
After its launch five months ago, the Innovation Strategies in the Food Industry book is continuously raising interest among researchers, academics, students, professionals and industrial partners active in the field.

In trying to catch up with colleagues, meet our audience as well as explain in detail the key features and indications of the book, an online book presentation was organized on 6th September 2016 by ISEKI Food Association (IFA) watched live by hundreds of colleagues around the world. A recording of this book presentation can be viewed in the following video:

Authors’ Team Acknowledgments

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all authors for their fruitful collaboration and high quality work in bringing together different topics, approaches and strategies in an integral and comprehensive text. Some information about the background, expertise and contribution can be seen below.

About the Authors

Amadeo Gironés Vilaplana (co-authoring Chapter 10) (Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, Catholic University San Antonio (UCAM), Murcia, Spain, 2014), Post-doctoral position at UMH (University Miguel Hernandez, Orihuela, Spain) since 2015, in the Food Technology department, in the Post-Harvest group. Previously, he did his PhD on CEBAS-CSIC on functional beverages, obtaining the extraordinary PhD award in the experimental sciences area, and worked on the phytochemical composition and bioactivity of different kind of fruits and juices. Author and coauthor of 25 papers in scientific journals (S.C.I.) and 14 book chapters, editor of two books, and participant in 8 projects (Regional, National and International level) of R&D and innovation, focused on the development of new foods and functional ingredients derived from plants.

Antonio Segura Carretero (co-authoring Chapter 11) is Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Granada and CIDAF Research Coordinator (Research and Development Center for Functional Food). Dr. Segura got the Extraordinary Doctoral Award and the Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry GRASEQA the Andalusian Society of Analytical Chemists.  Has developed 45 national and international projects and 30 targeted research contracts. Collaborations with other national and international researchers that can be observed in different projects and publications made or in the process of realization (University of Bologna, Graz Institute of Technology, University of Ionina, etc). Coordinator of Leonardo student exchange program between the University of Bologna and the University of Granada. He has published 360 articles in indexed journals, 300 of these manuscripts are in the first third of JCR within their respective areas of knowledge and of them more than 200 are in the top 10%. Has presented 400 communications in poster and 30 oral or invited presentations at national and international conferences. Has tutorized 25 PhD theses: 23 theses (each has resulted in more than seven important scientific publications in refereed journals), 14 have been with European Doctorate Mention and 2 have obtained the San Alberto Magno Award and 35 Master Thesis and is co-tutor 8 roadmaps in the Master of Chemistry. Editor of two books and co-author of 27 chapters in various monographs both Castilian and English among which highlights Olives and Olive Oil In Health and Disease Prevention. He has been teaching in inter-university and international courses and the organization of several courses of university extension comparable free credits including three editions of the Expert of functional foods and nutraceuticals.

Barbara Bigliardi (co-authoring Chapter 2) graduated (with distinction) in 2004 in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Parma. She is associate professor at the same university. Her primary research interests focus around innovation and entrepreneurship. She has authored or co-authored more than 60 papers published on international journal, as well as on national and international conferences proceedings. She acts as referee for more than 50 international scientific journals and conferences. She is also member of the editorial board of three international journals and Associate Editor of two international journals.

Cristina Barrera (co-authoring Chapter 8) was born in Valencia in 1977. After obtaining the Agricultural Engineering degree from the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2001, she got a grant and began her research career in the group led by Professor Pedro Fito. Since 2003 she combines her research activity with teaching and in 2007 she earned her PhD in Food Technology with a distinction “cum laude” for her work on the use of vacuum impregnation for incorporating calcium in the structural matrix of apples and its effect on mass fluxes involved in further stabilization operations, such as air drying or candying. Currently she holds the position of full professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València and teaches courses related to mass

transport unit operations in the food industry in Biotechnology, Agronomy and Food Science and Technology degrees. Also at the Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology from the same university she teaches a course on process engineering in the development of functional foods, which is her main line of research at the functional foods laboratory of the Institute of Food Engineering for Development. In the last 5 years she was the principal investigator of two projects financed by Spanish public founds aimed at obtaining an apple snack with probiotic effect against infection caused by Helicobacter pylori. She has also collaborated in many other projects devoted to reduce the impact of processing on those active compounds responsible for the food functionality, especially those with antioxidant activity.

