
Many people got sucked into this, thinking that it was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. However it's raising too many red flags and we're working to expose this Lucky 5 "opportunity" for what it really is. An illegal scam. We've set up a facebook page to raise awareness, but obviously wanted to come here and let people know too... as we are doing in multiple other places! We're disgusted!


As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Lucky5 Product Line

Lucky5 has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Lucky5 affiliate membership itself.

Lucky5 affiliates pay a €30 EUR fee each month, with which are bundled five “scratchie credits”.

These credits can be redeemed through Lucky5 for five virtual scratchie cards, with cash prizes between €5 to €500,000 on offer.

The Lucky5 Compensation Plan

The Lucky5 compensation plan sees affiliates pay €30 a month to maintain a matrix position, through which they are paid to recruit new Lucky5 affiliates.

The matrix Lucky5 use is that of a 5×6.

A 5×6 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix, with five positions directly under them. These first five positions form the first level of the matrix:


The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of the level 1 positions into another five positions each (25 positions).

In this manner all six levels of the matrix are generated, with the entire 5×6 matrix housing 19,530 positions.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct or indirect affiliate recruitment, with commissions paid out based on the number of matrix positions filled.

In Lucky5 commissions aren’t paid out as cash, rather affiliates are paid in scratchie credits, at a rate of

5 credits per filled position on level 1 (5 scratchie cards in total) and

4 credits per filled position on levels 2 to 6 (15,620 cards in total)

Initially they were VERY clever with the wording and the way this was presented .. but as they got "excited" they became sloppy and people started to pick up on things! However out of a page of at least 20K people - the one group we know of (and there are more, with various different "leaders") only a handful of people have seen sense!

The guy running one page in particular (the one we made our way to) is very charming and pleasant and willing to help with anything .. until you question him, then it becomes clear he holds no answers, and is reading from a script.

They were advertising partnerships with companies like https://www.wirecard.com/ however, our own investigations have led to proof that they have no idea about this 'scheme' and what it entails.


Thank you for your email and for drawing our attention to this matter.

Please be advised that neither Wirecard Card Solutions Limited, nor any of its associated companies has any connection with a company by the name of Daily Win, Lucky5 or Luckycasino as mentioned in your emails.

Should you choose to divulge your bank details to these companies, Wirecard will not therefore make contact with you to finalise payments as mentioned below. We would not recommend you divulge any personal information regarding your bank account details until you are satisfied with the authenticity of the request.

We are currently investigating this as a matter of urgency; and it may be helpful to us if you could provide any more information you may have regarding the company you are dealing with who claims to have a relationship with Wirecard.

Kind regards,

The Wirecard Card Solutions Team

Wirecard Card Solutions Ltd.

Grainger Chambers

3-5 Hood Street

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE1 6JQ (UK)


Registration No. 07875693

Managing Directors: Tom Jennings, Thomas Kaeppner

Wirecard Card Solutions Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of electronic money, Register No. 900051

Wirecard have since sent a cease and desist - and are conducting their own investigations. We're currently in talks with other companies they claim to be partnered with - our results will be posted on facebook page as soon as we have them in writing, needless to say we're already shocked by their responses!

Anyway ...Like I said .. we just want to get the word out there! Any help appreciated! Facebook is going to be over run by it soon! Be safe!

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