Welcome back to the 2014 Bloggy Convention! For the next 2 weeks, we are continuing to sharing our favorite upcoming homeschool conventions.
Our next featured convention will arrive to Orlando, FL in May!
Florida Parent-Educators Association– Kissimmee, FL
May 22-25, 2014
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center
Be sure to stop by the vendor hall booth for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine to pick up your copy of the brand new 2014 Print Edition and to learn about all of the other fun and exciting things happening with TOS! Also . . . the TOS booth will have a special guest — the Flylady!
Our featured speakers from this convention are Hal & Melanie Young.
Hal and Melanie Young, authors of the Christian Small Publishers Association 2011 Book of the Year, Raising Real Men, are parents of six real boys and two real girls. They have homeschooled through eight high-risk pregnancies, three re-locations, two decades, and 181 degrees of longitude. They are sought after conference speakers who routinely draw standing room only crowds with their mix of uniquely entertaining cross-banter and practical, powerful Scriptural principles. Their dramatized audiobooks, such as Hero Tales from American History by Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, are gaining a following across the country, as well. Hal & Melanie have glorified the Lord through some extreme challenges recently, though, with Hal successfully fighting stage IV cancer and their youngest dealing with a life-threatening heart condition. Despite it all, the Youngs live in noisy familial bliss in North Carolina. www.raisingrealmen.com
Hal & Melanie’s speaking topics at FPEA will include:
My Beloved and My Friend – Christian marriages are breaking up everywhere. How can this be? What is wrong when a family at the forefront of the culture war spins apart? If you homeschool, you know you are in a spiritual battle. Don’t let your marriage be the weak point in your armor.
Three Simple Goals for Your First Year – Over years of calls from brand-new homeschoolers, Melanie learned that there were really three things that needed to be accomplished the first year in order for new families to succeed at homeschooling. Learn how to get through your first year without jerking anybody bald-headed, including yourself!
I’m Not So Sure About This – So your mate wants to homeschool your children, but you are full of questions, concerns and uneasiness. Will they get into college? Can they find a job? Will they have friends? What about sports? Will we be weird? Hal will help you find out the truth and figure out what’s best for your family.
A Field Guide To Curric¬ulum and Philosophies – Veterans toss around terms like unit studies, classical education, Charlotte Mason and more, never dreaming how confusing it all is for someone new. Understand the different approaches available and get tools to help you figure out what is best for your family, whether this is your first year, or you just need a new perspective.
Learn about all of the speakers and exhibitors you’ll find at FPEA, and then click on the banner below to register for this event! Scroll down to find reviews of the products the Crew has reviewed from some of these exhibitors and to enter an awesome giveaway from Hal & Melanie.
Bloggy Vendor Hall
Here you’ll find links to our Crew views of products from several companies that will be exhibiting in Orlando during conference week:
A+ Interactive Math
ARTistic Pursuits (more reviews coming soon)
Brinkman Adventures (reviews coming soon)
Classical Academic Press
Classical Conversations
College Prep Genius
Critical Thinking Co.
Egglo Entertainment
Essentials in Writing
Family Hope Center
Hal & Melanie Young
Handwriting Without Tears
Homeschool Spanish Academy
IEW (more reviews coming soon)
Mango Languages
Memoria Press
Notgrass Company
Progeny Press
VideoText Interactive
YWAM Publishing
Giveaway ($114 value)
For today’s giveaway, Hal & Melanie have graciously donated a bundle of fun prizes — something for Mom, Dad, and the kids, including :
Raising Real Men Mom & Dad Special (hardcopy + audio book + Boot Camp 9-12) – A Practical Guide to Equipping the Hearts and Minds of Boys without Losing or Breaking Your Own. If this is God’s chosen gift to us, then why does it seem so hard? How can we prepare these boys to serve God when we can barely make it through the day? Isn’t there a better way? The answer is yes.
Do you have a son who is 9 to 12 years old? When our boys hit that age, they seem to fall apart. Formerly obedient sons suddenly get angry and rebellious. Are you starting to see some changes? Does he seem full of anger and hard to live with all of a sudden? Wondering what is going on and how you are going to handle it? Get help now!.
Hero Tales from American History Audio CD Set – Did you know Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book for children? He did. He wrote a book to teach character and virtue through the stories of American History. He’s been called “The Most Interesting American” and his book is just that!
We’ve made it even more interesting, though, by turning it into an audiobook and adding sound effects, too. Ships creaking, gulls cawing, cannon fire, even angry French mobs come together to make history they’ll never forget…
Pollyanna Audio Book on CD – When we first picked up the classic children’s book Pollyanna, I didn’t really want to read it. I had heard people called “Pollyannas” and I just assumed it would be boring and didactic. I couldn’t have been more wrong. We loved it!
To enter, use the Rafflecopter below. Residents of the US, age 18 and older please. See other terms and conditions in the Rafflecopter. See our complete contest rules here. And be sure to check back every day for the next 10 days for even more awesome giveaways!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now be sure to click on the banners below to enter our first 3 giveaways, too!