Critina García-Viguera (co-authoring Chapter 10) is graduated in Pharmacy from the University Complutense of Madrid (1985). Since 1988, she has been following a professional career at the Department of Food Science and Technology in the Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain) were she developed different HPLC techniques for juice, jam and honey characterization, and obtained her PhD in Chemistry (1991) in the University of Murcia. In 1992 she joined the Plant Science Department, at the University of Oxford, where she got familiar with GC-MS propolis analysis. Later on (1993) she worked at the Institute of Food Research (IRF), at Reading (UK), in wine anthocyanins and phenolic acids. In 1994 she returned to CEBAS-CSIC where developed a new and independent area of research in polyphenolic analysis in the field of food chemistry. In 1999 she became permanent staff of the CSIC as a Tenured Scientist, followed by Scientific Researcher (2004), and Research Professor (2009). Now she leaders a research group (Phytochemistry Lab) that has been scoring position with international recognition in the field of phytochemicals (anthocyanins, and other flavonoids, glusosinolates, minerals and vitamin C) in food, and namely in: – Develop of new beverages and foods; – Characterisation and chemical transformations of phytochemicals, resulting from the food industry processes; – Influence of breeding on broccoli inflorescences and sprouts chemical composition; and- Biological properties of these compounds. She presents in her CV over 130 original articles published in journals indexed in the Science Citation Index (SCI), 4 patents transferred to industries, several book chapters, numerous invited conferences and Congress communications, running multiple I&DT projects, supervisions of Master and PhD students and is co-founder (2011) of the CSIC Spin Off: Aquaporins & Ingredients SL.

Débora Villaño (co-authoring Chapter 10) has a degree in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra (Spain) and she is PhD of Pharmacy from the University of Seville (Spain) in the Area of Nutrition and Food Science. She has been a post-doctoral researcher at research institutions in Rome (Italy), in the IRCCS San Raffaele and INRAN. She has published numerous SCI articles and book chapters related to the effect of plant compounds in diseases with an oxidative and inflammatory component in clinical studies. She has extensive experience in managing research results, patents and technology transfer in the food sector. She currently works as a teacher in the Degree of Pharmacy at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) (Spain) and she conducts her research in the Group of Nutrition, Oxidative Stress and Bioavailability. Her research lies include the characterization of phytochemicals (mainly polyphenols) present in plant foods and evaluation of their biological effects in studies of nutritional intervention.

Diego A. Moreno-Fernández (co-authoring Chapter 10) (Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, University of Granada, Spain, 2000), Staff Scientist at CEBAS-CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) since 2008, in the Food Science and Technology Department and the Research Group on Quality, Safety and Bioactivity of Plant-derived Foods. Previously, as postdoctoral associate and granted fellow, worked in the USA from 2001 to 2004 at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA), on natural products and drug discovery projects. Upon the return to Spain in 2004, and as postdoctoral associate at CEBAS-CSIC worked in the the consolidation of the line of research from the agri-food science to nutrition and health (From farm to health, integrated study). Author and coauthor of more than 100 papers in scientific journals (S.C.I.), coordinator (P.I.) and participant in more than 20 projects (Regional, National and International level) of R&D and innovation, focused on the development of new foods and functional ingredients derived from plants.

Francesco Galati (co-authoring Chapter 2) graduated (with distinction) in 2009 in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Parma and holds a Ph.D. in Engineering and Management from the University of the Republic of San Marino in 2013. His research activities mainly concern innovation and entrepreneurship. He has authored or co-authored more than 30 papers published on international journal, as well as on national and international conferences proceedings. He acts as referee for more than 20 international scientific journals.

