
In the worst times, South Carolinians are known to stand together.  As thousands of our neighbors work to recover from Hurricane Matthew, we wanted remind you of an easy way to help those hardest hit by the storm.

The One SC Fund supports nonprofit organizations in our state that are providing relief and recovery assistance to those impacted by Hurricane Matthew.  And right now the need is great.  At the peak of the storm more than 860,000 families and businesses were without power.  Floodwaters destroyed roads, buildings, and businesses.

The One SC Fund was created in 2015 by Governor Nikki Haley and the Central Carolina Community Foundation after the October flood ravaged our state.  Since then, the Fund has distributed $2,000,000 in grants to nonprofits to support flood recovery projects across our state that have helped more than 1,500 families return home.

As our neighbors continue to assess the damage from Hurricane Matthew and begin to rebuild, we ask that you donate to the One SC Fund to help make the process easier. 

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