
FSC MAURITIUS is a SCAM regulator that protects scam brokers like the scammer hotforex.

After filing a complaint at FSC Mauritius that governs Hotforex, about hotforex stole from me tens of thousands of dollars in trading manipulation and breach of the contract policy in many clauses, and after more than 2 months passed I got this scandal reply by the Scam regulator FSC Mauritius:

We refer to your complaint against the Company.

Please be informed that we have examined your complaint and it is noted that there are claims and counter claims from both the parties (yourself and the Company).

We note that it`s a contractual agreement between you and the Company.

You may resort to appropriate measures to resolve your complaint.

Please note that this correspondence is confidential and shall be used only for the purpose stated in the request. Accordingly, no part of the above information shall be disclosed to any third party without the Financial Services Commission’s prior approval in writing.


I'm a retail client that must be highly protected by the regulator that's FSC Mauritius in this case after filing a complaint against scammer hotforex but what FSC Mauritius had done was protect scammer hotforex and also remove its responsibility from my complaint.

As a trader who had been robbed tens of thousands of dollar from scammer hotforex, who must bring back my money or at least give a decision in my complaint other than the regulator!?!!

FSC Mauritius tells me in clear words that I can sort out my complaint against hotforex elsewhere!!!

The Scam FSC Mauritius deals with the victim(me) and the criminal hotforex the same way and tells the victim to solve his problem with the criminal somewhere else!!!

FSC Maritius recorded the Biggest Scandal Regulator Title Of All Time.

The whole world can see FSC Mauritius SCANDAL reply to me the recklessness and uselessness of FSC Mauritius in dealing with clients complaints against scam brokers FSC Mauritius give license to run business that turns to be Scam Business as hotforex had have and still doing......

I warn all investors from dealing with scammer hotforex and with any broker that is regulated by the SCAM Regulator FSC Mauritius.

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