Francisco J. Barba (co-authoring Chapters 7) is Ass. Professor in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Spain. He holds an European Ph.D in Pharmacy (with distinction) at University of Valencia and he hold degrees in Pharmacy and in Food Science and Technology as well as MSc in Dietetics and Dietoterapics and Master in Advanced Studies. Nowadays, he is enjoying a Marie Curie IEF fellowship in the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prior to his current appointment, he was also engaged as a postdoctoral researcher in the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), to explore different non-conventional technologies for extracting bioactive compounds from plant food materials and by products with a postdoctoral fellowship from Valencian Government. His research focus is on non-conventional processing for preservation and/or extraction of bioactive compounds from liquid and solid food products. He has more than 60 published or accepted peer reviewed research or reviews articles in international journals of which first author (20) or co-author (40) in high impact factor journals in the Food Science and Technology area (Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge), more than 10 book chapters, 70 presentations in conferences (most of them as proceedings and oral communications). Nowadays, Dr. Barba is serving as Editorial Board Member of the prestigious Journal “Food Research International” as well as “Frontiers in Nutrition”, “International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics” and “International Journals of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering”.

Francisco Mas-Verdú (co-authoring Chapter 12) is currently an Associate Professor at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. He graduated in Economics and in Law at the Universitat de Valencia, Spain and holds a PhD in Economics from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He was the Chair of Analysis of the IMPIVA, the public institute for the innovation and SMEs in the Valencia Region. He has acted as international consultant (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, OECD). His research is focused on services sector (especially in KIBS, Knowledge Intensive Business Services), public policy and innovation. He has published numerous works and papers in journals such as: Small Business Economics; Technology Analysis & Strategic Management; European Planning Studies; Higher Education; Applied Economic Letters; Journal of Knowledge Management; International Journal of Technology Management; Applied Geography; Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Gerhard Schiefer (co-authoring Chapter 1) is a Professor in the University of Bonn, Germany, holding the Chair for Business Management, Organization and Information Management; he is founding president and actual member of the University of Bonn’s International Center for Food Chain and Network Research (FoodNetCenter); chairman of the private International Center for Management, Communication and Research (CentMa), chairman of a food safety oriented software company; founding president of the European Federation for IT in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA); co-initiator of the International Network for IT in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INFITA); co-initiator of the industry-led European Technology Platform ‘Food for Life’ and its working group on Food Chain Management; founder and editor Intern. Journal on Food System Dynamics (www.centmapress.org); executive editor International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (www.IFAMA.org); founder and organizer of annual International Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (www.fooddynamics.org); engagements in many European projects with food chain and IT relevance. Research interests: Broad focus on quality, transparency, sustainability, cost/benefit, management, and organizational issues around agribusiness, food industry, agri-food supply chains, and service institutions in the agri-food sector.

Helena Bolini (co-authoring Chapter 6) is full professor of Food Quality, Sensory Science and Consumer Research at the Food Engineering Faculty, University of Campinas (UNICAMP – Sao Paulo State, Brazil). She participated as a member on the organizing committee of 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. She has published over 180 papers on Food and Sensory Science in refereed science journals and over 10 chapters for food science, sensory and chemistry books. She serves as member of editorial board of the Journal of Sensory Studies. She developed registered software to collection and data analysis to time-intensity tests and the representation of multiple time-intensity method recognized as an official method by ASTM International (Designation E1909-13 Standard Guide for Time-Intensity Evaluation of Sensory Attributes by Committee E18).  She has over 15 years’ experience as a consultant in Sensory Science and Consumer Research, representing the UNICAMP in the partnership to R&D, innovation and marketing for major national and international food and ingredient companies.

Howard R. Moskowitz (co-authoring Chapter 6) founded Mind Genomics Associates in 2014, to promote the development and use of the new science of Mind Genomics. The science creates an archival and action-oriented database for knowledge about how people think about the aspects of their daily life. The science is used in business to drive 1:1 sales and marketing, and in social research to understand what is important, and what should be communicated to citizens of a country for socially relevant issues. Dr. Moskowitz is also a founding partner of Mind Genomics Advisors, a consulting firm which provides innovative, customized predictive analytics for a variety of organizations, using the Mind Genomics platform. Dr. Moskowitz is a well-known experimental psychologist in the field of psychophysics and creator of world-class market research technology. In 1969, Dr. Moskowitz earned a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Harvard University. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Queens College (CUNY) with degrees in mathematics and psychology.

