
"After facing difficulties attempting to transform a group of twelve skilled people into a self-organized agile team, Ove Holmberg learned some valuable lessons on what it takes to implement agile within an organization."


1. Decide if Agile Is Right for Your Organization
The agile mentor is one tool for building up this knowledge if you are not sure or need facts or success stories to support your approach.

The agile mentor...builds up your confidence as an agile manager and helps you take small agile steps toward your self-organized team and your new role as an agile manager.  ...(Get) an agile mentor early on in the project.

2. Get Managers’ Buy-in with Data
The State of Agile Development Survey 2010 (Version One) states that the top two reasons for companies not fully adopting agile methods are: “management opposed to change” and “loss of management control.”

3. Get an Excited Team; Get Rid of the Slackers
...I should have formed my new team. ...I discovered the biggest defect in agile: It is assumed that people, by default, are skilled, disciplined, and willing to self-organize. The real world isn’t so.

Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting's insight:

Hindsight in Agile implementation tends to be a valuable change management resource or any similar change. ~ D

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