
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur invites application from Indian nationals, Non Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin, possessing excellent academic background, commitment to top quality teaching and proven credentials for carrying out outstanding research and development for the specified Departments / Centers / Schools.

Eligible candidates are advised to apply before 30th June, 2015.

#foreign nationals (other than PIOs and NRIs) are also invited to apply for faculty position for fixed tenure not exceeding five years on contract basis.

Job Details

1. Post Name

(I). Professor

(II). Associate Professor

(III). Assistant Professor.

2. Departments

(I). Aerospace Engineering

(II). Agricultural and Food Engineering

(III). Architecture and Regional Planning

(IV). Biotechnology

(V). Chemical Engineering

(VI). Chemistry

(VII). Civil Engineering

(VIII). Computer Science and Engineering

(IX). Electrical Engineering

(X). Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering

(XI). Geology and Geophysics

(XII). Humanities and Social Sciences

(XIII). Industrial Industrial & Systems Engineering

(XIV). Mathematics

(XV). Mechanical Engineering

(XVI). Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

(XVII). Mining Engineering

(XVIII). Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture

(XIX). Physics

3. Centres

(I). Advanced Technology Development

(II). Educational Technology

(III). Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences

(IV). Cryogenic Engineering

(V). Materials Science

(VI). P.K. Sinha Centre for Bio-Energy

(VII). Reliability Engineering

(VIII). Rubber Technology

(IX). Rural Development.

4. Schools

(I). G.S.Sanyal School of Telecommunications

(II). Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship

(III). Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law

(IV). Information Technology

(V). Ranbir & Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management

(VI). Medical Science and Technology

(VII). Water Resources

(VIII). Vinod Gupta School of Management.

(IX). Bio Sciences

(X). Energy Science & Engineering

(XI). Nanoscience & Technology

(XII). Environmental Science & Engineering.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Educational Qualification

The applying candidates are required to possess Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.

2. Experience

(I). For Professor

A minimum of 10 years teaching / research / industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of comparable standards.

(II). For Associate Professor

A minimum of 6 years teaching / research / industrial experience, of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs or in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of comparable standards.

(III). For Assistant Professor

At least 3 years teaching / research / industrial experience, excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidates with less than 3 years’ experience may be put on Tenure Track for the regular post of Assistant Professor.

Pay Scale and Salary Details

The selected candidates for above positions will be offered with following benefits-


Pay Band (PB)(Rs)


Minimum pay in Pay Band(Rs)

Gross emoluments (approx) including DA/Transport Allowance at the prevailing rate


PB-4: 37,400-67,000/-




Associate Professor

PB-4: 37,400-67,000/-




Assistant Professor

PB-3: 15,600-39,100/-




Other Benefits

Suitable residential accommodation as per rules will be provided in the Campus of the Institute on joining the Institute.
Academic reimbursements and other incentives.
Innovative Research Grant under the Institute Scheme for Innovative Research and Development (ISIRD) be provided to new faculty members up to a maximum of INR 25 Lakh for equipment and infrastructure and an additional INR 3 Lakh for consumables, contingency and travel. Additionally, a number of Research Challenge grants are available.
A Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) of INR 3 Lakhs for every block period of 3 years (Rupees one lakh per year) may be made available to every member of the faculty on reimbursable basis to meet the expenses for participating in both national and international conferences, paying the membership fee of various professional bodies and contingent expenses.
An additional amount of INR 50,000/- is given to a faculty member for attending conferences abroad who is a Principal Investigator of a Sponsored Project amounting to at least INR 15 Lakhs and has at least three Published Papers in referred journals in the preceding three years.
Reimbursement of relocation charges within India / abroad of up to INR 90,000/- to the faculty members at the time of their joining.
Interest free soft advance of INR 50,000/- to the newly recruited faculty members.
Honorarium of INR 15,000/- per month to the faculty members who have been awarded the S. S. Bhatnagar Prize.
Transport Allowance and re-imbursement of Telephone bills up to INR 1500 per month as per rules.
Free local telephone facility in the Department as well as residences within the campus.
Children Education Allowances (CEA) / LTC facility as per Government of India rules.
Medical facility for self and other dependent family members in the B C Roy Technology Hospital within the campus and for referrals to Specialty Hospitals as per IIT Kharagpur rules.

How to apply?

Candidates possessing requisite qualification & experience are required to apply online (http://erp.iitkgp.ernet.in/FacultyCareer/homeFacultyCareer.jsp) and send a signed hardcopy print out of online application to Assistant Registrar, E-III, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur – 721302, WB, India.

For any other details please contact Assistant Registrar, E-III, Phone: 03222- 282135/282137, Fax: 03222-282020, Email: asregre@adm.iitkgp.ernet.in / recsec@adm.iitkgp.ernet.in.

If any problem encountered with online application, please contact through phone: +91-3222-281017/18/19.

Selection Procedure

The applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their Professional experience, publications, in high impact factor journals, Sponsored research activities, area of research, recommendations of the Departments/Centers/Schools and feedback from reviewers etc.

The short-listed candidates are then called for Seminar presentation in the respective Department/Centre/School and appearing before a Selection Committee for interview.

Short-listed candidates residing outside India may give the seminar as well interview through video-conferencing.

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