Jelena Cvejić Hogervorst (co-authoring Chapter 11) is a Professor at University of Novi Sad, Serbia (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacy). She obtained a PhD in Chemistry from University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg I (France). Her multidisciplinary research activities deal with biologically active natural compounds – phytonutrients from food, plant and food waste: analysis, use, safety and effects on human health.  Her work is focused on determination and exploitation of factors influencing phytonutrient level in plants and processed products as well as on recovery of valuable compounds form food waste and by-products. Research activities of Professor Cvejić Hogervorst also include pharmaceutical analysis of food supplements and evaluation of their pharmacological effects. Her recent research interest emphasize human nutrition.  She has also worked with marine products. Professor Cvejić Hogervorst is a co-author of numerous scientific publications including peer-review articles and book chapters and participated in different national and international research projects as well as in various international collaboration. Her teaching involves the training of pharmacy students in Master, Specialization and PhD programs. She is responsible for several subjects including Instrumental Pharmaceutial Analysis, Analysis of Drugs, Stability of Drugs, Analysis of Natural Products and Clinical Trials. Contact via e-mail (jelena.cvejic@mf.uns.ac.rs) or Linkedin.

Jivka Deiters (co-authoring Chapter 1) graduated in agricultural economics and received a PhD in Business Management. She has been deeply engaged in the EU project e-trust which was dealing with the utilization of e-commerce developments in international trade relationships. She has further been involved in the EU projects Transparent_Food with a focus on transparency in the food chain as well as in the EU project Netgrow that deals with innovation and learning in food networks as well as developing a toolset for network support. Through these projects she developed a European wide network of business relationships. In addition, she assists the coordination and organization of the annual ‘International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks’ supported by major European and international scientific associations in the field.

Jorge A. Saraiva (co-authoring Chapter 7) received his 4-years B.S. (1989) in Biochemistry from University of Coimbra, Portugal. In 1990 concluded the first year of the M.C. in Food Science and Engineering (option of Engineering) at College of Biotechnology (ESB), Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), Porto, Portugal, having progressed directly to his Ph.D., which he finished in 1994 in Biotechnology (Food Science and Engineering), also at ESB/UCP. He was invited Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Nutrição e da Alimentação (University of Porto, Portugal), before joining University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal as Assistant Researcher in 1998. His research is mainly dedicated to the use of high pressure for food preservation and processing and for biotechnological applications. He is the coordinator of Multidisciplinary High Pressure Platform of Aveiro University (http://www.ua.pt/ptaltapressao/) and Vice-Coordinator of the Agro-Food Platform. He is director of the B.C. in Biotechnology at UA. He has over 115 scientific papers published. He is now elected member of the European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Committee since September 2015 (http://www.ehprg.org/committee.php) and was elected member of the Executive Committee of Nonthermal Processing Division (NPD) of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), USA from 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2016.

Josep Domenech (co-authoring Chapter 12) received a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de València, and a B.S. and M.S. in Business Administration and Economics from the Universitat de València. Since 2009 he is an associate professor at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de València. He is currently leading a research project on planning and using cloud computing platforms efficiently, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. His research interests are focused on multidisciplinary approaches to internet systems and digital economics, including web economic indicators, internet economics and web performance characterization.

Kiki Zinoviadou (co-authoring Chapter 9) is an Assistant Professor at Perrotis College, division or the American Farm School, Thessaloniki, Greece in the Food Science and Technology Department. She earned her PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki as a fellow of the Ministry of Education, her MSc. in Product and Ingredient Functionality from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and her BSc in Food Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interests include the development of emulsion based delivery systems and biopolymer based antimicrobial packaging, as well as the determination of the shelf life of various food products based on their physicochemical and sensorial characteristics. Moreover, Kiki has attended various seminars concerning the sensory evaluation of olive oil and is a member of the National Table Olive Taste Panel.

Laura Calabuig-Jiménez (co-authoring Chapter 8, Sustainable innovation in food science and engineering)

Laura holds a BEng degree in Agricultural Engineering with the specialization in Agro-Food Industry (2012) from the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, and a MSc in Food Safety and Management (2014) at the same university. During the academic year of 2013-2014 she was working in a R&D center for an international company on the process improvement and optimization of cream cheese production (Germany).

