my cycles and acne when I eat low carb/low glycemic meals and try to avoid milk and ice cream (though I still eat cheese and will still have small amounts of milk/ice cream on occasion). I’ve often thought about writing an entire blog post about how I’ve helped my acne and cycle issues, but until then, this ebook is great. So is this really long thread on acne.org.

Heal Your Gut (Amazon link) – 120 pages. It’s a very cute and girly graphic-y book with lots of hearts, polka dots, and flowers. The first 25 pages contain a lot of information. But it didn’t necessarily feel like anything I hadn’t heard before. Our diet affects us and cause immune issues and gluten is bad. Lemon water and garlic soup and oregano oil pulling and probiotics will restore balance. I’m not a fan of super restrictive, total avoidance diets (which this book encourages to jump start your system), because I get overwhelmed by the idea and I don’t want my body to become so accustomed to such a strict diet that it can’t tolerate the occasional slice of cake here and there. But I don’t have a chronic health condition, so maybe I’d be more willing to try if I did. So…while I don’t think this ebook is really for me, it probably is for someone else. If you are wanting to do a total cleanse and diet makeover, this book does seem informative! There’s even a meal calendar and plenty of recipes all spelled out for you already.

Herbal Beginnings ($9.95) – Not gonna lie, I love this kind of stuff! Makes me feel very prairie girl and self-sufficient to have the knowledge to provide my own healthcare solutions if I was ever in need. I do, however, already have a printed book with how to make herbal medicines (which I prefer to physically flip and and forth between pages). However, I like that this is quick read (42 pages) and straight to the point about different methods to create teas, infusions, salves, etc., etc, and would be helpful to others still.

Inflammation Free Zone ($47.00)

Live Pain Free ($9.99)

The Herbarium ($45.00) – an ecouse. I haven’t looked through it yet.

The Paleo Approach to Dental Health ($2.99)

Three Weeks to Vitality: The Ultimate Cleanse ($24.99)

Treating Fevers Naturally (Amazon link) ($14.97) I tend to be a non-anxious kind of mom and don’t worry much about fevers, so this little book was encouraging to read through. I like that it was written by an RN too. 76 pages.

Trust Your Intuition (Amazon link)($5.99) This book isn’t really an informative guide, but it is a collection of stories from mothers who have chosen to use natural remedies and diet changes with success. I’ve read through only some of these stories but will come back from more soon. 157 pages.

Paleo – I’m just gonna skip through most of this right now.

30-Minute Paleo Dessert Recipes ($9.97)

Caveman Feast ($47.00)

Cook Eat Paleo Fast & Easy ($9.95)

Easy Paleo Gelatin Treats  ($5.97)

Four-Week Paleo Kick-Start Plan ($39.99)

Frisky Lemon’s Guide to Finding Food Freedom ($9.99)

Paleo Fit & Paleo Meal Plan ($34.00)

Real Food Dinners for Two ($2.99)

We Can ALL Scream for Ice Cream ($9.99) Even after reading and going through much of this entire Healthy Living Bundle, I still know that I’m not about to jump into some kind of super crazy diet. I’ll cut back on things, for sure, but completely and 100% avoiding something that I enjoy eating? Not going to happen. Take dairy for example. I’ve discovered that milk and ice cream (cheese seems to be ok) really wreck havoc on my skin and I break out easily from it. Which is a huge shame and so I’ve learned to stop eating cereal and milk, or stop drinking milk with dinner, or hardest of all, not buy ice cream to keep at home and have for dessert. However, even though I don’t eat much dairy any more, I do still on rare occasion have a scoop of ice cream or a small glass of milk with cookies. BUT – if I could learn how to make non-dairy ice cream?? Oh my goodness, my life might totally change!

Real Food – mostly more recipes.

227 Healthy Snacks ($7.95)

Cheesemaking Made Easy ($10.99)

Chicken Dump Recipes ($9.00)

Clean Eating Crash Course ($24.99)

Conquering Your Kitchen ($4.99)

CROCK’D Slow Cooker Freezer Meals ($9.99)

DIY Guide to Cocktails and Mocktails ($9.95)

Dressed: Simple Dressings for Frugal Foodies ($5.99)

Fresh: Nourishing Salads for All Seasons ($18.99)

Get Cultured ($147.00) – this might be an ecouse. I didn’t check it out, but considering the price, I hope it’s not an ebook!

Healthy Ice Pops and Frozen Treats ($7.95)

Keeping Your Cool: Refreshing Real Food Beverages ($5.97)

Lacto-Fermentation ($20.00)

Money Saving Mom’s Guide to Freezer Cooking ($2.99)

Oh Lardy’s Guide to Fermenting Fruits and Vegetables ($9.99)

Plan It, Don’t Panic ($4.99)

Real Food Basics: Second Edition ($9.95)

Real Food for Rookies ($5.99)

The Healthy Lunch Box ($9.95)

The Safe Starch Cookbook ($10.00)

The Tired & Hungry Cook’s Companion ($24.00)

Your Grace-Filled Journey to Real Food ($9.99)

BONUS OFFERS – ok, ok the Bonus Offers are usually my favorite part of the Ultimate Bundles and where I feel I get the best deals. You get bonuses from all listed above, however below are the ones I was most exited about:

Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oil Set ($25.92) from Plant Therapy – yeah! Free essential oils! If you’re new to EOs, then hey, this is a great set for you; practically pays for the entire cost of the bundle itself.

FREE SPOT Treatment for Acne & Eczema OR a $15 Gift Certificate from Bloom Naturals – I haven’t tried this one yet, though I got it in the mail already.

One FREE Online Class (up to $60) from Craftsy – heh, I like Craftsy. I’ve gotten a free course with each Ultimate Bundle I’ve signed up with (3 so far). I haven’t actually gone through any of the courses yet (who has the time?), but I do always thinks it’s kind of fun to pick out a course for free.

FREE Natural Skincare Gift Set ($15) from Lexie:Naturals – I already took advantage of this and got this bonus. I don’t know what I think about the natural deodorant sample, but I’m really digging the lotion bar.

$32 toward a Membership + FREE Jump Start to Healthy Living Mini Menu from Once a Month Meals – I LOVE OAMM!! Back when I did all my pre-baby #2 freezer cooking, the majority of my recipes came from Once a Month Meals. I will DEFINITELY be using this bonus!

$15 Gift Certificate from Strawesome – at first I was like, eh, glass straws? Why is that a thing? Then I realized that my teeth are kind of stained from coffee and soda and that using a straw would probably help that. And so now I’m intrigued and rather excited about trying these out.

Whew. This Ultimate Bundle is kind of ultimate. Most likely, you’ll never read everything or use everything in the bundle. Really, it’s just a bunch of stuff. But it’s kind of cool. I bought into the hype.

Will it be worth it for you to buy though? Eh, that’s really hard for me to say. As I mentioned above, if you are genuinely interested in several of the included resources, then yeah, it will probably be a good deal for you. If you’re only interested in a couple of the cheaper items, then it might be best for you to see if you can purchase them (either through Amazon or the author’s site) individually.

However, I should probably note that all these files come in .pdf form. If you want an eReader version (for Kindle or Nook), then it is an additional $10. However, they have a promotion on Wed. 9/9 and Thurs. 9/10 where you can get an upgrade to the eReader version for free.

And there you have it – my pretty thorough review of the 2015 Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle. If you have any questions about the bundle, leave me a comment and I’ll let you what what I think.

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The post Ultimate Bundles 2015 Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Review appeared first on The Screenwriter's Wife.

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