
Laird's Prayer

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Reveision as o 02:59, 2 September 2012

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'''Latvie''' (''latviešu valoda'') is the offeecial state leid o [[Latvie]]. It is an aa sometimes referred tae as '''Lettish'''. There are aboot 1.4 million native Latvian speakers in Latvie an aboot 150,000 abroad. The Latvian leid haes a relatively lairge number o non-native speakers, atypical for a sma leid. Acause o [[leid policy in Latvie]] aboot 1.9 million or 79% of Latvian population speak Latvian.
[http://www.vvk.lv/index.php?sadala=129&id=389 Dažādu tautu valodu prasme]{{lv icon}}
The uise o the Latvian leid in various auries o social life in Latvie is increasin.
[http://www.delfi.lv/archive/article.php?id=20135719 DELFI - Rihards Svelpe: Trîs veidi kâ pârdot Latviju starptautiski


'''Latvie''' (''latviešu valoda'') is the offeecial state leid o [[Latvie]]. It is an aa sometimes referred tae as '''Lettish'''. There are aboot 1.4 million native Latvian speakers in Latvie an aboot 150,000 abroad. The Latvian leid haes a relatively lairge number o non-native speakers, atypical for a sma leid. Acause o [[leid policy in Latvie]] aboot 1.9 million or 79% of the Latvian population speak Latvian.
[http://www.vvk.lv/index.php?sadala=129&id=389 Dažādu tautu valodu prasme]{{lv icon}}
The uise o the Latvian leid in various auries o social life in Latvie is increasin.
[http://www.delfi.lv/archive/article.php?id=20135719 DELFI - Rihards Svelpe: Trîs veidi kâ pârdot Latviju starptautiski

Latvian is a [[Baltic leid]] an is maist closely relatit tae [[Lithuanie leid|Lithuanian]], although the twa are no [[mutually intelligible]].


Latvian is a [[Baltic leid]] an is maist closely relatit tae [[Lithuanie leid|Lithuanie]], although the twa are no [[mutually intelligible]].

Latvian first appeared in Wastren print in the mid-16t century wi the reproduction o the Lord's Prayer in Latvian in [[Sebastian Münster]]'s ''[[Cosmographia (Sebastian Münster)|Cosmographia Universalis]]'', in [[Roman alphabet|Roman script]].


Latvian first appeared in Wastren print in the mid-16t century wi the reproduction o the [[Laird's Prayer]] in Latvian in [[Sebastian Münster]]'s ''[[Cosmographia (Sebastian Münster)|Cosmographia Universalis]]'', in [[Roman alphabet|Roman script]].

== References ==

== References ==

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