Currently she is enrolled at the PhD program of Science, Technology and Food management at the Universitat Politècnica de València, doing her PhD in the group of Functional Foods of the Institute of Food Engineering for the Development at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Her research is focused on the technologies to increase the functionality of bioactive compounds such as antioxidant components and probiotics. She studies and evaluates the application of vacuum impregnation and other emerging technologies such as the application of homogenization pressures and the microencapsulation. She has also collaborated in lessons in the Department of Food Technology of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Luis Guerrero (co-authoring Chapter 5), PhD in Social Psychology, B.A. in Marketing and Food Engineer. He started his research career at IRTA (Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology, http://www.irta.es) in 1988, where he is still developing his activity as a senior researcher.  Author or co-author of more than 90 publications (Web of Science, h-index 27) and 20 book chapters, he has focused his research in sensory analysis, sensometrics, and measurement of consumer behaviour in food related issues from multidisciplinary approaches. Dr. Guerrero is member of the committee CTN/87 “Sensory Analysis” from AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization), founding member of the Spanish Association of Sensory Analysis (AEPAS) and professor of statistics and sensory analysis in different Master degrees. He has actively contributed to several national and EU research projects such as TRUEFOOD (FP6), ISAFRUIT (FP6), Q-PORKCHAINS (FP6), HighTech Europe (FP7) or DIVERSIFY (FP7).

Machiel J. Reinders (co-authoring Chapter 14) holds a PhD in Marketing from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In his current position as Senior Researcher Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands, he coordinates and conducts (international) consumer research projects. His research focuses specifically on: consumer response to innovations and new technologies, consumer behaviour with regard to sustainable and healthy food products, and strategies for food marketing. He has published his work extensively in international peer-reviewed journals like Food Quality and Preference, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Journal of Business Research.

Maria Gougouli (co-authoring Chapter 9) is currently serving as a Lecturer in the Food Science and Technology pathway of Perrotis College. She holds a B.Sc. in Agriculture with specialization in Food Science and Technology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology, and a Ph.D. in Food Microbiology from the same university, as well as a CTF in Pedagogical Training (ASPAITE). During her graduate studies, she was awarded from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and she has completed 3 postdocs in the field of Food Microbiology. She has published 11 referred scientific journal articles and 3 book chapters. Additionally, she has presented her research in national and international conferences where she has received two Research Paper Awards as a Young Scientist from the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene. She belongs to the Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Microbiology and Letters in Applied Microbiology and she is a reviewer in Frontiers in Microbiology, Current Opinion in Food Science, Journal of Applied Microbiology and Letters in Applied Microbiology. Furthermore, she has served as a Project Leader and Research Assistant in 8 research projects funded by the European Union and/or National Resources and industry as well. She also served, during 2010-2013, as part-time Laboratory Associate in the Departments of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Animal Production of the Technological Institute of Thessaly. Recent research efforts have centered on the microbiological quality and safety of fresh and processed food products, predictive microbiology, microbial risk assessment, stochastic modeling approaches in food safety and quality.

Maria J. Mota (co-authoring Chapter 7) earned her B.Sc. degree in Biotechnology on Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal at 2011. At 2013, she received the M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology (option of Food Biotechnology) from Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal. During these 5 years (2008-2013), she showed a research interest in food technology and the use of high pressure for food processing and for biotechnological applications. Until now, she already studied different applications of high pressure on two different food products, such as cod and probiotic yogurt. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in Sustainable Chemistry on University of Aveiro, University of Porto and NOVA University of Lisbon. She is working on the development of novel applications of high pressure technology (in particular in the area of microbial fermentation under pressure, for novel and improved product production for several industries), under the supervision of Professor Jorge A. Saraiva and Professor Ivonne Delgadillo.

