JJ Wilson, center, his wife, Alexandra Neves, right, and their son, Keanu Wilson, a third-grader at G.W. Stout
Elementary School, ride their bicycles home after school on Tuesday evening. The trio are trying to be
more active cyclists and Tuesday’s Silver City Town Council decision about the Bicycle Master Plan could
help make it easier to ride in town.
(Press Staff Photo by Stewart McClintic)
The Silver City Town Council approved measures to both increase bicycle safety across the town and draw private investment to the Historic Downtown district at its meeting Tuesday. Councilors also welcomed the addition of the first-ever Silver City Gay Pride Festival.
The completed Silver City Bicycle Master Plan finally made its way onto the council floor on Tuesday after years of work by town elected officials, staff and community volunteers. The plan was built on what District 2 Councilor Lynda Aiman-Smith — who sponsored and championed the plan’s development — called a “platform representing hundreds of hours of work.” It was then handed to contractor Community by Design, which, along with the town’s Office of Sustainability, guided it through several rounds of stakeholder and public meetings. Then it arrived at town staff’s door, where it was reviewed by everyone from public works and community development departments to police and fire chiefs.
“And now here we are tonight ready to adopt the plan,” said Denise Smith, director of the Office of Sustainability.
The plan is thorough, considering increases not just in safety but in bicycling itself, through which the town sees opportunity for better quality of life and even economic benefits.
The first and biggest points in the plan are for the town to adopt a philosophy that every road should include a bicycle lane or shoulder. The plan calls for this to be accomplished in three major ways: required five-foot bike lanes on any new road construction or maintenance, inclusion of language in the next update of the town code requiring the lanes, and to restripe streets to retrofit bike lanes into the street system.
One thoroughfare targeted for restriping is 12th Street between Pope and Alabama streets. Here, an image in the plan illustrates, the road is 50 feet wide but only includes a double yellow center line. Under the plan, the street’s 50 feet will be divided into two 12-foot vehicle lanes bordered by a five-foot bicycle lane on either side — still leaving eight-foot shoulders.
Another targeted street is Swan Street, where a “road diet” is planned. A road diet is when a four-lane road like Swan Street from 12th to 16th streets is trimmed to a three-lane road, with a turning lane, bicycle lanes and shoulders.
These road diets were applauded by Mayor Pro Tem Cynthia Ann Bettison. “I love taking a road that is 50 feet wide and adding bicycle lanes, making it safe for everyone.”
Off of the roads themselves, the plan also sees opportunities for pedestrian- and bicycle-only trails along the many creeks and abandoned railroad right of way Silver City has to offer. These include a trail along the path of the former Pinos Altos Railroad. It also eyes the ditches as transportation systems, with trails along Pinos Altos and Silva creeks up to the point at which they connect into the Big Ditch, and beyond a short way.
This plan was not just copied and pasted from the contractor and stakeholders’ comments, but underwent considerable review by town staff.
Assistant Town Manager James Marshall said that the original language of the draft did not take into account that many funding sources for these projects are competitive and not guaranteed. He said much of the language sounded like mandates that the town must complete the planned projects. Those were shifted to language noting that further research and analysis may be required. Some other projects were either already underway or simply not implementable. These, staff changed as well.
“I don’t ever want to commit the town to something we shouldn’t be doing or that we can’t do,” Aiman-Smith said. “We have to think about the process we are creating.”
One project removed from the plan was an underpass of U.S. 180 identified as a bike-friendly zone. As Aiman-Smith pointed out, that area is in the middle of an arroyo in which her “grandma would switch [her] legs” for playing.
The council as a whole thanked everyone involved for the comprehensive and reasonable language included in the plan. Bettison, who has served on the council since 2009, said this is the first time she can remember that a plan has come to the council in language that actually acknowledges what is actually possible for the town, rather than demanding actions.
The council also approved financial assistance for a grant sought by the Silver City MainStreet Project that would bring infrastructure improvement to downtown. MainStreet is applying to the New Mexico MainStreet program for a Great American Blocks grant for funding to improve the 200, 300 and 400 blocks of Bullard Street — what Director Lucy Whitmarsh called the “entertainment district.” To qualify for the grant, projects must be aimed to make public infrastructure improvements that will attract private investment, according to Whitmarsh.
Possible projects under the grant are diverse, but often small. Perhaps the largest project would be a pedestrian gateway entrance to the Big Ditch Park to guide people from the Visitor Center parking lot and across the Market Street pedestrian bridge, so they can access Bullard Street attractions while still taking advantage of the off-street parking across the Ditch.
To lower pedestrian risk, it also includes proposed measures to slow vehicle traffic. The idea in the project is for this to somehow be done through landscaping or “streetscaping” projects on the short streets that connect Bullard Street to the Big Ditch.
To this point, Bettison asked that language be added that would attempt to blend MainStreet’s plan with the town’s ongoing comprehensive planning process. That draft plan, for example, already includes language from Aiman-Smith concerning street painting at intersections on Broadway to slow traffic.
Bettison, joined by District 3 Councilor Jose Ray, also asked that the rest of Bullard Street be mentioned in the language, specifying that while these three are targeted as “Great Blocks” for the grant, they are only the first on a list of great blocks.
Aiman-Smith, who works as a volunteer with MainStreet, pointed out that the terms of the grant were difficult to meet, and that MainStreet was working within those parameters.
“It’s iffy. They’re trying to get the money out to the towns they think will use it,” Aiman-Smith said. “Greater blocks; it really requires that you identify specific blocks with specific purposes.”
Marshall said the council had already approved an earlier Great Blocks grant proposal with MainStreet for improvements to the Visitor Center parking lot, but it was shot down.
“There were three applications from across the state. They were all declined,” he said.
So this time, no one is taking chances. Aiman-Smith, Marshall, MainStreet and stakeholders met with state MainStreet officials recently to go over their plan to ensure it fit absolutely within the guidelines.
“We went over all of the possible projects down Bullard Street with MainStreet to make sure the project will fit what they are looking for,” he said.
Silver City’s streets will also see a new event this year celebrating the significant LGBT community in town. The first Silver City Gay Pride Festival is scheduled to take place Sept. 17. The council approved a public celebration permit to allow Little Toad Creek Brewery and Distillery beer, wine and spirits to be served at the event.
Susan Golightly, of LGBT Grant County, said the event will run from 1 to 8 p.m. that day, and will include four bands, drag shows — even one for puppies — and more.
“We’re very excited to celebrate the LGBT community here,” Golightly said. “There are more in this town than you think. All together, up to 8 or 9 percent of the population. And more come, because this is a place for tourism.”
The beer garden will be on the Old Elks Lodge patio, which raised some handicapped accessibility concerns for District 4 Councilor Guadalupe Cano. She said she would not count that problem against the new event on their first run, but said the group should consider it in planning for the future. After all, “handicapped people like to drink, too,” Cano said.
Ray also voiced his support.
“I applaud you for doing something like this,” he said. “It’s something a lot of people don’t like, but they can get over it. This is a quality of life issue. We have to be supportive of everybody. We’re only here for a short time.”