
Un sportman de ocasión

Muda/Silent (English intertitles) | Subs(srt):Castellano

61 min | XviD 678x462(4:3) | 1495 kbps | mp3 cbr 320 kbps | 23,796 fps

808 MB +3%recuperación/recovery



Harry Langdon interpreta al hijo de un zapatero que, debido a la agresiva campaña publicitaria de un gran magnate zapatero, se ve al borde de la ruina cuando no puede pagar el alquiler de su local. Para intentar salvar el negocio de su padre y para ganarse el corazón de la hija del magnate (una jovencísima Joan Crawford), de la que se ha enamorado al verla en los carteles publicitarios, se enrolará en una  carrera campo a través a lo largo de todo el país, la cual ofrece un sustancioso premio al vencedor. Una escena de Langdon al borde de un precipicio, otra haciendo trabajos forzados y la escena final con el ciclón son de las más emblemáticas de la película.

<<Tramp, Tramp, Tramp tells the story of a poor shoemaker's son who must
go out into the world and raise enough money to keep his father's shop
in business. He ironically winds up in a cross-country walking race
sponsored by the new chain shoe-store that is responsible for his
father's financial problems in the first place. He, of course, falls in
love with the daughter (a very young Joan Crawford) of the owner of the
big company after seeing her picture on billboards.>> (review from threemoviebuffs)

<<When baby-faced comedian Harry Langdon left Mack Sennett Studios to make
features for First National, he wisely brought along the two Sennett
staffers who helped make him a star: gag writer Frank Capra and director
Harry Edwards. Langdon's first feature-length comedy at his new studio
was Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, which not only ranks as one of Harry's best
efforts, but also one of the funniest comedies ever made.>>(Hal Erickson at All Movie Guide, taken from joancrawfordbest)

talented supporting cast adds to the film's success: Alec B. Francis
as Harry's crippled, impoverished shoemaker father; Tom Murray as the
belligerent landlord, who also just happens to be the world's
champion race walker; and Edward Davis as the shoe tycoon who
sponsors the race. As his lovely daughter, Joan Crawford doesn't have
much to do except encourage Langdon in his endeavors, but her few
romantic scenes with him manage to be both poignant & ludicrous

production company burnished the film up nicely, with the cyclone
sequence particularly effective. One of the story writers was a young
Frank Capra, who would be a big contributor to Harry's short-lived
stardom.>> (Ron
Oliver, 2004,
Covering The
Miles With Mr. Langdon,
at imdb)

Si recuperamos lo que decía Luis Enrique Ruiz para introducir la siguiente peli de Langdon The Strong Man:

Langdon es ya un cómico de larga experiencia en el mundo del vodevil
cuando es contratado por Sennet para la realización de cortos
cinematográficos. Pero serán Harry Edwards y Frank Capra los que
conformen la personalidad de Langdon en la pantalla. Ambos codirigen
-aunque Capra no figure en los títulos de crédito-, Un
sportman de ocasión
Tramp, Tramp,
1926), la película que catapulta al éxito a Langdon.>> 
Enrique Ruiz,
1997, Obras
maestras del cine mudo,
Ediciones Mensajero,Bilbao)

A review from 1926, comparing the film with The Gold Rush, and claiming some gags are a copy of Chaplin's movie:

viewing Harry Langdon to his first feature-length production, "Tramp,
Tramp, Tramp," one is impelled to feel a greater respect for
Charlie Chaplin's genius than ever, for although Mr. Langdon
undoubtedly has a keen sense of the ridiculous there are in this new
film several episodes that are strongly reminiscent of "The Gold
Rush" and which suffer by comparison with the Chaplin comedy.
You are able to enjoy Mr. Langdon's control over his features in
portraying a very simple young man, but at the same time you can't
help thinking how much more finished were the situations in Chaplin's
picture. This, of course, is hardly Mr. Langdon's fault, but rather
that of the half dozen authors who contributed to the gags in his

One of
the passages mindful of Mr. Chaplin's effort is that in which Harry
Logan (Mr. Langdon) climbs over a fence, only to discover that on the
other side is a precipice. He is stopped from falling, from what
appears to be a dizzy height, through his sweater catching on a
single nail. Mr. Chaplin depicted much the same idea in the cabin
sequence in "The Gold Rush" when he swung through the door
while the frail frame structure was balanced on the edge of an
Alaskan ravine. Then in this current picture there is a series of
scenes in which Mr. Langdon battles against a high wind, as Chaplin
did in the cabin, and also a glimpse of flying feathers from a
pillow, similar to that in "The Gold Rush" where Chaplin
was ecstatic over the promise of the girl to dine with him on New
Year's Eve. In each instance the actual fun in the Langdon film is
pictured more mechanically than that in "The Gold Rush."
The scenes in this new photoplay are invariably abrupt in their

[...]>> (Mordaunt
Hall (May 24, 1926) in the New York Times)

Mordaunt Hall en una crítica de la época [la anterior en inglés] hace notar que algunos de los gags de Tramp, Tramp, Tramp son un eco de otros de La quimera del oro de Chaplin (aunque no tan logrados, dice): las plumas de almohadón en la habitación, el gag al borde del precipicio y la batalla contra el viento. Cada cuál juzgue por sí mismo si las semejanzas entre ambas películas son tales y si es necesario compararlas.

Some trivia about the shooting of the film can be found at joancrawfordbest and imdb.


Esta es otra contribución de big_dad_e obtenida en TPB, rip de la edición DVD con la trilogía Harry Langdon... the forgotten clown de Kino Video. Los subtítulos castellanos son una subida de satantango a subdivx, quien dice al respecto de los dos .srt contenidos en ese enlace: <<[...]los subs originales traducidos por style y los corregidos por marlowe62>>.  En los siguientes enlaces acompaña a la película sólo el subtítulo de líneas cortas, renombrado. Los que sepan algo de inglés pueden buscar algún juego de palabras en los intertítulos originales, que se pierde en esa traducción.



Harry Langdon en Arsenevich

The strong man (1926)
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926)

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