Noelia Betoret (co-authoring Chapter 8) was born at Valencia (Spain) in 1975. She was graduated on Agricultural Engineering oriented to Food Industries at Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1999, achieving the second position in her class. Immediately, she gained a training grant of teaching and research staff, starting her career as assistant professor and PhD student at Polytechnic University of Valencia. The doctoral studies were focused on functional food development, specifically in the use of matrix engineering technologies to formulate natural functional food in a controlled way. She completed her doctoral studies in 2002, being promoted in the same time to associate professor of Food Technology Department. Since then she has served her research activity at the Institute of Food Engineering for Development mainly in the areas of: development of functional foods, new models for food process engineering, benefits of by-products of the food industry. In this moment, she is the responsible of functional foods laboratory in the Institute of Food Engineering for Development. As a result she has participated in 8 research projects, directed 8 PhD theses, and published 30 research articles in SCI journals with impact index and 4 chapters in international edited books.

Piergiuseppe Morone (co-authoring Chapter 4) is an economist with an interest in evolutionary theory applied especially to sustainable innovation studies. As a postgraduate student he was trained at SPRU-Sussex University where he received in 2003 his PhD in Science & Technology Policy with a thesis on innovation economics, investigating the relation between social network architectures and speed of diffusion of knowledge and innovations. He is now a Professor of Economic Policy at Unitelma Sapienza – University of Rome with a strong interest in green innovation and sustainability transitions pushing his research at the interface between innovation, food & agricultural economics and green chemistry, an area of enquiry that has attracted growing attention among social scientists over the last decade. His work regularly appears in prestigious and highly impacted innovation and environmental economics journals. He is vice-chair and Management Committee member of the Cost Action TD1203 on Food waste valorisation and he is also an Editor of Open Agriculture, open access journal by De Gruyter Open.

Rita P. Lopes (co-authoring Chapter 7) obtained her 3-year B.Sc. (2011) in Biotechnology from Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal. In 2013, she finished the M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology (option of Food Biotechnology) also from Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal. Actually, she is a Ph.D. student in Sustainable Chemistry, a doctoral plan of three Portuguese universities: Universities of Aveiro, Porto and Lisbon. The Ph.D. work is being carried out in University of Aveiro under supervision of Professor Jorge A. Saraiva and Professor Ivonne Delgadillo in the area of microbial fermentation under pressure, with yogurt production used as a case study. Her research interests are mainly in food technology, namely the use of high pressure for food processing and development of new food products. In her academic record, she already worked with two different food products (olive oil and yogurt), where high pressure was applied with different final purposes. Additionally, the study of novel applications for high pressure technology, namely in biotechnology area, are also a focus of her research.

Vibeke Orlien (co-authoring chapter 7) has an MSc in mathematics and chemistry and a PhD degree in food chemistry. She is an Associate Professor in food chemistry in the section of Food Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Her research areas are thermodynamics in food chemistry with emphasis on: i) high pressure methods in food processing and the effects on food components and their properties, including oxidative stability and protein modification in relation to functionality, ii) characterization of phase transitions in foods with special importance on glass transition in relation to temperature and moisture, and encapsulation of food ingredients, iii) microscopic molecular mobility and molecular diffusion in dried and frozen foods with special importance on lipid oxidation.  She has been leader of several national and international projects about high pressure processing and is manager of the high-pressure facilities at the department. She has been supervisor of several BSc theses, MSc theses, PhD students and supervisor for several national and visiting postdoctoral projects including one Marie Curie FP7 IEF postdoc. She has published more than 44 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, together with book chapters and trade journals articles.

Victor D. Martinez-Gomez (co-authoring Chapter 12) was born in Valencia, Spain in 1974. He is an agricultural engineer and holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics. He is currently senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences at Universitat Politècnica the Valencia (UPV), where he teaches agricultural economics and policies, international economics and microeconomics to pre and postgraduate students. He develops his researches at the International Economics and Development Group at the UPV. Among his research, it could be highlighted the interest in linking innovation, public policies and internationalization in the agro-food sector. In these fields, he has published research papers and participated in competitive R&D projects and technology transfer activities. Currently, he participates in the H2020 project Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security (SALSA: more information at http://www.salsa.uevora.pt/en/) and in two national-funded projects focused on innovation in agro-food firms.

