
Escrito patrocinado por:
Mujeres en valencia

When organising an event, it can be advisable to hire out an out of doors private catering service, especially for large events. For private parties, weddings and corporate events it can be a sign of good hospitality and additionally be a real luxury among the guests to actually be served a hog roast or a buffet. It’s best when doing a hog roast to use locally sourced meat from a high quality reputable butcher. As a result it is safe to assume that all of the meat is sourced to a high standard, likely hung until it is perfectly matured. Any specific catering requirements can be met by using the contact details which can usually be found on the butcher or catering services website. Employing a hog roasts is no way near as extravagant and expensive as many people think, because one hog weighing around 40 to 50 kilograms will easily provide 100 to 150 guest portions. In addition, the catering service will usually also account for supplying a chef at the event to carve the meat, a chef’s assistant to serve the food, all of the disposable plates, napkins and cutlery, freshly baked bread batches and sauces. Catering services are required to carry a food hygiene certificate, be registered with environmental health and have public liability insurance, which all effectively gives the client a guarantee that the food is safe and the caterers have hired are reliable. This is yet another advantage of hiring out a private catering company for an event. Catering companies that specialise in buffets, rather than hog roasts, often set the quote for the fee as being ‘per head.’ For example it may be £5 per head for a finger buffet and £10 per head for a sit down meal. A ‘finger buffet’ would typically consist of a selection of sandwiches, cocktail stick combinations (such as cheese and pineapple), perhaps also skewered kebabs, nuts, pork pies, salads, quiches and sweets. The catering company only has to provide the food, plates and disposable cutlery, unlike a hog roast where someone has to stay and carve the food for the guests. Consequently it is a slightly cheaper. Catering companies can be contacted online and clients can ask for a quote on a menu and service. However, it is essential to note that for anything involving meat, and hog roast catering, it is always recommended to use good locally sourced meat.

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