
The TES is reporting claims from the Good Schools Guide that independent schools in the UK are closing their doors to Russian and other foreign pupils for fear of being swamped…

The number of Russians in UK independent schools has tripled in the past eight years, leading to Russian families now reporting being given the cold shoulder.

Susan Hamlyn, director of the Good Schools Guide advice service, said they had received a number of calls in recent months from parents asking if there was a prejudice against pupils from Russia.

Some schools could be operating an unofficial quota system to restrict the number of pupils from any one country, she said. And the volume of wealthy Russians wanting a British education for their children meant they could be bearing the brunt of any attempt to limit the number of overseas students.

“It is particularly Russians, but in some schools it could be Germans or Spanish or Chinese,” Ms Hamlyn said. “We have been getting various emails and calls from very frustrated and anxious Russian families saying they’re getting the sense that the schools have a quota of Russians…”

More at: ‘Quota’ fears as independent schools close doors to Russian pupils

I do wonder what will happen to the private sector (not to mention universities) if (when?) the idea of a UK education amongst overseas families and students (especially those from Russia and China) goes out of fashion. Are they in a vulnerable position or will there always be new recruits to fill the gaps?

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