Vito Verardo (co-authoring Chapter 11) is postdoctoral researcher at the University of Almeria (Spain). He received his European PhD in Food Science at the University of Bologna (Italy). His research interests are focused on  the field of food chemistry and food technology. Dr. Verardo has acquired a multidisciplinary knowledge on the characterization of bioactive and potentially toxic compounds in food and biological samples by advanced analytical techniques; development of new food enriched of bioactive compounds and characterization and valorization of food by-products; study of lipid oxidation and strategies to limit it, use of green technologies for nutraceutical production. He has been involved in more than 15 research projects and he is co-author of more than 50 peer reviewed research or reviews articles in international journals with impact factor in the Food Science and Technology, Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  areas (Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Knowledge), and more than 7  book chapters in international editorials. Nowadays, Vito Verardo is Editorial Board Member of the “Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry” and guest editor in the  “International Journal of Molecular Sciences”.

Lucía Seguí (co-authoring Chapter 8) was born in Valencia in 1978. Agricultural Engineer in the Food Industries branch by the Universitat Politècnica de València, in 2003 she got a grant of the Spanish Government to develop her PhD thesis in the field of Mass Transfer Operations in the Food Industry. Particularly, her PhD dealt with Osmotic Dehydration modeling using Irreversible Process Thermodynamics, by applying a microscopic approach in which protoplasts and cells were used as simplified models. She earned her PhD in Food Technology with a distinction “cum laude”. In 2006, she was promoted to associate professor in the Food Technology Department, in the Food Engineering group, teaching courses related to Mass Transfer Unit Operations. At present, she is involved in different bachelor and master degrees (Biotechnology, Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology) in which teaches Unit Operations and Downstream Processes. As a researcher, she is now a member of the Institute of Food Engineering for Development of the UPV. Her recent research has been focused on the use of functional ingredients in the development of new functional foods, and the valorization of industrial food processes by obtaining value added product from industrial food wastes. As a result of her research career she has participated in 10 research projects, 2 of them as the main researcher. She has published 12 research papers in indexed SCI journals, 3 chapters in international edited books and has numerous contributions to international congresses.

Charis M. Galanakis (editor, co-authoring Chapter 11, authoring Chapter 15) is a dynamic and interdisciplinary scientist with a fast-expanding body of work that balances between food and environment, industry and academia. His research targets mainly the separation and recovery of functional macro- and micro-molecules from different food by-products, as well as their implementation as additives in food and other products. He is the research & innovation director of Galanakis Laboratories (Chania, Greece) and the coordinator of Food Waste Recovery Group (SIG5) of ISEKI Food Association (Vienna, Austria). He serves as an editorial board member and subject editor of Food and Bioproducts Processing and Food Research International, and has published dozens research articles, reviews, monographs and conference proceedings. He has edited 4 books with Academic Press, including Food Waste Recovery, Innovation Strategies in the Food Industry, Nutraceutical and Functional Food Components and Olive Mill Waste.

Follow Dr. Galanakis via Twitter – @CharisGalanakis, LinkedIn or ResearchGate.

Join the Food Waste Recovery Group on LinkedIn or the Food Waste Recovery Page on Facebook.

About the Book

Innovation Strategies in the Food Industry: Tools for Implementation is an indispensable resource for the food industry to introduce innovations in the market, stand out from the competition and satisfy consumer demands. This reference reports the most trend advances of the food science, while providing insights and ideas to overcome limitations for their actual implementation in the industry. Innovation Strategies in the Food Industry: Tools for Implementation fills the gap between strategy developers and technical R&D associates by interpreting the technological adequacy of innovative techniques with the reaction of related consumers. It deals with the interaction of academia and industry, describing innovation and long term R&D strategies to overcome bottlenecks during know-how transfer between these two sectors.

Key features of the book include:

Reports the development of cooperative networks for the commercialization of new food products

Includes the concept of open innovation, denoting the particular issues that SMEs are facing during their innovation efforts and suggest respective innovation policies in the agrifood sector

Discusses the challenges of introducing innovations in traditional food products

Describes the sustainability problems and restrictions (safety and energy issues) of innovations in food processing and emerging technologies

Exploits the cutting-edge innovation cases of  food science and their applications in the food industry

Addresses the observed problems and provides solutions to meet market and consumers’ needs

Register here for an online presentation of the book here.

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