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Reveision as o 17:54, 31 Januar 2013

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#REDIRECT[[Category:Italian fowk]]


{{Hatnote|For a specific analysis o the population o Italy, see [[Demografics o Italy]].}}


{{Infobox ethnic group


|group = Italians


|image = [[File:Famous Italians Mosaic.png|300px]]


'''Individuals namit frae left tae richt:'''



1st row: [[Alessandro Volta]], [[Enrico Fermi]], [[Lorenzo de Medici]], [[Rita Levi-Montalcini]], [[Giacomo Leopardi]]



2nd row: [[Leonardo da Vinci]], [[Christopher Columbus]], [[Federico Fellini]], [[Giuseppe Verdi]], [[Dante Alighieri]]



3rd row: [[Anna Magnani]], [[Ugo Foscolo]], [[Umberto Eco]], [[Gabriele D'Annunzio]], [[Galileo Galilei]]



4th row: [[Antonio Vivaldi]], [[Guglielmo Marconi]], [[Giuseppe Garibaldi]], [[Alessandro Manzoni]], [[Grazia Deledda]]



5th row: [[Giosuè Carducci]], [[Luciano Pavarotti]], [[Niccolò Machiavelli]], [[Marco Polo]], [[Valentino Rossi]]



6th row: [[Sergio Leone]], [[Luigi Pirandello]], [[Pier Paolo Pasolini]], [[Gian Lorenzo Bernini]], [[Salvatore Quasimodo]].


|population = '''[[Circa|c.]] 124 million'''


|regions = {{flag|Italy}} {{nbsp|6}} 55,695,126
{{cite web |url=http://censimentopopolazione.istat.it/_res/doc/pdf/primi-risultati-censimento_opuscolo.pdf |title=15° Censimento generale della popolazione e delle abitazioni |author= |date=27 aprile 2012 |publisher=[[National Institute of Statistics (Italy)|ISTAT]] |language=Italian |accessdate=22 September 2012}}


|region1 = {{flag|Brazil}}


|pop1 = 23,047,494


|ref1 =
{{cite web |url=http://www.migranti.torino.it/Documenti%20%20PDF/italianial%20ster05.pdf |title=Italiani nel Mondo: diaspora italiana in cifre |author= |date=30 April 2004 |publisher=Migranti Torino |language=Italian |accessdate=22 September 2012}}


|region2 = {{flag|Argentinae}}


|pop2 = 16,427,786




|region3 = {{flag|Unitit States}}


|pop3 = 15,728,020


|ref3 =


|region4 = {{flag|Fraunce}}


|pop4 = 1,903,890


|ref4 =


|region5 = {{flag|Canadae}}


|pop5 = 1,445,335


|ref5 =
{{cite web|url=http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census06/data/highlights/ethnic/pages/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo=PR&Code=01&Data=Count&Table=2&StartRec=1&Sort=3&Display=All&CSDFilter=5000 |title=Ethnic origins, 2006 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories - 20% sample data |publisher=[[Statistics Canada]] |date=6 October 2010 |accessdate=22 September 2012}}


|region6 = {{flag|Uruguay}}


|pop6 = 1,055,220


|ref6 =


|region7 = {{flag|Australie}}


|pop7 = 852,418


|ref7 =
{{cite web |url=http://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/C724250359785DC6CA25754C0013DC0A/$File/20700_cultural_overview.pdf|title=A Picture of the Nation: Cultural diversity overview |publisher=[[Australian Bureau of Statistics]] |date=29 January 2009 |accessdate=22 September 2012}}


|region8 = {{flag|Germany}}


|pop8 = 695,160


|ref8 =


|region9 = {{flag|Swisserland}}


|pop9 = 521,146


|ref9 =


|region10 = {{flag|Belgium}}


|pop10 = 376,091


|ref10 =


|region11 = {{flag|Unitit Kinrick}}


|pop11 = 255,403


|ref11 =


|region12 = {{flag|Chile}}


|pop12 = 184,997


|ref12 =


|region13 = {{flag|Venezuela}}


|pop13 = 126,553


|ref13 =


|region14 = {{flag|Sooth Africae}}


|pop14 = 77,400


|ref14 =


|region15 = {{flag|Spain}}


|pop15 = 38,694


|ref15 =


|region16 = Ither kintras


|pop16 =


|ref16 =


|languages = Historically [[Laitin]], noudays [[Italian leid|Italian]] an ither [[Languages of Italy|languages]].
([[Sicilian leid|Sicilian]]{{·}} [[Soothren Italian|Neapolitan]]{{·}} [[Corsican leid|Corsican]]{{·}} [[Sardinie leid|Sardinie]]{{·}} [[Piedmontese leid|Piedmontese]]{{·}} [[Ligurie (Romance leid)|Ligurie]]{{·}} [[Lombard leid|Lombard]]{{·}} [[Venetian leid|Venetian]]{{·}} [[Friulan leid|Friulan]])


|religions = Predominantly [[Roman Catholic Kirk|Roman Catholic]].


|related = Ither [[Romance-speakin Europe|Laitin fowks]]: [[French fowk|French]] • [[Portuguese fowk|Portuguese]] • [[Romanies]] • [[Romansh fowk|Romansch]] • [[Spainyie fowk|Spainyie]] • [[Walloons]]
Historically relatit: [[Greeks]] • [[Maltese fowk|Maltese]]


|footnotes =





'''Italians''' ({{lang-it|italiani}}) are an [[ethnic group]] native o [[Italy]] that share a common [[Culture o Italy|Italian cultur]], ancestry an speak the [[Italian leid]] as a mither tongue. Legally, Italians are citizens o the Italian Republic, regardless o ancestry or kintra o residence (tho the principle o [[jus sanguinis]] is uised extensively an arguably mair favorably in the Italian naitionality law), an are distinguisht frae fowk o Italian strynd an frae ethnic Italians livin in territories adjacent tae the [[Italian Peninsulae]].
{{cite web |url=http://www.interno.it/mininterno/export/sites/default/it/temi/cittadinanza/Sottotema_007_English_version.html |title=Criteria underlying legislation concerning citizenship |publisher=[[Ministry of Interior (Italy)|Italian Ministry of Interior]] |date= |accessdate=22 September 2012}}










[[Category:Ethnic groups in Europe]]


[[Category:Italian fowk]]


[[Category:Romance fowks]]



































[[es:Pueblo italiano]]










[[fur:Popul talian]]










[[id:Bangsa Italia]]




















[[os:Италиаг адæм]]
























[[tl:Mga Italyano]]










[[vi:Người Ý]]







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