Welcome back to the 2014 Bloggy Convention! For the next 2 weeks, we are continuing to sharing our favorite upcoming homeschool conventions.
Our next featured convention will arrive to Cincinnati, OH in April!
Great Homeschool Conventions: Cincinnati, OH
April 24-26, 2014
Duke Energy Center
Be sure to stop by the vendor hall booth for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine to pick up your copy of the brand new 2014 Print Edition and to learn about all of the other fun and exciting things happening with TOS!
Our featured speaker from this convention is Stacy Farrell.
Stacy Farrell’s worldview changed when she embarked on her homeschooling adventure in 2002.
Her background as a consultant and writer well-prepared her to teach communication skills; however, only hands-on experience (and much time spent on her knees) equipped her to mentor her sons through the character-transformation required to help them work toward their full potential.
Stacy has spoken at a variety of homeschool conferences and has published articles in leading Christian magazines. She wrote scripts for Willow Creek’s youth ministry, copy for Pastor Bill Hybel’s “Defining Moments” Audio Newsletter, and a broad range of material for corporate and non-profit clients. She also managed a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and constitutional law. Today, she loves to help empower students to recover territory lost by “fuzzy thinking” and low expectations. To that end, she created:
Philippians in 28 Weeks™ — a simple and painless way to memorize an entire book of Scripture
The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions — an enchanting fable that unmasks the ugliness of pride and selfishness
Philosophy Adventure™—Pre-Socratics — designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas
Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal – a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview.
Although Stacy loves to write, speak, and teach, she considers her role as wife to Roger and mother to two precious sons to be her greatest work and privilege. You can learn more about her resources @ http://www.homeschooladventure.com.
Stacy’s speaking topics in Cincinnati will include:
Don’t Run from the Mirror (Why You Need to Teach) — This workshop will encourage parents to stay the course and discover how they will be refined and reshaped into something precious through the process of acquiring the character and knowledge required to give their children a true education.
Philosophy Adventure: Essential Skills for a Changing World – The world is changing. Now more than ever, we want to equip our students to be critical thinkers and effective communicators—especially since Christians are called to “…destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Come learn how we can teach our children to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they engage with the world of ideas.
From Atheist to Apologist: Lessons from C. S. Lewis, the Great Christian Storyteller – Discover how you can use the life and work of C. S. Lewis as a powerful tool to help your students gain a biblical perspective on those timeless philosophical questions which inevitably arise in the mind of any truth seeker.
Learn about all of the speakers and exhibitors you’ll find in Cincinnati, and then click on the banner below to register for this event! Scroll down to find review of the products the Crew has reviewed from some of these exhibitors and to enter an awesome giveaway from Stacy Farrell.
Bloggy Vendor Hall
Here you’ll find links to our Crew views of products from several companies that will be exhibiting in Greenville this week:
A+ Tutorsoft
Artistic Pursuits (more reviews coming soon)
Bridgeway Academy
Christian Liberty Press
Classical Academic Press
Classical Conversations
College Prep Genius
Critical Thinking Co.
Essentials in Writing
Family Hope Center
Handwriting Without Tears
Home School Adventure Co. (reviews coming soon)
Home School in the Woods
Homeschool Legacy
Homeschool Spanish Academy
IEW (more reviews coming soon)
Memoria Press
MicroBusiness for Teens (coming soon)
Notgrass Company
Progeny Press
Reading Eggs
Victus Study Skills System (reviews coming soon)
VideoText Interactive
Writing with Sharon Watson
YWAM Publishing
Zeezok Publishing
Giveaway ($88+ value)
For today’s giveaway, Stacy has graciously donated a digital downloads bundle of all of her curriculum, including :
Philosophy Adventure™
Philosophy Adventure™ is designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas.
Philippians in 28 Weeks
It is easier to share the Word of God when it is etched upon your heart. Philippians in 28 Weeks™ is a delightful and painless way to commit the entire book of Philippians to memory. This streamlined approach uses memory cards carefully constructed to present Philippians thought-by-thought, copywork verses, journal questions, weekly reflections, recitation charts to test your retention, and an optional tracking tool called “The Log.”
The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Questions
The Wise Woman enchants readers while it contrasts the ugliness of pride, selfishness and conceit with the beauty of humility, sacrifice, and compassion.
By offering students 16 to 24 literary analysis questions per chapter, this 160-page spiral bound edition teaches critical thinking in a way that is engaging and transformational. Meet a fearlessly loving and wise woman who confronts stubborn ignorance and ugly pride with unflinching discipline, truth, and grace.
Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal
The Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal is a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview. Although it was originally created to be a companion resource to Philosophy Adventure, it may also be used as group or independent study for teenagers or adults.
To enter, use the Rafflecopter below. Residents of the US, age 18 and older please. See other terms and conditions in the Rafflecopter. See our complete contest rules here. And be sure to check back every day for the next 10 days for even more awesome giveaways!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now be sure to click over to enter our other giveaways, too.