
I really have a hard time understanding the purpose of this women’s movement.

Why do these women think that staying home from work is an answer to anything? How would they feel if all men decided to stay home from work? What would happen if there were no police that day and they were robbed or raped? What if their child needed an emergency appendectomy and there was no women surgeon there that day to operate? What if an important piece of mail was not delivered because the mail carrier was a male? What would happen if you missed a job opportunity because the bus driver didn’t drive his route that day? What would happen if the ambulance didn’t show up at the scene of your family members car accident? The same would go for the women causing havoc on people’s lives for absolutely no reason but their own selfishness.

I started in the car business in 1977 when there were no women in it. Sure, I had my share of men looking down their noses at me. I had my share of them telling me a split tail would never run a store. I had my share of advances made. It sure as hell didn’t stop me from achieving my goals. I didn’t focus on what they said I couldn’t do, I focused on what I could. I chose a business in sales because there was no salary ceiling. You were paid on the job you did, not on a given salary. There was a risk but I could earn whatever I worked for. The automobile business provides an equal opportunity for everyone and anyone willing to work hard. Just as the United States of America does. Even more so for minorities with small business and education loans and grants to equal the playing field.

Woman won the right to vote almost 100 years ago. What the heck are some still complaining about? I believe if you set yourself apart like this then you obviously still think you aren’t equal.

And let me say this. God didn’t put everyone on this earth to be the same. He gave us all different talents and abilities to make the whole world perfect. If we all were musicians who would farm or be doctors and lawyers. Every single one of us has different talents. He made a male with more muscle and stronger bodies, he made females softer and able to carry children and give birth. We don’t demand the NBA draft Vietnamese men because it isn’t fair to only have black men on the team. We don’t demand that they draft women. Now if a woman could compete at that level, God bless her. Let her. But it hasn’t happened yet. And NO we shouldn’t make home plate bigger. And NO we shouldn’t make more rules to make things more fair. God made things perfectly fair. We were born for a reason with the talents we have. Use your God given talents to contribute to the world and stop trying to be something you aren’t! If we have to take from someone else to get something, then that in itself isn’t fair.

Hell, I don’t even agree with saying buy from a female owned business tomorrow and I own many. If I don’t compete to earn your business, I don’t deserve to earn it. Period, plain and simple.

If you want to truly be equal in a field you chose to compete in……. then play the game with the rules that exist. Changing the rules to allow you to play just means you never were equal. Play something else!

There are two things I will NEVER be able to do in this lifetime… Sing and throw a baseball. I promise I will never ask anyone to lower the standards so that I may do either at a competitive level.

I will be the best I can be every day with talents the dear Lord gave me and I will never take from another to gain for myself. I will give back to those more unfortunate then myself and help my fellow man in any way I can.

I do not see gender nor do I see color, I see the soul that God allowed to walk the earth. I love each soul as if they were a part of me as they are made from the same light of our Lord.

I know where I will be tomorrow, sitting at my desk being the responsible human being I am. Here for my customers, here for my employees, and here for anyone who might need a car dealer on Wednesday March 8, 2017.

Sandy Fitzgerald-Angello
Vice President/Dealer Operator, Pohanka Automotive Group of Salisbury, Pohanka Insurance Agency,
Cars Made EZ, Angellos Unique Gifts and most importantly…Mom, Nanna and Wife

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