
What is required of my school's website and prospectus?

This article looks at Ofsted school inspections as well as the separate topic of information which - based on government regulations - must always be available on a school's website.

Ofsted Inspections

It’s common knowledge that Ofsted now look at a school’s website before visiting in person. This article offers you practical advice to help you make sure that your school’s site is meeting expectations if not exceeding them.

There is a DfE article that highlights the importance of each school having a high quality website which presents information to parents and other stakeholders.

School Website Content

Since the start of this school year, schools are no longer required to publish a prospectus or a curriculum policy. Instead, schools are now required to make key information publicly available on the internet. The best way for most schools to do this will be with a dedicated website.

The following content requirements are found in aforementioned DfE article:

Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment

Curriculum provision, content and approach by academic year and by subject

Admission arrangements

The school's policies in relation to behaviour, charging and SEN/disability provisions

Links to Ofsted reports and performance data

Details of the school’s latest Key Stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures

Every school is required to have an up-to-date website which covers the above points. Although schools are no longer required to produce individual prospectuses, each local authority still has a responsibility to produce a composite prospectus (containing information about every school) each year. LAs must also continue to provide support to parents who are going through the admissions process which includes making sure that schools are making information easily available (adding further importance to your school’s website).

Quick tip...

You can search for your school on the new DfE School Data Dashboard, find your school's page and link to it from your website.

What does it all mean?

As mentioned, Ofsted and LAs are now paying a lot more attention to school websites. It seems like it won’t be long until the school website itself becomes a standard feature of Ofsted reports.

Every school is expected to meet standards by following content guidelines but high class website design is the only way to impress visitors and represent your school to the fullest online.

One last thing, just for you

Here is an extra resource that you may well find valuable. Although this downloadable checklist does not appear to have been produced by the DfE, it is a thorough list that breaks down school website content into three categories: essential, desirable and other ideas to consider. The essential components are highlighted as required from September 2012 onwards as per the recent changes to school information regulations.

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